HST Calibration Reference Data System (CRDS)


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Delivery Date Context Status Description
2025-03-10 hst_1220.pmap latest This SPOTTAB update includes new hot spot occurrences that have appeared since September 2022. The positions and locations of the hot spots were determined using an automated code that examines summed, weekly dark exposures in each segment. The COS team confirmed that all of the hot spots are real and also that none of the previous manually flagged spots are omitted. For cases where a hot spot is known to be active during a science exposure only, their positions and time frames were input manually. This SPOTTAB delivery is more comprehensive than those in the past.
2025-03-07 hst_1219.pmap archived These time-dependent WFC3 IR superdark reference files will affect certain IR data taken from HST Cycle 26, beginning on November 5, 2018, to the present. They will replace reference files that contain a small number of pixels that had values of NaN due to an edge case in which all input pixels were rejected for persistence or as bad pixels. A description of the process used to create these files is recorded in the history sections of their headers, as is a list of the individual dark images used to create each file. Additional information on the superdark creation process can be found in WFC3 ISRs by Sunnquist et al., 2019, and Pidgeon and Khandrika, 2024.
2025-03-06 hst_1218.pmap archived Delivering updated ACS WFC CTE-corrected darks, DKCs, that incorporate the new pixel-based serial CTE correction. This serial CTE correction was implemented in the latest version of CALACS, v10.4.0, in December 2024. In the standard calibration pipeline, the new serial, X-direction, CTE correction and the parallel, Y-direction, correction are both run by default on all full-frame WFC exposures obtained post-SM4, i.e., after May 2009. These new post-SM4, CTE-corrected darks utilize both the serial and parallel corrections for optimal calibration.
2025-02-28 hst_1217.pmap archived This new bad pixel table with USEAFTER of January 28, 2025 was generated using data taken from January 28, 2025, through February 25, 2025. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of January 4, 2025. The automated pipeline should now use this reference file as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because it represents the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS bad pixel files were generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST cycle 32 daily monitoring programs 17665 and 17667. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2025-02-28 hst_1216.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from January 28, 2025 to February 22, 2025. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to January 25, 2025. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 32 CAL programs 17665 and 17667. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2025-02-21 hst_1215.pmap archived These four DARKFILEs have been created using 3 years of NUV dark observations each. They have been scaled with temperature- and piecewise-time-scaling functions from an updated TDCTAB which more closely align with the post-SM4 dark rate.
2025-02-21 hst_1214.pmap archived The TDCTAB encodes the scaling relation for STIS NUV DARKFILEs given detector temperature and date. Following monitoring observations of detector performance, we added two additional breakpoints at MJD 60297.29 and 60478.63. We applied a global linear temperature fit to these time periods, and fit a dual exponential model to each time window. The newly corrected discontinuities in the dark rate occurred due to instrument temperature swings during safing events. New DARKFILEs files derived using this TDCTAB are being delivered concurrently for reprocessing the post-SM4 STIS NUV-MAMA archive. While TDCTAB changes quantitatively affect only data taken after 2023-12-19, the corresponding DARKFILEs will include data back to 2012-06-27.
2025-02-21 hst_1213.pmap archived Delivery of new STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for CCD data taken between January 22 and February 19, 2025. The files were generated from data taken in the same time frame under STIS calibration programs 17632 and 17629.
2025-02-17 hst_1212.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on February 11, 2025, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between January 18, 2024 and February 11, 2025.
2025-02-05 hst_1211.pmap archived This new bad pixel table with USEAFTER of January 4, 2025 was generated using data taken from January 5, 2025, through January 27, 2025. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of December 3, 2024. The automated pipeline should now use this reference file as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because it represents the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS bad pixel files were generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST cycle 32 daily monitoring programs 17665 and 17667. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2025-02-05 hst_1210.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from January 4, 2025 to January 25, 2025. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to January 1, 2025. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 32 CAL programs 17665 and 17667. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2025-02-03 hst_1209.pmap archived Since 2019, IR bad pixel tables and superdarks incorporate a new time dependence characteristic to the pixel quality for better calibration and flagging and tracking bad pixel behavior. These behaviors include hot and unstable pixels and whether any bad pixel has regained its stability since launch. One new bad pixel table is present for data obtained through Cycle 31 with a USEAFTER date of December 22, 2023. Since launch, a litany of circular aberrant regions called blobs have appeared in IR images. These blobs are regions of lower sensitivity that appear due to bits of epoxy from the CSM motor shafts depositing onto the mirror. Tracking and flagging these blobs in the IR bad pixel table is therefore imperative so that they may be masked in any science images where they may appear. Information regarding blobs can be found in WFC3 ISR 2018 06. The two most recent blobs appeared on MJD 59378 and 59860, which are corrected in the previous IR bad pixel table. This table presents no new IR blobs that were not already corrected for in previous IR bad pixel tables.
2025-01-27 hst_1208.pmap archived Delivery of new STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for CCD data taken between December 26, 2024 and January 22, 2025. The files were generated from data taken in the same time frame under STIS calibration programs 17632 and 17629.
2025-01-24 hst_1207.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on January 18, 2025, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between December 19, 2024 and January 18, 2025.
2025-01-24 hst_1206.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on December 19, 2024, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between November 19, 2024 and December 19, 2024.
2025-01-14 hst_1205.pmap archived This new bad pixel table with USEAFTER of December 3, 2024 was generated using data taken from December 3, 2024, through January 4, 2025. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of November 4, 2024. The automated pipeline should now use this reference file as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because it represents the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS bad pixel files were generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST cycle 32 daily monitoring programs 17665 and 17667. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2025-01-14 hst_1204.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from December 3, 2024 to January 1, 2025. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to November 30, 2024. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 32 CAL programs 17665 and 17667. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2024-12-30 hst_1203.pmap archived Delivery of new STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for CCD data taken between November 27 and December 26, 2024. The files were generated from data taken in the same time frame under STIS calibration programs 17632 and 17629.
2024-12-17 hst_1202.pmap archived This is the first delivery of a time-dependent photometry lookup table for WFC3/IR. New IR inverse sensitivities incorporate updated CALSPEC models and include corrections for temporal changes in the detector sensitivity derived from 14 years of monitoring data, as described in Marinelli et al. 2024, WFC3 ISR 2024-06. The automated calibration pipeline, calwf3 v3.7.2 or later, now implements a time-dependent IMPHTTAB for IR, so the image header inverse sensitivity keyword, PHOTFLAM, accounts for sensitivity losses of about 0.1 - 0.2 percent per year, depending on filter. These new inverse sensitivities provide an internal photometric precision better than 0.5 percent for all wide-, medium-, and narrow-band filters, as discussed in Calamida et al. 2024, New Time-Dependent WFC3/IR Inverse Sensitivities. For compatibility purposes, the MJD value arrays contain the previously-published inverse sensitivities as a constant.
2024-12-17 hst_1201.pmap archived A new ACS PCTETAB reference file is being delivered, because serial CTE correction is included in CALACS v10.4.0. This new PCTETAB contains the parameters for serial CTE correction along with the existing parallel correction parameters.
2024-12-12 hst_1200.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from November 4, 2024 to November 30, 2024. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to October 31, 2024. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 31 CAL program 17349, and HST Cycle 32 CAL Program 17667. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2024-12-12 hst_1199.pmap archived This new bad pixel table with USEAFTER of November 4, 2024 was generated using data taken from November 4, 2024, through December 3, 2024. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of October 11, 2024. The automated pipeline should now use this reference file as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because it represents the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS bad pixel files were generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST cycle 31 daily monitoring program 17349 and HST cycle 32 programs 17665 and 17667. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2024-12-06 hst_1198.pmap archived A new ACS BPIXTAB reference file is being delivered because new image artifact, or flecks, locations needed to be added. Detector artifacts have been monitored since 2017. During the July-August 2024 monitoring, we noticed a new small fleck on Chip1 of the WFC detector. The pixels in the fleck have lower transmissivity and could affect the photometry of the object if the object falls on these pixels. Therefore, we mark the pixels, below the 50 percent threshold, in this fleck as bad and give them a DQ 4 flag. These bad pixels are now listed in this new BPIXTAB reference file.
2024-11-27 hst_1197.pmap archived Delivery of new STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for CCD data taken between October 31 and November 27, 2024. The files were generated from data taken in the same time frame under STIS calibration programs 17378, 17632, 17376, and 17629.
2024-11-25 hst_1196.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on November 19, 2024, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between October 26, 2024 and November 19, 2024.
2024-11-21 hst_1195.pmap archived This new bad pixel table with USEAFTER of October 11, 2024 was generated using data taken from October 12, 2024, through November 4, 2024. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of September 10, 2024. The automated pipeline should now use this reference file as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because it represents the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS bad pixel files were generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST 31 daily monitoring programs 17345 and 17349. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2024-11-21 hst_1194.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from October 11, 2024 to October 31, 2024. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to October 8, 2024. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 31 CAL program 17349. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2024-11-15 hst_1193.pmap archived Delivery of new STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for CCD data taken between October 2 and October 31, 2024. The files were generated from data taken in the same time frame under STIS calibration programs 17378 and 17376.
2024-10-29 hst_1192.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on October 26, 2024, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between September 23, 2024 and October 26, 2024.
2024-10-18 hst_1191.pmap archived These time-dependent WFC3 IR superdark reference files will affect all IR data taken from HST Cycle 26, beginning on November 5, 2018, to the present. They incorporate several more years of individual IR dark frames than previous references, and make use of updated BPIXTAB files to more accurately represent the dark current in time-dependent hot pixel populations for data taken since the last delivery of IR superdarks. A description of the process used to create these files is recorded in the history sections of their headers, as is a list of the individual dark images used to create each file. Additional information on the superdark creation process can be found in WFC3 ISRs by Sunnquist et al., 2019, and Pidgeon and Khandrika, 2024.
2024-10-17 hst_1190.pmap archived This new bad pixel table with USEAFTER of September 10, 2024 was generated using data taken from September 10, 2024, through October 11, 2024. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of August 13, 2024. The automated pipeline should now use this reference file as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because it represents the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS bad pixel files were generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST 31 daily monitoring programs 17345 and 17349. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2024-10-17 hst_1189.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from September 10, 2024 to October 8, 2024. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to September 7, 2024. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 31 CAL program 17349. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2024-10-09 hst_1188.pmap archived Delivery of new STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for CCD data taken between September 7 and October 2, 2024. The files were generated from data taken in the same time frame under STIS calibration programs 17378 and 17376.
2024-10-08 hst_1187.pmap archived This is an update to the COS NUV TDSTAB reference file for mode G285M, obtained using the Python analysis scripts analyze_files.py and analyse_data.ipynb. In a previous delivery of TDSTAB, the G285M solutions were incorrectly copied over and provided incorrect corrections. The G285M rows are now correctly copied and contain the same solutions used before the introduction of wavelength dependence. The reference file has a USEAFTER date of 2009 May 11, the start of COS NUV operations.
2024-10-03 hst_1186.pmap archived New STIS FUVMAMA throughputs are being delivered for ETC version 33.1. Throughputs are updated due to changes in the FUVMAMA TDSTAB. There are no changes to the NUVMAMA and CCD throughputs, and these files are evaluated to match the MJD evaluation date of ETC version 33.1.
2024-10-03 hst_1185.pmap archived Updated COS synphot files for ETC 33.1. These include throughput changes due to updating the NUV TDSTAB. These are evaluated at MJD 61131.
2024-09-30 hst_1184.pmap archived This new bad pixel table with USEAFTER of August 13, 2024 was generated using data taken from August 14, 2024, through September 9, 2024. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of July 15, 2024. The automated pipeline should now use this reference file as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because it represents the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS bad pixel files were generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST 31 daily monitoring programs 17345 and 17349. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2024-09-26 hst_1183.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from August 13, 2024 to August 10, 2024. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to September 7, 2024. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 31 CAL programs 17345 and 17349. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2024-09-26 hst_1182.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated follow the ACS WFC anneal on September 23, 2024, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between August 31, 2024 and September 23, 2024.
2024-09-16 hst_1181.pmap archived New ACS WFC synphot throughput tables are being delivered with a new extrapolation date for ETC 33.1. The default THROUGHPUT column in the WFC detector throughput tables was updated to match the extrapolation date. This ensures ETC calculations agree with pysynphot calculations that do not specify an MJD.
2024-09-09 hst_1180.pmap archived Delivery of new STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for CCD data taken between April 17 and June 17, 2024. The files were generated from data taken in the same time frame under STIS calibration programs 17378 and 17376.
2024-09-09 hst_1179.pmap archived A recent analysis showed that the Lyman alpha gain sag holes on COS FUVB at LP5, which also appear at LP6, have gotten wider and are no longer being appropriately flagged. As such, a new COS GSAGTAB was delivered to account for these larger holes.
2024-09-05 hst_1178.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated follow the ACS WFC anneal on August 31, 2024, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between August 04, 2024 and August 31, 2024.
2024-08-22 hst_1177.pmap archived The new build of CalCOS applies a Y walk correction that is a function of YCORR rather than XCORR, as was previously the case. This means that the COS YWLKFILE must have dimensions 1024x32 instead of 16384x32. The COS YWLKFILE we are delivering here was previously delivered to crds-test as part of hst_1165.pmap, and used for regression testing, so we know this reference file works with the new build of CalCOS. In a few months, we will replace this COS YWLKFILE with a YWLKFILE that applies a correction that is dependent on the YCORR coordinate. This file affects all COS FUV data taken in TIME-TAG mode.
2024-08-21 hst_1176.pmap archived This new bad pixel table with USEAFTER of July 15, 2024 was generated using data taken from July 16, 2024, through August 13, 2024. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of June 15, 2024. The automated pipeline should now use this reference file as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because it represents the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS bad pixel files were generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST 31 daily monitoring programs 17345, 17348, and 17349. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2024-08-21 hst_1175.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from July 15, 2024 to August 10, 2024. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to July 13, 2024. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 31 CAL program 17349. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2024-08-12 hst_1174.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on August 4, 2024, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between July 8, 2024 and August 4, 2024.
2024-08-09 hst_1173.pmap archived Delivery of new STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for CCD data taken between June 17 and August 9, 2024. The files were generated from data taken in the same time frame under STIS calibration programs 17378, 17375, and 17376.
2024-08-09 hst_1172.pmap archived This new bad pixel table with USEAFTER of June 15, 2024 was generated using data taken from June 16, 2024, through July 15, 2024. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of May 14, 2024. The automated pipeline should now use this reference file as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because it represents the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS bad pixel files were generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST 31 daily monitoring programs 17345 and 17348. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2024-08-08 hst_1171.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from June 15, 2024 to July 11, 2024. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to June 14, 2024. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 31 CAL program 17348. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2024-07-29 hst_1170.pmap archived The new build of CalCOS, which is in the process of being installed into the operational pipeline, applies a sensitivity correction based on detector HV for the FUV. It, therefore, requires a COS HVDSTAB reference file that describes what this correction should be. Once the new CalCOS build is installed, the new keyword rules will set this file. However, the HVDSTAB we are delivering here is merely a DUMMY file that results in no actual correction. This file will eventually be replaced when the COS team finishes deriving all new FUV reference files as part of the post-walk/geo correction calibration effort. This file has already been delivered to CRDS-TEST and used for regression testing.
2024-07-24 hst_1169.pmap archived This new bad pixel table with USEAFTER of May 14, 2024 was generated using data taken from May 15, 2024, through June 15, 2024. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of April 01, 2024. The automated pipeline should now use this reference file as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because it represents the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS bad pixel files were generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST 31 daily monitoring programs 17345 and 17348. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2024-07-12 hst_1168.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on July 8, 2024, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between June 14, 2024 and July 8, 2024.
2024-07-12 hst_1167.pmap archived Delivering an initial rmap for new COS HVDSTAB reference file type.
2024-07-08 hst_1166.pmap archived Update to the COS NUV TDSTAB reference file for all modes, obtained using Python analysis scripts analyze_files.py, analysize_data.ipynb. A wavelength dependence was introduced to all supported modes and slopes were updated to model data up to August 2023. The file was tested by comparing all TDS observations since May 2009 to a reference model and by comparing NUV TA observations since September 2013 to remove sensitivity loss over time. The reference file has a USEAFTER date of 2009 May 11, the start of COS NUV operations.
2024-07-03 hst_1165.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from May 14, 2024 to June 14, 2024. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to May 11, 2024. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 31 CAL program 17348. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2024-07-01 hst_1164.pmap archived Updating TDSTAB reference files to reflect the latest time-dependent sensitivity trends for the NUVMAMA and CCD. For the NUVMAMA, new breakpoints were added at 01-01-2022 and 01-01-2024 to accommodate a drop in sensitivity--as low as 5 percent--between 1800 and 2100 angstroms. Due to uncertainty in how the NUVMAMA will behave after 01-01-2024, the slope after that time was made 0.0 in the 1600-1700 angstrom and 1800-2100 angstrom ranges until further data is available. All other NUVMAMA wavelength bins use the same slope after the 01-01-2024 breakpoint as the 01-01-2022 breakpoint. For the CCD, a new breakpoint was added at 01-01-2022 for only G230LB, G230MB, and MIRVIS to accommodate the same issue at the same wavelength range, 1800 to 2100 angstroms. The new CCD slopes post-2022 are extrapolated out for all wavelength bins.
2024-07-01 hst_1163.pmap archived A new ACS SBC IMPHTTAB is being delivered with updated data after newly acquired observations were taken on the 18th and 22th of Mar 2024 as part of CAL ACS program 17338. This delivery also includes observations from Cy30 taken on 14 Mar 2023 as part of CAL ACS program 16975.
2024-06-21 hst_1162.pmap archived Delivery of new STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for CCD data taken between April 17 and June 17, 2024. The files were generated from data taken in the same time frame under STIS calibration programs 17377, 17378, and 17375.
2024-06-18 hst_1161.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on June 14, 2024, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between May 15, 2024 and June 14, 2024.
2024-06-07 hst_1160.pmap archived The STIS NUV-MAMA Dark Correction Table, or TDCTAB, encodes the scaling factor to be applied to the NUV-MAMA 2D DARKFILE as a function of MJD and detector temperature. Given additional monitoring datasets, we have refit the last bin in the previous TDCTAB and added two additional time bins, adopting a shared temperature linear slope within these time periods. Break points correspond to temporary increases in detector dark rate due to temperature fluctuations during instrument safing events and fits model the exponential decay of the dark rate. Data taken starting in late 2023 are not well characterized in this delivery and will be refit once additional dark monitoring data are available.
2024-06-03 hst_1159.pmap archived This new bad pixel table with USEAFTER of April 01, 2024 was generated using data taken from April 02, 2024, through May 14, 2024. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of March 09, 2024. The automated pipeline should now use this reference file as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because it represents the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS bad pixel files were generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST 31 daily monitoring programs 17345 and 17348. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2024-06-03 hst_1158.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from April 1, 2024 to May 11, 2024. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to March 28, 2024. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 31 CAL programs 17345 and 17348. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2024-05-20 hst_1157.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on May 15, 2024, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between March 25, 2024 and May 15, 2024.
2024-05-15 hst_1156.pmap archived Since 2019, IR bad pixel tables and superdarks incorporate a new time dependence characteristic to the pixel quality for better calibration and flagging and tracking bad pixel behavior. These behaviors include hot and unstable pixels and whether any bad pixel has regained its stability since launch. Two new bad pixel tables are present here for data obtained through Cycles 29 and 30 with USEAFTER dates of November 29 2021 and November 05 2022, respectively. In addition, an error has been identified that overflags cold and unstable pixels in the current bad pixel table that uses cycle 28 data, 61s2016oibpx.fits. This error may affect the science of observations, and a new cycle 28 ir bad pixel table with the same USEAFTER of November 5 2020 that address and resolves this issue is presented here to replace 61s2016oibpx.fits. Information regarding pixel history and updates to the bad pixel table can be found in WFC3 ISRs 2019 03, 2019 04. Since launch, a litany of circular aberrant regions called blobs have appeared in IR images. These blobs are regions of lower sensitivity that appear due to bits of epoxy from the CSM motor shafts depositing onto the mirror. Tracking and flagging these blobs in the IR bad pixel table is therefore imperative so that they may be masked in any science images where they may appear. Information regarding blobs can be found in WFC3 ISR 2018 06. The two most recent blobs appeared on MJD 59378 and 59860. The existing table for the blob that appeared in MJD 59378, with a useafter of June 13 2021, uses Cycle 27 bad pixel data, though it appeared during Cycle 28. Likewise the existing table for the blob that appeared on 59860 MJD with a useafter of October 8 2022, uses Cycle 27 bad pixel data though they appeared during Cycle 29. These two bad pixel tables are being updated to reflect the bad pixel history concurrent with the appearance of the blob, such that the Cycle 28, useafter June 13 2021, blob contains Cycle 28 bad pixel data, and the Cycle 29 blob, useafter October 08 2022, blob contains Cycle 29 bad pixel data. In total, 5 bad pixel tables are being delivered, two new bad pad pixel tables using Cycle 29 and 30 data, and three new tables using Cycle 28 and 29 to replace the ones currently in CRDS. Additional information regarding these deliveries can be found in WFC3 ISR 2024 02.
2024-04-22 hst_1155.pmap archived Delivery of new STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for CCD data taken between January 24 and March 19, 2024. The files were generated from data taken in the same time frame under STIS calibration programs 17377 and 17375.
2024-04-19 hst_1154.pmap archived Updated ACS SBC TDS synphot throughput files are being delivered that adjust the system throughput to reflect the changing sensitivity of the detector. These files are being delivered with new sensitivity measurements taken 2024 Mar 18, and are extrapolated to 2026-04-01. The default THROUGHPUT column matches that of the extrapolation date.
2024-04-18 hst_1153.pmap archived These three new bad pixel tables with USEAFTERs of January 08, 2024, February 07, 2024, and March 09, 2024 were generated using data taken from January 08, 2024, through April 01, 2024. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of December 07, 2023. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because they represent the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS bad pixel files were generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST 31 daily monitoring programs 17345, 17347, and 17348. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2024-04-16 hst_1152.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from December 7, 2023, to March 28, 2024. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to December 7, 2023. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 31 CAL programs 17345, 17347, and 17348. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2024-04-05 hst_1151.pmap archived Delivery of new STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for CCD data taken between January 24 and March 19, 2024. The files were generated from data taken in the same time frame under STIS calibration programs 17377, 17374, and 17375.
2024-04-05 hst_1150.pmap archived Delivery of corrected STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for CCD data taken between February 23 to March 8 and July 27 to August 25, 2023. The files were generated from data taken in the same time frame under STIS calibration programs 16949, 16950, and 16946. The sets of input files were corrected to better match the reference file USEAFTER dates.
2024-04-02 hst_1149.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on March 25, 2024, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between February 26, 2024 and March 25, 2024.
2024-03-29 hst_1148.pmap archived New STIS NUVMAMA and CCD throughputs are being delivered for ETC version 32.2. Throughputs are updated due to changes in the NUVMAMA and CCD TDSTABs. There are no changes to the FUVMAMA throughputs, and these files are evaluated to match the MJD evaluation date of ETC version 32.2.
2024-03-28 hst_1147.pmap archived Updated COS FUV synphot files for ETC 32.2. These include throughput changes due to updating the FUV FLUXTAB and TDSTAB. No NUV updates at this time. These are evaluated at MJD 60766.
2024-03-19 hst_1146.pmap archived Update to the COS FUV TDSTAB and FLUXTAB reference files for all modes, obtained using python analysis scripts cos_tds_analysis.py, make_tds_reference.py. A new breakpoint was introduced at 2023.2 and slopes were updated to model data up to January 2024. The file was tested by comparing all TDS observations since SM4 to a reference model. The TDSTAB file needs to be used with the new FLUXTABs for LP2, LP3, LP4, LP5, and LP6 which have sensitivities backed out using the updated TDS parameters, and which were delivered on the same date. These reference files have a USEAFTER date of 2017 October 2, the start of routine operations at LP4.
2024-03-19 hst_1145.pmap archived These new 2023 WFC3 UVIS postflash files were created in the same manner as detailed in WFC3 ISR 2023-01 for postflashed UVIS data taken in 2023. They were created with data from postflash calibration proposals 16982 and 17351. They include reference files for both shutters, A and B, and for both low and medium current. Two main tests were done, first a check of the changes from the previously submitted 2022 postflash files and second that the calwf3 pipeline is able to use them for proper application on UVIS data. All results were as expected.
2024-03-08 hst_1144.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on February 26, 2024, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between January 30, 2024 and February 26, 2024.
2024-03-08 hst_1143.pmap archived To update WFI throughput files used by synphot to match the ones used by Webbpsf and Pandeia. To update the element name from W146 to F146.
2024-03-08 hst_1142.pmap archived In order to deliver new ROMAN synphot throughput tables and TMG file, the existing TMC and TMG files in CRDS are being updated to remove the entry for roman_wfi_w146, because the element name W146 is being updated to F146.
2024-03-08 hst_1141.pmap archived Deleting the synphot througput file roman_wfi_w146_002_syn.fits to prepare for the delivery of a replacement file, that will use the element name F146 instead.
2024-02-19 hst_1140.pmap archived A new post-flash reference file, FLSHFILE, is being delivered because new post-flash calibration data was taken in Nov 2023 as part of proposal 17343. The raw darks were separated by EXPTIME and FLASHDUR and combined with ACSREJ to create short and long-flashed superdarks. These superdarks were differenced and scaled to create an intermediate data product that was then smoothed with a local median filter and renormalized to produce the final post-flash reference file. This reference file is to be used in the calibration of post-flashed data taken after July 01 2023.
2024-02-15 hst_1139.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on January 30, 2024, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between January 5, 2024 and January 30, 2024.
2024-02-12 hst_1138.pmap archived Delivery of new STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for CCD data taken between December 22, 2023 and January 24, 2024. The files were generated from data taken in the same time frame under STIS calibration programs 17377 and 17374. Week 02 reference files were skipped due to instrument safings, as they spanned the safing events and did not correspond to any STIS science datasets. Only one gain 4 bias is available as well.
2024-01-30 hst_1137.pmap archived These two new bad pixel tables with USEAFTERs of October 24, 2023, and December 07, 2023 were generated using data taken from October 25, 2023, through January 07, 2024. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of September 26, 2023. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because they represent the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS bad pixel files were generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST 30 daily monitoring programs 16967 and 17005 as well as cycle 31 programs 17345 and 17347. These two bad pixel tables were created using darks calibrated with the yearly postflash file. See WFC3 ISR 2023.01 for information about yearly postflash files. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2024-01-24 hst_1136.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from July 9, 2023, to December 7, 2023. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to July 5, 2023. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 30 and 31 daily monitor programs 16967, 17004, 17005, 17345, and 17347. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2024-01-09 hst_1135.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on January 05, 2024, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between December 08, 2023 and January 05, 2024.
2024-01-04 hst_1134.pmap archived Delivery of new STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for CCD data taken between November 16 and December 22 2023. The files were generated from data taken in the same time frame under STIS calibration programs 17377 and 17374. Fewer gain 4 bias reads than typical are available due to instrument safings, giving an elevated noise level in the gain 4 superbias. However, this file is not used by any science observations within this annealing period. The sole superdark and gain 1 superbias were expanded slightly to encompass all reads.
2024-01-04 hst_1133.pmap archived For COS NUV G230L, cenwave 2635, exposure lev0l2geq, the planned exposure time was 540 s. However, the target began to drift out of the aperture after 155 s, and the counts dropped to 0 by 162 s. This update to the COS BADTTAB excludes the period beginning on that day at 13h09m07s, 154.1 s into the exposure and just before the target was lost, and ending at 13h19m07s, just before the next exposure began, when the target was back in the aperture.
2023-12-22 hst_1132.pmap archived In the most recent delivery of WFC3 UVIS darks, there was a slight mismatch in USEAFTERs that caused two old files to not be replaced. We are removing 6aa1643ai_drk.fits and 6aa1641ei_dkc.fits from the rmap so that the new correct files will be used instead.
2023-12-21 hst_1131.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from September 1, 2022, to November 22, 2022. These drk and dkc reference files were generated using dark exposures from HST programs 16564, 16568, 16967, and 17003. These files will replace existing references. The automated pipeline shoud now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction for any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they have been reprocessed using a new time-dependent post-flash calibration, outlined in WFC3 ISR 2023-01, and represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for data using this new calibration. The header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process and data used to create each file. More information on the process can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08.
2023-12-20 hst_1130.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from December 21, 2021, to August 29, 2022. These drk and dkc reference files were generated using dark exposures from HST programs 16564, 16566, 16567, and 16568. These files will replace existing references. The automated pipeline shoud now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction for any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they have been reprocessed using a new time-dependent post-flash calibration, outlined in WFC3 ISR 2023-01, and represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for data using this new calibration. The header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process and data used to create each file. More information on the process can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08.
2023-12-20 hst_1129.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from January 23, 2021, to December 18, 2021. These drk and dkc reference files were generated using dark exposures from HST programs 16394, 16395, 16396, 16414, 16564, and 16566. These files will replace existing references. The automated pipeline shoud now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction for any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they have been reprocessed using a new time-dependent post-flash calibration, outlined in WFC3 ISR 2023-01, and represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for data using this new calibration. The header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process and data used to create each file. More information on the process can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08.
2023-12-19 hst_1128.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from April 16, 2020, to January 20, 2021. These drk and dkc reference files were generated using dark exposures from HST programs 15712, 15715, 15716, 16394, and 16414. These files will replace existing references. The automated pipeline shoud now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction for any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they have been reprocessed using a new time-dependent post-flash calibration, outlined in WFC3 ISR 2023-01, and represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for data using this new calibration. The header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process and data used to create each file. More information on the process can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08.
2023-12-13 hst_1127.pmap archived New ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE-dark, and sink files are being delivered for the October 11, 2023, anneal period. The calibration frames from 2023-11-06 were mistakenly left out of the previous reference file creation. These files were remade and now include the missing 2023-11-06 calibration frames.
2023-12-13 hst_1126.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on December 08, 2023, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between November 07, 2023 and December 08, 2023. Due to the erratic behavior of Gyro 3, HST entered safe mode on November 19, 2023. This resulted in references for the November 07, 2023, anneal period to have less than the average number of calibration exposures, affecting some reference file statistics in an expected manner.
2023-12-04 hst_1125.pmap archived These files are replaced by 7c41811ji_dkc.fits and 7c41802ji_drk.fits, which were generated using a raw dark file that was not used for the current references, but should have been.
2023-12-04 hst_1124.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from August 5, 2019, to April 14, 2020. These drk and dkc reference files were generated using dark exposures from HST programs 15567, 15571, 15712, 15714, and 15715. These files will replace existing references. The automated pipeline shoud now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction for any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they have been reprocessed using a new time-dependent post-flash calibration, outlined in WFC3 ISR 2023-01, and represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for data using this new calibration. The header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process and data used to create each file. More information on the process can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08.
2023-11-30 hst_1123.pmap archived Delivery of new STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for CCD data taken between October 19 2023 and November 16 2023. The files were generated from data taken in the same time frame under STIS calibration programs 16950, 17377, 16948, and 17374.
2023-11-17 hst_1122.pmap archived Updating the single entry in the COS BADTTAB rmap to use NA for DETECTOR, so that this reference file will apply to all COS data - NUV and FUV. A new BADTTAB file will be delivered after this to replace the existing entry with an updated version.
2023-11-16 hst_1121.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from October 1, 2018, to August 2, 2019. These drk and dkc reference files were generated using dark exposures from HST programs 14978, 14982, 15567, 15569, 15570, and 15571. These files will replace existing references. The automated pipeline shoud now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction for any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they have been reprocessed using a new time-dependent post-flash calibration, outlined in WFC3 ISR 2023-01, and represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for data using this new calibration. The header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process and data used to create each file. More information on the process can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08.
2023-11-14 hst_1120.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from December 26, 2017, to September 28, 2018. These drk and dkc reference files were generated using dark exposures from HST programs 14978, 14980, 14981, and 14982. These files will replace existing references. The automated pipeline shoud now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction for any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they have been reprocessed using a new time-dependent post-flash calibration, outlined in WFC3 ISR 2023-01, and represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for data using this new calibration. The header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process and data used to create each file. More information on the process can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08.
2023-11-14 hst_1119.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on November 7, 2023, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between October 11, 2023 and November 7, 2023.
2023-11-13 hst_1118.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from March 20, 2017, to December 23, 2017. These drk and dkc reference files were generated using dark exposures from HST programs 14529, 14532, 14533, 14978, and 14980. These files will replace existing references. The automated pipeline shoud now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction for any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they have been reprocessed using a new time-dependent post-flash calibration, outlined in WFC3 ISR 2023-01, and represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for data using this new calibration. The header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process and data used to create each file. More information on the process can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08.
2023-11-10 hst_1117.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from June 15, 2016, to March 17, 2017. These drk and dkc reference files were generated using dark exposures from HST programs 14366, 14369, 14370, 14529, 14531, and 14532. These files will replace existing references. The automated pipeline shoud now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction for any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they have been reprocessed using a new time-dependent post-flash calibration, outlined in WFC3 ISR 2023-01, and represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for data using this new calibration. The header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process and data used to create each file. More information on the process can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08.
2023-11-10 hst_1116.pmap archived Updated ACS/SBC TDS files are being delivered that adjust the system throughput to reflect the changing sensitivity of the detector. These files are being delivered with new sensitivity measurements taken 2023 Mar 14, and are extrapolated to 2025-04-01. The default THROUGHPUT column matches that of the extrapolation date.
2023-11-09 hst_1115.pmap archived Updated COS synphot throughput files for ETC 32.1. These include throughput changes due to updating the FUV FLUXTAB and TDSTAB. These are evaluated at MJD=60766.
2023-11-08 hst_1114.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from October 5, 2015, to June 12, 2016. These drk and dkc reference files were generated using dark exposures from HST programs 14004, 14366, 14368, and 14369. These files will replace existing references. The automated pipeline shoud now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction for any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they have been reprocessed using a new time-dependent post-flash calibration, outlined in WFC3 ISR 2023-01, and represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for data using this new calibration. The header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process and data used to create each file. More information on the process can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08.
2023-11-06 hst_1113.pmap archived New STIS throughputs are being delivered to update the synphot default MJD evaluation date, matching ETC version 32.1.
2023-11-06 hst_1112.pmap archived These four new bad pixel tables with USEAFTERs of July 09, 2023, August 01, 2023, August 31, 2023, September 26, 2023 were generated using data taken from July 9, 2023, through October 24, 2023. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of June 9, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use this reference file as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because they represent the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS bad pixel files were generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST 30 daily monitoring programs 16967, 17004, and 17005. These four bad pixel tables were generated using darks calibrated with the yearly postflash file. See WFC3 ISR 2023.01 for information about yearly postflash files. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2023-11-03 hst_1111.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from December 4, 2014, to October 2, 2015. These drk and dkc reference files were generated using dark exposures from HST programs 14000, 14002, 14003, and 14004. These files will replace existing references. The automated pipeline shoud now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction for any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they have been reprocessed using a new time-dependent post-flash calibration, outlined in WFC3 ISR 2023-01, and represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for data using this new calibration. The header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process and data used to create each file. More information on the process can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08.
2023-11-02 hst_1110.pmap archived This is the first official delivery of the WFC3 UVIS saturation map, sat, files, which will affect all full-frame and subarray UVIS data. The 1x1 saturation reference file will be applied to all 1x1 un-binned and subarray data. The 2x2 and 3x3 saturation file will be applied to all 2x2 and 3x3 binned data, respectively. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform full-well saturation flagging on all WFC3/UVIS datasets to prepare them for spatially-variable full-well flagging. More information regarding the creation of the saturation map reference files can be found in an upcoming WFC3 Instrument Science Report by I. Rivera, M. Marinelli, J. Mack, 2023.
2023-10-31 hst_1109.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from March 28, 2014, to December 1, 2014. These drk and dkc reference files were generated using dark exposures from HST programs 13554, 13557, 13558, and 14002. These files will replace existing references. The automated pipeline shoud now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction for any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they have been reprocessed using a new time-dependent post-flash calibration, outlined in WFC3 ISR 2023-01, and represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for data using this new calibration. The header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process and data used to create each file. More information on the process can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08.
2023-10-27 hst_1108.pmap archived Updated ACS WFC synphot throughput tables are being delivered with a new extrapolation date for ETC 32.1. The default THROUGHPUT column in the WFC detector throughput tables was updated to match the extrapolation date. This ensures ETC calculations agree with pysynphot calculations that do not specify an MJD.
2023-10-27 hst_1107.pmap archived Initial delivery of WFC3 SATUFILE rmap for CRDS OPS
2023-10-25 hst_1106.pmap archived Delivery of new STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for CCD data taken between September 22 2023 and October 19 2023. The files were generated from data taken in the same time frame under STIS calibration programs 16950 and 16948.
2023-10-25 hst_1105.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from July 18, 2013, to March 25, 2014. These drk and dkc reference files were generated using dark exposures from HST programs 13071, 13076, 13554, 13556, and 13557. These files will replace existing references. The automated pipeline shoud now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction for any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they have been reprocessed using a new time-dependent post-flash calibration, outlined in WFC3 ISR 2023-01, and represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for data using this new calibration. The header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process and data used to create each file. More information on the process can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08.
2023-10-23 hst_1104.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from November 8, 2012, to July 14, 2013. These drk and dkc reference files were generated using dark exposures from HST programs 13071, 13073, 13074, and 13075. These files will replace existing references. The automated pipeline shoud now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction for any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they have been reprocessed using a new time-dependent post-flash calibration, outlined in WFC3 ISR 2023-01, and represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for data using this new calibration. The header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process and data used to create each file. More information on the process can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08.
2023-10-16 hst_1103.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on October 11, 2023, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between September 17, 2023 and October 11, 2023.
2023-10-11 hst_1102.pmap archived Delivery of new STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for CCD data taken between August 25 2023 and September 22 2023. The files were generated from data taken in the same time frame under STIS calibration programs 16950 and 16948. The CCD housing temperature fluctuated more than typical during this annealing period due to a STIS safing event. To compensate for this, weekdarks were derived from temperature-filtered data to better match science observations taken in the same time period.
2023-09-19 hst_1101.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on September 17, 2023, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between August 15, 2023 and September 17, 2023.
2023-09-18 hst_1100.pmap archived Delivery of new STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for CCD data taken between July 27 2023 and August 25 2023. The files were generated from data taken in the same time frame under STIS calibration programs 16950 and 16948. The CCD housing temperature fluctuated this more than typical this annealing period due to two STIS safing events. To compensate for this, the third gain 1 weekdark was derived from temperature-filtered data to better match science observations taken in the same time period.
2023-08-21 hst_1099.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on August 15, 2023, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between July 19, 2023 and August 15, 2023.
2023-08-18 hst_1098.pmap archived Delivery of new STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for CCD data taken between June 29 2023 and July 27 2023. The files were generated from data taken in the same time frame under STIS calibration programs 16950, 16947, and 16948.
2023-08-16 hst_1097.pmap archived Update to the COS FUV TDSTAB and FLUXTAB reference files for all modes. New breakpoints were introduced at 2020.6 and 2022.0 and slopes were updated to model data up to March 2023. The file was tested by comparing all TDS observations since SM4 to a reference model. The TDSTAB file needs to be used with the new FLUXTABs for LP2, LP3, LP4, LP5, and LP6 which have sensitivities backed out using the updated TDS parameters, and which were delivered on the same date. These reference files have a USEAFTER date of 2017 October 2, the start of routine operations at LP4.
2023-08-15 hst_1096.pmap archived Delivering updated darkfile and drkcfile rmaps following the delivery of new ACS WFC darks and CTE-darks. The new dark reference files use CCDGAIN = -1, which expands to gain values of 0.5, 1.0, 1.4, 2.0, 4.0, and 8.0 upon ingestion into CRDS. The existing rmaps had these gain values for post-2015 entries, but were different for pre-2015 entries, resulting in the old pre-2015 reference files not being replaced properly. We have removed the files that should have been replaced and use the correct set of gain values in these updated rmaps.
2023-08-15 hst_1095.pmap archived These new ACS WFC dark and CTE-corrected dark reference files, affecting both pre- and post-SM4 data, are being delivered because of several improvements to the ACS Reference File Pipeline. As detailed in ACS ISR 2022-07, very hot pixels, those with dark current greater than 20 e-/s, do not accumulate dark current at a constant rate over the course of an exposure. These pixels are known as fading hot pixels, and are least likely to be properly dark-corrected with CALACS. Therefore, the pipeline was updated to flag these pixels with DQ flag 32 in the dark reference files to deem them unusable for science purposes. Saturated pixels, A-to-D and full-well, are now also being flagged in the dark reference files with DQ flag 512. Post-2015 superdarks had an exposure time issue where the EXPTIME used for normalization was 999.4842s, not 999.9921s as it should have been. The EXPTIME has since been corrected and implemented in these new superdarks. Finally, the pipeline was updated to set FIXROCR in the local PCTETAB to zero after it was concluded that this extra step in the CTE correction algorithm was not needed when stacking several darks together, which is the process when creating dark reference files in the reference file pipeline.
2023-08-15 hst_1094.pmap archived One ACS WFC darkfile, 78f18166j_drk.fits, was ingested with the wrong useafter date and did not replace the old darkfile as intended. Deleting this file and delivering the corrected version with the next batch of darks.
2023-08-15 hst_1093.pmap archived These new ACS WFC dark and CTE-corrected dark reference files, affecting both pre- and post-SM4 data, are being delivered because of several improvements to the ACS Reference File Pipeline. As detailed in ACS ISR 2022-07, very hot pixels, those with dark current greater than 20 e-/s, do not accumulate dark current at a constant rate over the course of an exposure. These pixels are known as fading hot pixels, and are least likely to be properly dark-corrected with CALACS. Therefore, the pipeline was updated to flag these pixels with DQ flag 32 in the dark reference files to deem them unusable for science purposes. Saturated pixels, A-to-D and full-well, are now also being flagged in the dark reference files with DQ flag 512. Post-2015 superdarks had an exposure time issue where the EXPTIME used for normalization was 999.4842s, not 999.9921s as it should have been. The EXPTIME has since been corrected and implemented in these new superdarks. Finally, the pipeline was updated to set FIXROCR in the local PCTETAB to zero after it was concluded that this extra step in the CTE correction algorithm was not needed when stacking several darks together, which is the process when creating dark reference files in the reference file pipeline.
2023-08-14 hst_1092.pmap archived These eight new bad pixel tables with USEAFTERs of November 26 2022, December 22 2022, January 20 2023, February 16 2023, March 18 2023, April 15 2023, May 10 2023, June 09 2023, were generated using data taken from November 26, 2022 through July 08, 2023. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of October 24, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use this reference file as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because they represent the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS bad pixel files were generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST 30 daily monitoring programs 16967, 17003, and 17004. These eight bad pixel tables, and all future bad pixel tables, are generated using darks calibrated with the yearly postflash file. Seeing WFC3 ISR 2023.01 for info about yearly postflash files. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2023-08-14 hst_1091.pmap archived These eight new bad pixel tables with USEAFTERs of November 26 2022, December 22 2022, January 20 2023, February 16 2023, March 18 2023, April 15 2023, May 10 2023, June 09 2023, were generated using data taken from November 25, 2022 through July 08, 2023. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of October 24, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use this reference file as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because they represent the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS bad pixel files were generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST 30 daily monitoring programs 16967, 17003, and 17004. These eight bad pixel tables, and all future bad pixel tables, are generated using darks calibrated with the yearly postflash file. Seeing WFC3 ISR 2023.01 for info about yearly postflash files. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2023-08-02 hst_1090.pmap archived Update to FUV TDSTAB and FLUXTAB reference files for all modes. New breakpoints were introduced at 2020.6 and 2022.0 and slopes were updated to model data up to March 2023. The file was tested by comparing all TDS observations since SM4 to a reference model. The TDSTAB file needs to be used with the new FLUXTABs for LP2, LP3, LP4, LP5, and LP6 which have sensitivities backed out using the updated TDS parameters, and which were delivered on the same date. These reference files have a USEAFTER date of 2017 October 2, the start of routine operations at LP4.
2023-07-26 hst_1089.pmap archived Processing of recent SBC data has been skipping PHOTCORR, which populates photometry keywords in the header. The reason is the SBC IMPHTTAB does not provide photometry information past MJD 60035. New SBC time-dependent sensitivity, TDS, throughput tables were delivered for all SBC filters and prisms that extrapolate out to MJD 60401. Now that a new component table, TMC, is available, an updated SBC IMPHTTAB has been generated to fix the issue with PHOTCORR being skipped.
2023-07-25 hst_1088.pmap archived Processing of recent SBC data has been skipping PHOTCORR, which populates photometry keywords in the header. The reason is the SBC IMPHTTAB does not provide photometry information past MJD 60035. New SBC time-dependent sensitivity, TDS, throughput tables have been created and are being delivered for all SBC filters and prisms that extrapolate out to MJD 60401. Once these tables are in CRDS and a new component table, TMC, is available, an updated SBC IMPHTTAB will be generated and delivered.
2023-07-25 hst_1087.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on July 19, 2023, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between June 19, 2023 and July 19, 2023.
2023-07-24 hst_1086.pmap archived The STIS team is delivering reference files corresponding to the third flux recalibration release. These include updated flux files using CALSPECv11 models and new traces for secondary echelle modes. File types being delivered are PHOTTAB, SPCTRTAB, RIPTAB, and IMPHTTAB. See the contemporaneous STAN article for more details.
2023-07-24 hst_1085.pmap archived Updating the STIS NUV TDSTAB reference file to reflect the latest TDS trends. Most changes affect wavelengths greater than 2400 A. Flux calibration improvements at the reddest wavelengths are on order of 1 - 1.5 percent.
2023-07-19 hst_1084.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all CTE-corrected UVIS data taken from November 22, 2022, to July 5, 2023. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to November 22, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 30 programs 16967, 17003, and 17004. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2023-07-18 hst_1083.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from November 22, 2022, to July 5, 2023. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to November 22, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 30 programs 16967, 17003, and 17004. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2023-07-07 hst_1082.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Jun 19, 2023, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between May 24, 2023 and Jun 19, 2023.
2023-07-06 hst_1081.pmap archived Delivery of new STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for CCD data taken between June 1 2023 and June 29 2023. The files were generated from data taken in the same time frame under STIS calibration programs 16950 and 16947.
2023-06-30 hst_1080.pmap archived The previous LP6 XTRACTAB and TWOZXTAB reference files had a background region defined such that a source could contaminate it should it happen to fall inside the BOA, potentially resulting in bad background subtraction. We moved this background region, which resulted in very small tweaks to the TRCETAB and PROFTAB files.
2023-06-28 hst_1079.pmap archived New STIS NUVMAMA Synphot throughput files delivered to support the ETC 31.2 release. The underlying time dependent sensitivity, TDS, file was updated with recent STIS monitoring data from program 16960. This TDS file will be delivered to CRDS in the next few weeks.
2023-06-09 hst_1078.pmap archived Delivery of new STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for CCD data taken between May 2 2023 and June 1 2023. The files were generated from data taken in the same time frame under STIS calibration programs 16947, 16949, and 16950.
2023-05-31 hst_1077.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on May 24, 2023, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Apr 28, 2023 and May 24, 2023.
2023-05-10 hst_1076.pmap archived Delivery of new STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for CCD data taken between April 3 2023 and May 2 2023. The files were generated from data taken in the same time frame under STIS calibration programs 16947 and 16949.
2023-05-05 hst_1075.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Apr 28, 2023, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Mar 27, 2023 and Apr 28, 2023.
2023-04-19 hst_1074.pmap archived These are a delivery of new WFC3 UVIS postflash reference files for data taken after January 1st 2022. The process of creating these time dependent reference files are described in detail in WFC3 ISR 2023 01. Currently the pipeline uses the 2021 post-flash reference files on data taken in 2022 and 2023, this update will apply the post-flash reference file from 2022 to that data instead. They were made from Cycle 29 and 30 from proposals 16570 and 16982.
2023-04-19 hst_1073.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superbias, bia, files will affect all full-frame and subarray 1x1 binned UVIS data. The 2021 superbiases will affect data taken from January 1 - December 31 2021. The 2022 superbiases will affect all data taken after January 1, 2022. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS full-frame and subarray bias reference files up to a USEAFTER date of January 1, 2020. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform bias subtraction on any 1x1 binned UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the residual bias level at the time of the science observation. The 2021 WFC3 UVIS superbias files were generated using bias exposures from the HST Cycle 28 and 29 monitoring programs 16414 and 16564. The 2022 WFC3 UVIS superbias files were generated using bias exposures from the HST Cycle 29 and 30 monitoring programs 16414 and 16967. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS bias calibration reference files can be found in I.Rivera, B.Kuhn, 2023. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a history section listing the datasets used to create each file.
2023-04-14 hst_1072.pmap archived Updating the STIS CCD G750L cenwave 7751 photometric calibration table, PHOTTAB, to use the 2020 March update corresponding to the CALSPECv11 models. Typical flux changes for this mode are expected to be of order less than one percent. For more details, see the upcoming April 2023 STAN.
2023-04-12 hst_1071.pmap archived Delivery of new STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for CCD data taken between March 8 2023 and April 3 2023. The files were generated from data taken in the same time frame under STIS calibration programs 16946, 16947, and 16949.
2023-04-10 hst_1070.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Mar 27, 2023, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Mar 02, 2023 and Mar 27, 2023.
2023-03-21 hst_1069.pmap archived Delivery of new STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for CCD data taken between February 9 2023 and March 8 2023. The files were generated from data taken in the same time frame under STIS calibration programs 16946 and 16949.
2023-03-07 hst_1068.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Mar 02, 2023, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Feb 04, 2023 and Mar 02, 2023.
2023-02-22 hst_1067.pmap archived A new postflash reference file, FLSHFILE, is being delivered because new post-flash calibration data was taken in Nov 2022 as part of proposal 16980. The raw darks were separated by EXPTIME and FLASHDUR and combined with ACSREJ to create short and long-flashed superdarks. These superdarks were differenced and scaled to create an intermediate data product that was then smoothed with a local median filter and renormalized to produce the final postflash file.
2023-02-22 hst_1066.pmap archived These new ACS WFC CCDTABs are being delivered because ACS ISR 2023-01 showed that no corrections are needed to commanding overheads in DARKTIME. These corrections are located in the OVRHFLS and OVRHUFLS columns of the CCDTABs, and are now set to zero.
2023-02-16 hst_1065.pmap archived These STIS CCD superbias and superdark files are being delivered to ensure that STIS CCD data taken between January 11 2023 and February 9 2023 are properly corrected for the effects of bias noise and dark current.
2023-02-08 hst_1064.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Feb 04, 2023, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Jan 07, 2023 and Feb 04, 2023.
2023-01-19 hst_1063.pmap archived This update affects the COS FUV detector GSAGTAB-gain sag table-normal and blue modes reference files. Several regions on the detector have newly gain sagged pixels that CalCOS should exclude from processing. This update addresses these issues for all columns and rows of interest on both FUV segments.
2023-01-13 hst_1062.pmap archived These STIS CCD superbias and superdark files are being delivered to ensure that STIS CCD data taken between December 16 2022 and January 10 2023 are receiving the expected calibration support in correcting for the effects of dark current and bias noise present in the data.
2023-01-12 hst_1061.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Jan 07, 2023, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Dec 10, 2022 and Jan 07, 2023.
2023-01-12 hst_1060.pmap archived A growing number of small, circular regions with slightly decreased sensitivity have appeared in WFC3 IR images throughout the mission. As described in Pirzkal et al. 2010, these so called IR blobs appear due to particulates on the channel select mechanism CSM, the movable mirror that is used to direct light into the IR channel. These particulates are likely cracked epoxy originating from two pins joining the CSM motor shafts to the alignment bellows, therefore, it is critical that blob accumulation is monitored as a growing number of blobs may signify a loosening of these pins, and thus a defective CSM. A new IR bad pixel table delivery must be done if there is a new blob found with relative strength that matches previously flagged blobs. As such, this bad pixel table adds a record of a new blob, number 153, that appeared sometime after the USEAFTER date in the primary header of this file, Oct 08 2022. For further information on the blobs origins, characteristics, and the WFC3 blob monitoring techniques, see WFC3 ISR 2018 06.
2022-12-22 hst_1059.pmap archived These STIS CCD superbias and superdark files are being delivered to ensure that STIS CCD data taken between November 19 2022 and December 16 2022 are receiving the expected calibration support in correcting for the effects of dark current and bias noise present in the data.
2022-12-16 hst_1058.pmap archived Updated the STIS NUV-MAMA RIPTAB and PHOTTABs to better calibrate the E230M cenwaves 1978, 2707, and 2415 using the latest CALSPECv11 models for data after 2009-May-11. Variations of 2-3 percent are expected, depending on wavelength.
2022-12-15 hst_1057.pmap archived Updated COS synphot files for ETC 31.1. These include throughput changes due to updating the NUV FLUXTAB--66r2010dl_phot.fits, and the move of G160M modes to LP6--resulting in new FLUXTAB 69d2108sl_phot.fits. These are evaluated at MJD 60401.
2022-12-13 hst_1056.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Dec 10, 2022, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Nov 12, 2022 and Dec 10, 2022.
2022-12-12 hst_1055.pmap archived New ACS WFC synphot throughput files have been created to update the default THROUGHPUT column to the extrapolation date of ETC 31.1., MJD 60401. This ensures ETC calculations agree with pysynphot calculations that do not specify an MJD.
2022-12-12 hst_1054.pmap archived New STIS throughputs are being delivered to update the synphot default MJD evaluation date, matching ETC version 31.1.
2022-12-08 hst_1053.pmap archived These new WFC3 UVIS postflash reference files, described in detail in WFC3 ISR 2022 09, incorporate a time dependence in order to better calibrate data that has been postflashed. Previously a single reference file was used for all data while taking into account shutter and lamp current, but this has been found to be inaccurate due to changes in the detector sensitivity over time. Now reference files are created from all postflash dark images from a single calendar year, except 2012 which uses some overlap from 2013 to allow a full dataset. These new reference files have been found to better remove postflash applied to data than the previous reference files.
2022-12-07 hst_1052.pmap archived This new bad pixel table, USEAFTER October 24, 2022, was generated using data taken from October 25, 2022 through November 26, 2022. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of September 29, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use this reference file as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because they represent the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. This WFC3 UVIS bad pixel file was generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST Cycle 29 and 30 daily monitoring programs 16564, 16568, 16967, and 17003. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2022-12-07 hst_1051.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks and CTE-corrected superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from October 24, 2022, to November 22, 2022. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to October 22, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 29 daily monitor programs 16564 and 16568, and Cycle 30 programs 16967 and 17003. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2022-11-28 hst_1050.pmap archived These STIS CCD superbias and superdark files are being delivered to ensure that STIS CCD data taken between August 24 2022 and November 19 2022 are receiving the expected calibration support in correcting for the effects of dark current and bias noise present in the data.
2022-11-17 hst_1049.pmap archived These ACS WFC dark and CTE-corrected dark reference files are older versions of files currently in CRDS and need to be deleted from the rmap. These old files must have not been replaced correctly in the last large dark delivery in 2020 due to the CCDGAIN values of -1 expanding to slightly different values -- 0.5, 1.0, 1.4, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0 in new files and 0.5, 1.0, 1.4, 2.0 in old files. The correct expansion going forward is the new one, so the old files must be deleted to reflect this.
2022-11-14 hst_1048.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Nov 12, 2022, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Oct 14, 2022 and Nov 12, 2022.
2022-11-04 hst_1047.pmap archived This new bad pixel table, USEAFTER September 29, 2022, was generated using data taken from September 30, 2022 through October 24, 2022. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of September 1, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use this reference file as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because they represent the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. This WFC3 UVIS bad pixel file was generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST Cycle 29 daily monitoring programs 16564 and 16568. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2022-10-31 hst_1046.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks and CTE-corrected superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from September 29, 2022, to October 22, 2022. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to September 26, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 29 daily monitor programs 16564 and 16568. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2022-10-24 hst_1045.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Oct 14, 2022, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Sep 12, 2022 and Oct 14, 2022.
2022-10-14 hst_1044.pmap archived These STIS CCD superbias and superdark files are being delivered to ensure that STIS CCD data taken between June 29 2022 and August 24 2022 are receiving the expected calibration support in correcting for the effects of dark current and bias noise present in the data. Files for June 29 2022 to July 26 2022 were redelivered to remove a sparse data array in the zeroth extension.
2022-10-10 hst_1043.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks and CTE-corrected superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from September 1, 2022, to September 26, 2022. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to August 29, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 29 daily monitor programs 16564 and 16568. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2022-10-05 hst_1042.pmap archived This new bad pixel table, USEAFTER September 1, 2022, was generated using data taken from September 2, 2022 through September 29, 2022. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of August 6, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use this reference file as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because they represent the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. This WFC3 UVIS bad pixel file was generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST Cycle 29 daily monitoring programs 16564 and 16568. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2022-09-22 hst_1041.pmap archived In preparation for the LP6 era, we needed to update the COS FUV BPIXTAB reference file to search for new low- DQ=1024 -and very low- DQ=16 -response regions in the LP6 area of the detector. In addition, we took the opportunity to remove or resize existing regions in the BPIXTAB that were found to be invalid. This new file has added 24 new low response regions and 13 new very low response regions for FUV A, 10 new low response regions, and 7 new very low response regions for FUV B. 6 regions were removed, and 1 region was re-sized.
2022-09-22 hst_1040.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks and CTE-corrected superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from August 6, 2022, to August 29, 2022. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to August 1, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 29 daily monitor programs 16564 and 16568. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2022-09-22 hst_1039.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Sep 12, 2022, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Aug 17, 2022 and Sep 12, 2022.
2022-09-15 hst_1038.pmap archived A new hot spot was discovered on the COS FUV Segment A detector while examining recent dark monitor data. Since the hot spot falls in a part of the detector that overlaps with the extraction region of science spectra taken at lifetime position 4, it was important to identify all exposures where the hot spot added a significant enough number of counts to affect the observations. These time periods were identified manually and then added to the SPOTTAB file. As a result, reprocessing of these files should completely remove the hot spot counts.
2022-09-15 hst_1037.pmap archived The COS NUV XTRACTAB background regions were too close to the PSA extraction regions. In some cases, this led to the wings of the PSA to be subtracted during the 1-D spectral extraction process, resulting in a lower flux being reported in the NUV. The updated NUV XTRACTAB moves the background extraction regions closer to the edges of the detector. This prevents over-subtraction from the PSA spectra and gives consistent flux values between the NUV and FUV arms.
2022-09-13 hst_1036.pmap archived The CENWAVE keyword automatically populated UNDEFINED instead of N/A for the new LP6 file 69d21090l_flat.fits delivered on 2022 09 13. This delivery fixes it to N/A which matches the other files specified in the rmap.
2022-09-13 hst_1035.pmap archived For COS FUV LP6. Beginning in October 2022, lifetime position 6, LP6, will be enabled for use with the G160M 1533, 1577, 1589, 1600, 1611, 1623 modes. These eight reference files provide optimally calibrated data at that LP and enable TWOZONE extraction at LP6.
2022-09-09 hst_1034.pmap archived This new bad pixel table, USEAFTER August 6, 2022, was generated using data taken from August 7, 2022 through September 1, 2022. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of July 6, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use this reference file as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because they represent the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. This WFC3 UVIS bad pixel file was generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST Cycle 29 daily monitoring programs 16564 and 16568. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2022-08-18 hst_1033.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Aug 17, 2022, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Jul 18, 2022 and Aug 17, 2022.
2022-08-12 hst_1032.pmap archived This new bad pixel table, USEAFTER July 6, 2022, was generated using data taken from July 7, 2022 through August 6, 2022. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of June 9, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use this reference file as the bad pixel tabl on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because they represent the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. This WFC3 UVIS bad pixel file was generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST Cycle 29 daily monitoring programs 16564, 16567, and 16568. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2022-08-11 hst_1031.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks and CTE-corrected superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from July 6, 2022, to August 3, 2022. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to August 1, 2022. drk and dkc reference files that were previously delivered with USEAFTER dates between July 6, 2022 and August 1, 2022 should be replaced by the reference files in this delivery. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between July 6 and August 3, 2022, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 29 daily monitor programs 16564, 16567, and 16568. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2022-08-10 hst_1030.pmap archived These files are being delivered to ensure that STIS CCD data taken between June 29 2022 and July 26 2022 are receiving the expected calibration support in correcting for the effects of dark current and bias noise present in the data.
2022-08-08 hst_1029.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks and CTE-corrected superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from July 6, 2022, to August 1, 2022. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to July 3, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 29 daily monitor programs 16564, 16567, and 16568. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2022-07-19 hst_1028.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Jul 18, 2022, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Jun 21, 2022 and Jul 18, 2022.
2022-07-15 hst_1027.pmap archived This new bad pixel table, USEAFTER June 9, 2022, was generated using data taken from June 9, 2022 through July 5, 2022. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of May 9, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use this reference file as the bad pixel tabl on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because they represent the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. This WFC3 UVIS bad pixel file was generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST Cycle 29 daily monitoring programs 16564, and 16567. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2022-07-11 hst_1026.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks and CTE-corrected superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from June 9, 2022 to July 3, 2022. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to June 6, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 29 daily monitor programs 16564 and 16567. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2022-07-08 hst_1025.pmap archived These files are being delivered to ensure that STIS CCD data taken between June 2 2022 and June 29 2022 are receiving the expected calibration support in correcting for the effects of dark current and bias noise present in the data.
2022-07-05 hst_1024.pmap archived While updating the CRDS BIASFILE selection code to appropriately select the previously delivered pre-SM4 subarray bias reference files, many gaps in bias file coverage were revealed for pre-SM4 supported subarray observations. Because of this, new ACS WFC subarray bias files for the missing pre-SM4 anneal periods are being delivered, along with updated versions of the associated full-frame bias files.
2022-07-01 hst_1023.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Jun 21, 2022, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between May 23, 2022 and Jun 21, 2022.
2022-06-27 hst_1022.pmap archived The CALSPEC model spectra for several standard stars were improved in early 2021. This included WD0308-565 and GD71, which were updated to Model 006 and Model 011 respectively. Due to this, the COS/NUV and COS/FUV sensitivity curves, found within the FLUXTAB reference files needed to have a correction applied so that the data would be consistent with CALSPEC. The source flux ratio between the old and new models was used to scale the existing sensitivities to the current CALSPEC model.
2022-06-15 hst_1021.pmap archived This new bad pixel table, USEAFTER May 9, 2022, was generated using data taken from May 10, 2022 through June 9, 2022. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of April 12, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because they represent the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS bpx files were generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST Cycle 29 daily monitoring programs 16564, and 16567. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2022-06-14 hst_1020.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks and CTE-corrected superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from May 9, 2022, to June 6, 2022. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to May 6, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 29 daily monitor programs 16564 and 16567. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2022-06-09 hst_1019.pmap archived These files are being delivered to ensure that STIS CCD data taken between May 3 2022 and June 2 2022 are receiving the expected calibration support in correcting for the effects of dark current and bias noise present in the data.
2022-06-04 hst_1018.pmap archived New ACS WFC post-SM4 full-frame bias reference files are being delivered with updated RAW_LTV1 keywords after a longstanding error in RAW_LTV1 population in full-frame observations was fixed. Previously, full-frame WFC observations had a wrong RAW_LTV1 value of 0.0 in extensions 1-3, and full-frame bias reference files also exhibited this. These new bias references have the corrected RAW_LTV1 value of 24.0. This change should not affect calibration or CRDS selection, but is being implemented in the references for consistency purposes anyway.
2022-06-03 hst_1017.pmap archived Deleting the old ACS WFC pre-SM4 full-frame bias files because they were not replaced correctly upon delivery of the new bias files with updated RAW_LTV1 keywords.
2022-06-03 hst_1016.pmap archived New ACS WFC pre-SM4 full-frame bias reference files are being delivered with updated RAW_LTV1 keywords after a longstanding error in RAW_LTV1 population in full-frame observations was fixed. Previously, full-frame WFC observations had a wrong RAW_LTV1 value of 0.0 in extensions 1-3, and full-frame bias reference files also exhibited this. These new bias references have the corrected RAW_LTV1 value of 24.0. This change should not affect calibration or CRDS selection, but is being implemented in the references for consistency purposes anyway.
2022-05-26 hst_1015.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on May 23, 2022, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Apr 28, 2022 and May 23, 2022.
2022-05-24 hst_1014.pmap archived These files were delivered to support STIS CCD observations taken between Apr 06 2022 and May 04 2022 and correct for the dark current and bias noise present in STIS CCD images.
2022-05-20 hst_1013.pmap archived This new bad pixel table, USEAFTER April 12, 2022, was generated using data taken from April 12, 2022 through May 9, 2022. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of March 16, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because they represent the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS bpx files were generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST Cycle 29 daily monitoring programs 16564, and 16567. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2022-05-20 hst_1012.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks and CTE-corrected superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from April 12, 2022, to May 6, 2022. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to April 9, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 29 daily monitor programs 16564 and 16567. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2022-05-03 hst_1011.pmap archived This new bad pixel table, USEAFTER March 16, 2022, was generated using data taken from March 16, 2022 through April 12, 2022. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of Feb 19, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because they represent the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS bpx files were generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST Cycle 29 daily monitoring programs 16564, and 16567. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2022-05-03 hst_1010.pmap archived Delivering a new ACS BIASFILE rmap to change pre-SM4 WFC full-frame entries to use a CCDAMP value of ABCDALL instead of ABCD to allow for consistency between pre- and post-SM4 BIASFILE selection. The affected BIASFILEs will be delivered at a later time with this change reflected in their headers.
2022-05-02 hst_1009.pmap archived COS FUV observations at LP6 consist of separate SWAVE wavecal exposures that occur on a location on the detector that is approximately 28 pixels below the location of the LP6 PSA. Therefore, we have edited the XTRACTAB such that proper extraction of these wavecals can occur.
2022-05-02 hst_1008.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Apr 28, 2022, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Mar 28, 2022 and Apr 28, 2022.
2022-04-28 hst_1007.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks and CTE-corrected superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from March 16, 2022, to April 9, 2022. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to March 13, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 29 daily monitor programs 16564 and 16567. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2022-04-13 hst_1006.pmap archived These WFC3 CTE-corrected superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from February 19, 2022, to March 13, 2022. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to February 17, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 29 daily monitor programs 16564 and 16566. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file. These files have been delivered separately due to an issue uploading them alongside the corresponding drk files.
2022-04-12 hst_1005.pmap archived Regular delivery of STIS CCD Superdarks and Superbiases which will allow for the best bias and dark correction on STIS CCD science images taken between March 12th and April 6th 2022.
2022-04-11 hst_1004.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks and CTE-corrected superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from February 19, 2022, to March 13, 2022. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to February 17, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 29 daily monitor programs 16564 and 16566. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2022-04-07 hst_1003.pmap archived The STIS team is delivering a new set of PHOTTAB and RIPTAB files built upon the latest CALSPECv11 models released in 2020. These new files improve the accuracy of several STIS spectroscopic modes, including G140L, G230L, E140M, G230LB, and G430L. This delivery is the first of four eventual data releases and targets what were determined to be the highest impact modes for the user community.
2022-04-06 hst_1002.pmap archived A new ACS SBC IMPHTTAB is being delivered with updated data after newly acquired observations were taken on 20 Mar 2022 as part of CAL/ACS program 16527.
2022-04-05 hst_1001.pmap archived In preparation for ETC 30.2, the synphot throughput files for all COS FUV and NUV cenwaves - except from the unsupported NUV grating G285M - were updated based on an updated flux calibration. This new calibration resulted from new white dwarf spectral models. While some of these modes, e.g. G140L cenwave 800, already have the most recent flux calibration incorporated into their throughputs, all files are being delivered to both make sure all files have the up-to-date default MJD and standardize the delivery process.
2022-04-01 hst_1000.pmap archived New ACS SBC TDS throughput files need to be delivered for the upcoming ETC build. Aiming to include these files in ETC 30.2.
2022-04-01 hst_0999.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files for the 2022-02-05 anneal period are being redelivered after it was discovered that the original files excluded valid calibration frames taken on 2022-02-28. These new references now include the missing calibration frames, and will replace the previous versions in CRDS.
2022-04-01 hst_0998.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Mar 28, 2022, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Feb 28, 2022 and Mar 28, 2022.
2022-03-31 hst_0997.pmap archived This new bad pixel table, USEAFTER Feb 19, 2022, was generated using data taken from Feb 20, 2022 through March 15, 2022. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of Jan 18, 2022. The automated pipeline should now use this reference file as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because it represents the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. This WFC3 UVIS bad pixel table was generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST Cycle 29 daily monitoring programs 16564, and 16566. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2022-03-30 hst_0996.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks and CTE-corrected superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from January 18, 2022, to February 17, 2022. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to January 15, 2021. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this range. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 29 daily monitor programs 16564 and 16566. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2022-03-29 hst_0995.pmap archived The wavelength range for Pysynphot in the STIS CCD G750M c9851 mode was updated to correct a typo on the red end. This will be used in ETC 30.2.
2022-03-28 hst_0994.pmap archived After updates to the crds code were installed to ensure the proper ACS biasfile selection for pre-SM4 subarray datasets and to implement the switch to selecting on RAW_LTV1 and RAW_LTV2 instead of LTV1 and LTV2 keywords, a new bias rmap delivery is necessary. This new rmap uses version 3 of the fallback and precondition hooks as well as parkeys RAW_LTV1 and RAW_LTV2. The rmap also adds values of WFC and WFC1 to entries using the ANY_WFC1_2K aperture wildcard and WFC2 to entries using the ANY_WFC2_2K aperture wildcard, values that should now automatically be populated with the updated code. See CRDS-500 for more information on the initial selection issues.
2022-03-28 hst_0993.pmap archived Five ACS WFC biasfiles were not replaced in the most recent delivery because of an extra aperture value of WFC that was previously added to the aperture list. Deleting the old references that were not replaced, given that the aperture values will be appropriately updated in a future rmap delivery after updates to the crds servers are implemented.
2022-03-25 hst_0992.pmap archived Several ACS WFC biasfiles using CCDGAIN=1 were not replaced in the most recent delivery because of an extra aperture value of WFC that was previously added to the aperture list. Deleting the old references that were not replaced, given that the aperture values will be appropriately updated in a future rmap delivery after updates to the crds servers are implemented.
2022-03-25 hst_0991.pmap archived Delivering new WFC pre-SM4 subarray bias files for configurations using CCDAMPs A and B, to fix the EXTVER keyword values that will result in reprocessing errors for data using these references. The EXTVER values in all extensions were mistakenly set to 2 in the initial creation of the files, but are being updated to have EXTVER values of 1. Several files were previously fixed for this issue in hst_0948.pmap and hst_0951.pmap. This delivery precedes updates to the ACS BIASFILE selection rules to mitigate any potential reprocessing errors that may follow.
2022-03-25 hst_0990.pmap archived A misalignment was found between cenwaves 2950 and 2635 for COS G230L. This new DISPTAB updates the dispersion solution to correctly align cenwaves 2635, 2950, and 3000.
2022-03-15 hst_0989.pmap archived Regular delivery of STIS CCD superdarks and superbiases needed to support the calibration of STIS CCD data taken from February 8th to March 14th 2022.
2022-03-03 hst_0988.pmap archived Intrinsic excess thermal energy trapped in the silicon lattice of the WFC3 UVIS detector, known as dark current, is typically removed from science observations using UVIS dark calibration reference files. This dark current can be used as a means to characterize a pixels behavior and determine whether the pixel varies excessively over time compared to its expected noise. We use a novel data structure known as a pixel history image to efficiently evaluate each WFC3 UVIS pixel over time. We find that the vast majority of hot pixels, about 8 percent of the detector in 2021, are in fact quite stable and as such, can be calibrated. A small portion of pixels, less than 1.5 percent, are genuinely unstable and should not be used. To encode this distinction in the UVIS bad pixel reference files, we employ a data quality flag, 32, to mark the unstable pixels identified in this study. Hot pixels continue to be assigned the usual data quality flag, 16. With the additional data quality flag, WFC3 UVIS users will have enhanced control over which pixels to include or exclude during their analyses. The first new bad pixel table was generated using data taken from December 21st, 2021 through January 18th, 2022. The second new bad pixel table was generated using data taken between January 19th, 2022 and February 19th, 2022. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of November 22nd, 2021. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because they represent the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS bpx files were generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST Cycle 28 daily monitoring programs 16414 and 16396. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2022-03-03 hst_0987.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Feb 28, 2022, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Feb 05, 2022 and Feb 28, 2022.
2022-03-03 hst_0986.pmap archived Updates to the COS WCPTAB and FLATFILE rmaps. The WCPTAB rmap was updated to include LIFE_ADJ=-1.0 and the FLATFILE rmap was updated to set CENWAVE from UNDEFINED to N/A for the G160M LP6 flatfile reference.
2022-03-03 hst_0985.pmap archived Copying reference files from TEST to OPS servers. The lamp and profile references are place holders so that LP6 calibrations will not fail. In order to process COS FUV LP6 data, the preliminary LP6 reference files are being updated to remove their unnecessary BOA rows. Additionally an LP4 flatfile was copied and its LIFE_ADJ changed from 4 to 6, so that it could be used as an initial LP6 flatfile.
2022-03-03 hst_0984.pmap archived Re-activating COS FLUXTAB reference files originally delivered on February 22, 2022. The CALSPEC model spectra for several standard stars were improved in early 2021, which included those for WD0308-565 and GD71. As a result, the COS/FUV sensitivity curves, found within the FLUXTAB reference files, for lifetime positions 1 through 4 needed to have a correction applied so that the data would be consistent with CALSPEC. The source flux ratio between the old and new models was used to scale the existing sensitivities to the current CALSPEC model. The delivery had to be backed out when it was discovered that the new reference files were not compatible with the current version of the COS claibration software.
2022-03-01 hst_0983.pmap archived Previously, the ACS WFC BIASFILE reference 5851837rj_bia.fits was updated in the rmap to have a USEAFTER of Jul 06 2009 16-58-18 to cover previously missed datasets. This file was never redelivered with updated header information to reflect this change, so we are redelivering this file with updated USEAFTER and DESCRIP keywords to be consistent.
2022-02-22 hst_0982.pmap archived The CALSPEC model spectra for several standard stars were improved in early 2021. This included WD0308-565 and GD71, which were updated to Model 006 and Model 011 respectively. Due to this, the COS/FUV sensitivity curves, found within the FLUXTAB reference files, for lifetime positions 1 through 4 needed to have a correction applied so that the data would be consistent with CALSPEC. The source flux ratio between the old and new models was used to scale the existing sensitivities to the current CALSPEC model.
2022-02-18 hst_0981.pmap archived New weekly STIS biases and darks were created for the last two anneal months and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available from STIS CCD observations taken after December 7 2021 21 09 22.
2022-02-15 hst_0980.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks and CTE-corrected superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from November December 21, 2021, to January 15, 2021. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to December 18, 2021. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this range. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 29 daily monitor programs 16564 and 16566. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2022-02-14 hst_0979.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks and CTE-corrected superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from November 22, 2021, to December 21, 2021. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to October 23, 2021. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this range. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 29 daily monitor programs 16564 and 16566. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2022-02-11 hst_0978.pmap archived This ACS WFC Post-Flash reference file is being delivered because new calibration data was taken in Nov 2021 as part of proposal 16532. This particular reference file is updated yearly.
2022-02-08 hst_0977.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Feb 05, 2022, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Jan 07, 2022 and Feb 05, 2022.
2022-01-28 hst_0976.pmap archived Since 2019, IR bad pixel tables and superdarks incorporate a new time dependence characteristic to the pixel quality for better calibration and flagging and tracking bad pixel behavior. These behaviors include hot and unstable pixels and whether any bad pixel has regained its stability since launch. One new bad pixel tables is present here for data obtained through Cycle 28 which uses inflight data from Nov. 5 2020 through Oct. 21 2021 with a useafter date of Nov. 5 2020. The Calibration Reference Data System does not contain bad pixel tables spanning this baseline. Information regarding pixel history and updates to the bad pixel table can be found in WFC3 ISRs 2019.03 and 2019.04. Since launch, a litany of circular aberrant regions called blobs have appeared in IR images. These blobs are regions of lower sensitivity that appear due to bits of epoxy from the CSM motor shafts depositing onto the mirror. Tracking and flagging these blobs in the IR bad pixel table is therefore imperative so that they may be masked in any science images where they may appear. Information regarding blobs can be found in WFC3 ISR 2018.06. The cycle 28 bad pixel table includes a blob that appeared on MJD 59378, 06.13.2021.
2022-01-28 hst_0975.pmap archived Intrinsic excess thermal energy trapped in the silicon lattice of the WFC3 UVIS detector, known as dark current, is typically removed from science observations using UVIS dark calibration reference files. This dark current can be used as a means to characterize a pixels behavior and determine whether the pixel varies excessively over time compared to its expected noise. We use a novel data structure known as a pixel history image to efficiently evaluate each WFC3 UVIS pixel over time. We find that the vast majority of hot pixels, about 8 percent of the detector in 2021, are in fact quite stable and as such, can be calibrated. A small portion of pixels, less than 1.5 percent, are genuinely unstable and should not be used. To encode this distinction in the UVIS bad pixel reference files, we employ a data quality flag, 32, to mark the unstable pixels identified in this study. Hot pixels continue to be assigned the usual data quality flag, 16. With the additional data quality flag, WFC3 UVIS users will have enhanced control over which pixels to include or exclude during their analyses. This new bad pixel table was generated using data taken from November 22nd, 2021 through December 20th, 2021. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of October 6th, 2021. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because they represent the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS bpx files were generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST Cycle 28 daily monitoring programs 16414 and 16396. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2022-01-18 hst_0974.pmap archived Lack of DESCRIP column in table led to non-standard characters being printed during pipeline processing, which broke some step of data ingest in DMS. New SPOTTAB has DESCRIP and PEDIGREE columns, like other reference tables, and this appears to fix the problem.
2022-01-10 hst_0973.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Jan 07, 2022, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Dec 07, 2021 and Jan 07, 2022.
2021-12-09 hst_0972.pmap archived Intrinsic excess thermal energy trapped in the silicon lattice of the WFC3 UVIS detector, known as dark current, is typically removed from science observations using UVIS dark calibration reference files. This dark current can be used as a means to characterize a pixels behavior and determine whether the pixel varies excessively over time compared to its expected noise. We use a novel data structure known as a pixel history image to efficiently evaluate each WFC3 UVIS pixel over time. We find that the vast majority of hot pixels, about 8 percent of the detector in 2021, are in fact quite stable and as such, can be calibrated. A small portion of pixels, less than 1.5 percent, are genuinely unstable and should not be used. To encode this distinction in the UVIS bad pixel reference files, we employ a data quality flag, 32, to mark the unstable pixels identified in this study. Hot pixels continue to be assigned the usual data quality flag, 16. With the additional data quality flag, WFC3 UVIS users will have enhanced control over which pixels to include or exclude during their analyses. This new bad pixel table was generated using data taken from October 6th, 2021 through October 23rd, 2021. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of September 9th, 2021. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because they represent the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS bpx files were generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST Cycle 28 daily monitoring programs 16414 and 16396. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2021-12-08 hst_0971.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Dec 07, 2021, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Nov 10, 2021 and Dec 07, 2021.
2021-12-07 hst_0970.pmap archived Delivery needed to provide reference files for 12 days of data taken right before the safing. Anneal number 252 end boundary was updated to include these days, noted this in the history.
2021-12-03 hst_0969.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks and CTE-corrected superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from October 5, 2021, to October 25, 2021. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to October 2, 2021. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this range. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 28 daily monitor programs 16396 and 16414. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2021-11-19 hst_0968.pmap archived These ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Nov 10, 2021. Due to HST safing on Oct 23, 2021, calibration frames for the Oct 11, 2021 anneal period were split between pre- and post-safing. ACS returned to science operations on Nov 07, 2021, but the WFC detector had warmed up during this time. Because of this, superdarks using calibration frames from pre- and post-safe were exhibiting a large increase in unstable pixels due to post-safe darks having different dark current levels and hot pixel characteristics than pre-safe darks. To best calibrate science data taken during this anneal period, we create two separate sets of reference files - one for data taken before the CCD warm up, and one for data taken after ACS returned to science, but prior to the anneal on Nov 10, 2021. The first set of references should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Oct 11, 2021 and Nov 07, 2021, and the second set with data taken between Nov 07, 2021 and Nov 10, 2021.
2021-11-09 hst_0967.pmap archived Several COS reference files - with filetypes fluxtab,gsagtab,lamptab,1dxtab,tracetab,lamptab,2zxtab,proftab,disptab,bpixtab - were delivered with empty data extensions in their primary fits header because of a minor bug in the CRDS checksum code. While the data contained in the files is correct, this empty header could cause issues for some scripts which do not specify the data header number. These files are being replaced with versions which lack the empty data extension but are otherwise identical. No data has been changed.
2021-11-09 hst_0966.pmap archived A recent analysis by the ULLYSES team revealed a hot spot in a small but non-negligible fraction of their COS FUVB data. We verified that the hot spot started on Feb. 20, 2018 and persists intermittently today. The hot spot falls in one of the background regions used for LP4 FUVB data reduction, and can negatively impact background-limited target data. The delivered spottab file removes this hot spot region so that CalCOS does not include it in the background calculation for observations taking place on or after Feb. 20, 2018.
2021-11-04 hst_0965.pmap archived The first post-SM4 ACS WFC superbias covering subarray configurations using amplifier A and aperture WFC1-IRAMPQ, 5851837rj_bia.fits, previously needed its USEAFTER date backdated to 2009-07-20 00-00-00 to cover observations using this same configuration before the first calibration biases were taken post-SM4. We are now further backdating the USEAFTER date of 5851837rj_bia.fits to 2009-07-06 16-58-18 to be consistent with similar subarray superbias files that had their USEAFTER dates backdated for the same reason.
2021-10-29 hst_0964.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available from STIS CCD observations taken after September 20 2021 13 12 57.
2021-10-28 hst_0963.pmap archived New STIS Throughputs are needed for STIS ETC 30.1
2021-10-26 hst_0962.pmap archived The default THROUGHPUT column in the files has been updated to the evaluation date for ETC 30.1, MJD 60035. These files will ensure that pysynphot calculations with no MJD specified will match results from ETC 30.1.
2021-10-18 hst_0961.pmap archived Intrinsic excess thermal energy trapped in the silicon lattice of the WFC3 UVIS detector, known as dark current, is typically removed from science observations using UVIS dark calibration reference files. This dark current can be used as a means to characterize a pixels behavior and determine whether the pixel varies excessively over time compared to its expected noise. We use a novel data structure known as a pixel history image to efficiently evaluate each WFC3 UVIS pixel over time. We find that the vast majority of hot pixels, about 8 percent of the detector in 2021, are in fact quite stable and as such, can be calibrated. A small portion of pixels, less than 1.5 percent, are genuinely unstable and should not be used. To encode this distinction in the UVIS bad pixel reference files, we employ a data quality flag, 32, to mark the unstable pixels identified in this study. Hot pixels continue to be assigned the usual data quality flag, 16. With the additional data quality flag, WFC3 UVIS users will have enhanced control over which pixels to include or exclude during their analyses. This new bad pixel table was generated using data taken from September 9th, 2021 through October 5th, 2021. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of August 11th, 2021. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because they represent the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS bpx files were generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST Cycle 28 daily monitoring programs 16414 and 16396. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2021-10-14 hst_0960.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Oct 11, 2021, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Sep 13, 2021 and Oct 11, 2021.
2021-10-13 hst_0959.pmap archived The COS FUV Throughput files for G130M cenwaves 1291, 1300, 1309, 1318, 1327 AND G140L cenwave 800 will be at LP5 and LP3, respectively in Cycle 29. The throughput files are being delivered for these cenwave modes ahead of ETC 30.1 .
2021-10-11 hst_0958.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks and CTE-corrected superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from September 8, 2021, to October 2, 2021. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS only have WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files up to a USEAFTER date of September 5, 2021. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtractions on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of the dark current and hot pixels for this range. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 28 daily monitoring programs 16396 and 16414. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2021-09-30 hst_0957.pmap archived Because of 2020 rule changes, new flatfiles delivered need to include the header keyword CENWAVE, usually but not always set to N/A. A flatfile, 5992009ql_flat.fits, was delivered without this keyword and was assigned an UNDEFINED CENWAVE value by CRDS in the flatfile rmap. We are manually changing this UNDEFINED value to the expected N/A value so that this flatfile applies to all COS/FUV LP5 files, regardless of CENWAVE.
2021-09-29 hst_0956.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks, drk, and CTE corrected superdarks, dkc, will affect all UVIS data taken from August 11, 2021 to September 5, 2021. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files up to a USEAFTER date of August 9th 2021. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the dark current and hot pixels at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from the HST Cycle 28 daily monitoring programs 16396 and 16414. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016 08. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a detailed history section outlining the process and provides a list of datasets used to create each file.
2021-09-24 hst_0955.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available from STIS CCD observations taken after Aug 19 2021.
2021-09-21 hst_0954.pmap archived Updating the reference files to avoid extrapolation from 2014 to present. The new IMPHTTAB serves post-SM4 data in place of the previous IMPHTTAB, which is now only valid for pre-SM4 data.
2021-09-17 hst_0953.pmap archived Intrinsic excess thermal energy trapped in the silicon lattice of the WFC3 UVIS detector, known as dark current, is typically removed from science observations using UVIS dark calibration reference files. This dark current can be used as a means to characterize a pixels behavior and determine whether the pixel varies excessively over time compared to its expected noise. We use a novel data structure known as a pixel history image to efficiently evaluate each WFC3 UVIS pixel over time. We find that the vast majority of hot pixels, about 8 percent of the detector in 2021, are in fact quite stable and as such, can be calibrated. A small portion of pixels, less than 1.5 percent, are genuinely unstable and should not be used. To encode this distinction in the UVIS bad pixel reference files, we employ a data quality flag, 32, to mark the unstable pixels identified in this study. Hot pixels continue to be assigned the usual data quality flag, 16. With the additional data quality flag, WFC3 UVIS users will have enhanced control over which pixels to include or exclude during their analyses. These new bad pixel tables were generated using data taken from October 29th, 2020 through September 8th, 2021. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of October 28th, 2020. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond, because they represent the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS bpx files were generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST Cycle 27 and 28 daily monitoring programs 15712, 15716, 16414, 16394, 16395, and 16396. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14.
2021-09-16 hst_0952.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Sep 13, 2021, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Aug 22, 2021 and Sep 13, 2021.
2021-09-16 hst_0951.pmap archived An ACS WFC dataset, jb6e80010, was failing in-cloud reprocessing due to incorrect EXTVER header keyword values in the SCI, ERR, and DQ extensions. The file had EXTVER keyword values of 2 instead of the expected 1 and thus were causing CALACS HST I/O errors. A new BIASFILE was created with updated EXTVER values to fix this problem.
2021-09-16 hst_0950.pmap archived In discovering that an ACS WFC dataset, jb6e80010, failed in-cloud reprocessing, we also discovered that this dataset was being matched with the incorrect BIASFILE in CRDS. It turns out that an appropriate, post-SM4 BIASFILE for CCDAMP A and APERTURE WFC1-IRAMPQ subarrays did not exist in CRDS to cover this dataset. To remedy this, we extend the USEAFTER date of the closest BIASFILE with this subarray configuration, 5851837rj_bia.fits, to 2009-07-20 to account for this dataset. We are delivering a new ACS BIASFILE rmap to reflect this update.
2021-09-15 hst_0949.pmap archived Remove rmap_omit from synphot mappings, which was incorrectly specified and caused warnings when recommending synphot references.
2021-09-13 hst_0948.pmap archived Several ACS datasets were failing in-cloud reprocessing due to eight ACS/WFC WFC1-1K subarray BIASFILEs that had incorrect EXTVER header keyword values. The files had EXTVER keyword values of 2 instead of the expected 1 and thus were causing CALACS HST I/O errors. New BIASFILEs were created with the EXTVER keyword set to 1 in the SCI, ERR, and DQ extensions to fix this problem.
2021-09-09 hst_0947.pmap archived In preparation for the COS FUV LP 5 era, we needed to update the COS FUV BPIXTAB reference file to search for new low, DQ=1024, and very low, DQ=16, response regions in the LP5 area of the detector. In addition, we took the opportunity to remove or resize existing regions in the BPIXTAB that were found be invalid. This new file has added 11 new low response regions, DQ=1024, and no new very low response regions, DQ=16. We also removed 3 regions, for a net gain of 8.
2021-09-09 hst_0946.pmap archived Beginning in October 2021, limetime position 3 LP3 will become the default LP for G140L 1105,1280,800 modes. These seven reference files are updates to the existing LP3 reference files to now calibrate cenwave 800 which was originally commissioned at LP4, and thus did not have optimal calibration at LP3.
2021-09-09 hst_0945.pmap archived Beginning in October 2021, limetime position 5, LP5, will become the default LP for G130M 1291,1300,1309,1318,1327 modes. These eight reference files provide optimally calibrated data at that LP and enable TWOZONE extraction at LP5.
2021-09-09 hst_0944.pmap archived Two LP4 FLUXTAB reference files for LP4 are necessary with USEAFTER dates matching the two TDSTAB reference files currently in use. Previously, LP4 calibration data obtained prior to the official move to LP4 in October 2017 used a FLUXTAB and TDSTAB with mismatched zero points and therefore had incorrect fluxes, and should be re-retrieved.
2021-08-25 hst_0943.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available from STIS CCD observations taken after July 27 2021 23 00 00.
2021-08-24 hst_0942.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Aug 22, 2021, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Jul 17, 2021 and Aug 22, 2021.
2021-08-16 hst_0941.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks, drk, and CTE corrected superdarks, dkc, will affect all UVIS data taken from May 18th - August 9th 2021. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files up to a USEAFTER date of May 16th 2021. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the dark current and hot pixels at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from the HST Cycle 28 daily monitoring programs 16395, 16396, and 16414. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016 08. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a detailed history section outlining the process and provides a list of datasets used to create each file.
2021-08-12 hst_0940.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after May 5 2021. Anneal periods for June and July 2021 are shorter than typical due to HST safing events, so noise is slightly elevated.
2021-08-06 hst_0939.pmap archived After the delivery of ACS WFC post-SM4 subarray superbias files, two files from 2016 were not replaced with the appropriate new file. Because of this, the rmap needed to be updated to delete the old entries from the rmap.
2021-08-05 hst_0938.pmap archived Updates to the variance and read noise calculations for subarrays in the readout dark code used in the reference file pipeline required that all ACS WFC subarray superbias files be remade. Since pre-SM4 subarray superbias files did not already exist in CRDS, subarray science data taken during this time period was identified and subarray superbias files were produced only for the necessary anneal periods and subarray configurations. Updated versions of the full-frame, pre-SM4 superbiases for the affected anneals are also being delivered to keep things consistent. For post-SM4 data, the existing subarray superbiases in CRDS are being replaced with updated files.
2021-08-05 hst_0937.pmap archived Following the most recent delivery of ACS WFC pre-SM4 subarray bias files, some of the files needed APERTURE values of WFC or WFC2 in addition to the wildcard APERTURE keywords of ANY_WFC1_2K or ANY_WFC2_2K in their headers. However, CRDS would not allow this upon submission, so these additional APERTURE values had to be manually added to the applicable entries in the rmap.
2021-08-04 hst_0936.pmap archived Updates to the variance and read noise calculations for subarrays in the readout dark code used in the reference file pipeline required that all ACS WFC subarray superbias files be remade. Since pre-SM4 subarray superbias files did not already exist in CRDS, subarray science data taken during this time period was identified and subarray superbias files were produced only for the necessary anneal periods and subarray configurations. Updated versions of the full-frame, pre-SM4 superbiases for the affected anneals are also being delivered to keep things consistent. For post-SM4 data, the existing subarray superbiases in CRDS are being replaced with updated files.
2021-08-04 hst_0935.pmap archived The previous delivery of ACS WFC full-frame superbias files was supposed to replace a subset of superbias files currently in CRDS, but were added to the rmap in addition to the old ones instead. We are deleting the old references, because these new files have a more accurate CCDAMP keyword in preparation for the delivery of brand new pre-SM4 subarray superbias files.
2021-08-04 hst_0934.pmap archived Updates to the variance and read noise calculations for subarrays in the readout dark code used in the reference file pipeline required that all ACS WFC subarray superbias files be remade. Since pre-SM4 subarray superbias files did not already exist in CRDS, subarray science data taken during this time period was identified and subarray superbias files were produced only for the necessary anneal periods and subarray configurations. Updated versions of the full-frame, pre-SM4 superbiases for the affected anneals are also being delivered to keep things consistent.
2021-07-22 hst_0933.pmap archived A growing number of small, circular regions with slightly decreased sensitivity have appeared in WFC3 IR images throughout the mission. As described in Pirzkal et al. 2010, these so called IR blobs appear due to particulates on the channel select mechanism CSM, the movable mirror that is used to direct light into either the UVIS or IR channels of the instrument. These particulates are likely cracked epoxy originating from two pins joining the CSM motor shafts to the alignment bellows, therefore, it is critical that blob accumulation is monitored as a growing number of blobs may signify a loosening of these pins, and thus a defective CSM. A new IR bad pixel table delivery must be done if there is a new blob found with relative strength that matches previously flagged blobs. As such, this bad pixel table adds a record of a new blob that has appeared sometime after the USEAFTER date in the primary header of this file. For further information on the blobs origins, characteristics, and the WFC3 branchs blob monitoring techniques, see WFC3 ISR 2018 06.
2021-07-19 hst_0932.pmap archived New post-flash data from HST CAL program 16389 is available for Cycle 28, and so a new post-flash reference file needed to be generated.
2021-07-16 hst_0931.pmap archived This reference file is for the COS instrument for use in the NUV configuration. It was generated to update NUV DQ flag 2 to flag 1024 to reflect changes made in 2014 to change DQ flag of 2 from detector flaw to a low response region. This flag was updated in the FUV, but never in the NUV.
2021-07-16 hst_0930.pmap archived Update Roman synphot curves to Phase C specifications.
2021-07-15 hst_0929.pmap archived In order to deliver new ROMAN synphot throughput tables and TMG file, the TMC and TMG files currently in CRDS needed to be updated to remove entries with wfirst to make room for the new roman entries.
2021-07-15 hst_0928.pmap archived All of the WFIRST synphot files need to be deleted from the rmap so that new ROMAN synphot throughput tables can be delivered.
2021-06-29 hst_0927.pmap archived Since HST went into safe mode on June 13, 2021, the ACS team made an artificial anneal boundary to replace the missed anneal on June 23, 2021. These ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following that missed anneal on June 23, 2021, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between May 28, 2021 and June 23, 2021.
2021-06-04 hst_0926.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS 2x2 and 3x3 binned superbias, bia, files will affect all 2x2 and 3x3 binned UVIS data taken from January 1 - December 31, 2020. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS binned bias reference files up to a USEAFTER date of January 1, 2019. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform bias subtraction on any 2x2 or 3x3 binned UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the residual bias level at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS binned bias files were generated using bias exposures from the HST Cycle 27 and 28 monitoring programs 15712 and 16414. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS bias calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2017 23. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a history section listing the datasets used to create each file.
2021-06-04 hst_0925.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superbias, bia, files will affect all full-frame and subarray 1x1 binned UVIS data taken from January 1 - December 31 2020. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS full-frame and subarray bias reference files up to a USEAFTER date of January 1, 2019. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform bias subtraction on any 1x1 binned UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the residual bias level at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS files were generated using bias exposures from the HST Cycle 27 and 28 monitoring programs 15712 and 16414. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS bias calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2017 23. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a history section listing the datasets used to create each file.
2021-06-04 hst_0924.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS 2x2 and 3x3 binned superbias, bia, files will affect all UVIS data taken from January 1 - December 31 2019. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS binned bias reference files up to a USEAFTER date of January 1 2018. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform bias subtraction on any 2x2 or 3x3 binned UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the residual bias level at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS binned bias files were generated using bias exposures from the HST Cycle 26 and 27 monitoring programs 15712 and 15567. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS bias calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2017 23. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a history section listing the datasets used to create each file.
2021-06-03 hst_0923.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on May 28, 2021, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Apr 27, 2021 and May 28, 2021.
2021-05-27 hst_0922.pmap archived The previous version of these COS synphot throughput files, 013, had zero throughputs at wavelengths 1189 - 1195.5 Angstroms. The throughputs should be nonzero, and were causing larger than expected discrepancies in ETC release candidate tests. The new files replace the previous files, which are bad.
2021-05-27 hst_0921.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks, drk, and CTE corrected superdarks, dkc, will affect all UVIS data taken from April 22nd - May 16th 2021. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files up to a USEAFTER date of April 19th 2021. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the dark current and hot pixels at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from the HST Cycle 28 daily monitoring programs 16395 and 16414. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016 08. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a detailed history section outlining the process and provides a list of datasets used to create each file.
2021-05-13 hst_0920.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks, drk, and CTE corrected superdarks, dkc, will affect all UVIS data taken from February 16th 2021 - April 19th 2021. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files up to a USEAFTER date of February 16th 2021. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the dark current and hot pixels at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from the HST Cycle 28 daily monitoring programs 16395 and 16414. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016 08. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a detailed history section outlining the process and provides a list of datasets used to create each file.
2021-05-10 hst_0919.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available from STIS CCD observations taken after April 7 2021.
2021-05-10 hst_0918.pmap archived Activating all of the new WFC3 standard darks and cte corrected darks that have been recently delivered.
2021-05-10 hst_0917.pmap archived The files listed here must be manually removed because the replacement darks had been previously diverted with mismatches in the USEAFTER value. The files listed here are both .dkc files, which are CTE corrected darks and .drk files, which are uncorrected. Nat Kerman had to filter these files to those not already replaced. Ask him NKerman AT STScI.edu for info.
2021-05-05 hst_0916.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-05-05 hst_0915.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-05-05 hst_0914.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-05-04 hst_0913.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-05-04 hst_0912.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-05-03 hst_0911.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-05-03 hst_0910.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Apr 27, 2021, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Apr 01, 2021 and Apr 27, 2021.
2021-05-03 hst_0909.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-05-03 hst_0908.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-05-02 hst_0907.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-05-01 hst_0906.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-05-01 hst_0905.pmap archived The synphot files for all FUV cenwaves except c1533 and c800 were updated based on updated TDSTAB reference files for these modes. The c800 synphot file was updated with a new default throughput, and the c1533 synphot file is not being delivered because of a minor incompatibility in the wavelength specifications between the synphot file and the TDSTAB reference file. This will be fixed for the next synphot delivery. All NUV cenwaves except those using the unsupported grating G285M were updated based on an upated TDSTAB reference file.
2021-04-30 hst_0904.pmap archived The synphot files for all FUV cenwaves except c1533 and c800 were updated based on updated TDSTAB reference files for these modes. The c800 synphot file was updated with a new default throughput, and the c1533 synphot file is not being delivered because of a minor incompatibility in the wavelength specifications between the synphot file and the TDSTAB reference file. This will be fixed for the next synphot delivery. All NUV cenwaves except those using the unsupported grating G285M were updated based on an upated TDSTAB reference file.
2021-04-29 hst_0903.pmap archived This new ACS SBC IMPHTTAB file is being delivered to update with newly acquired observations taken on 03 Apr 2021.
2021-04-29 hst_0902.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-28 hst_0901.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-28 hst_0900.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-28 hst_0899.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-28 hst_0898.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-27 hst_0897.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-27 hst_0896.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-27 hst_0895.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-27 hst_0894.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-27 hst_0893.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-27 hst_0892.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-26 hst_0891.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-26 hst_0890.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-26 hst_0889.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-26 hst_0888.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-26 hst_0887.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-26 hst_0886.pmap archived Need to re-deliver ACS SBC TDS files for the upcoming ETC build because these new files have been extrapolated to a further date of 2023-04-01. The IMPHTTAB files that are made from these TDS curves should cover the entire upcoming cycle. The only way to do this is to have the TDS files extrapolated well into the future.
2021-04-26 hst_0885.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-26 hst_0884.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-25 hst_0883.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-23 hst_0882.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-23 hst_0881.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-23 hst_0880.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-23 hst_0879.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-22 hst_0878.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-22 hst_0877.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-22 hst_0876.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. We are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements.
2021-04-21 hst_0875.pmap archived On April 20 2021 the new pixel based CTE correction was delivered to the calwf3 pipeline. This new pixel CTE correction table is that necessary table that enables the new CTE correction through calwf3. Every UVIS image in the archive should now have this file assigned as the PCTETAB so that the new CTE correction in calwf3 runs properly. This file is replacing the current CRDS PCTETAB zcv2057micte.fits. These new CTE corrected darks dkc are necessary for running the new CTE correction through calwf3. This first set is meant to allow any recent WFC3 UVIS data to be calibrated while the remainder of the dkc files are replaced over the next week. Lastly, we are also delivering the updated non-CTE corrected darks. These drk files will be using the current anneal masterdark instead of the previous anneal allowing for more time specific measurements. Delivering this anneal now allows continued processing while undergoing the delivery of all previous anneals over the next week.
2021-04-16 hst_0874.pmap archived Added 5.0 and 6.0 as valid values for rmap_relevance for COS proftab, tracetab and twozctab. JIRA CRDS-432
2021-04-12 hst_0873.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Apr 01, 2021, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Mar 05, 2021 and Apr 01, 2021.
2021-04-12 hst_0872.pmap archived A recent analysis showed that the allowed gain sag holes at LP4 for COS FUVB data were not being properly flagged after the high voltage increase on Oct. 5, 2020. Additionally, it has been over a year since the last GSAGTAB file was created and a small number of additional pixels had sagged since then, particularly for FUVB data taken at HV 163.
2021-04-09 hst_0871.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available from STIS CCD observations taken after March 12 2021.
2021-04-09 hst_0870.pmap archived New ACS SBC UV Contamination monitor data was taken on 2021-04-03 as part of Cycle 28 calibration program 16383. As a result, updated TDS files have been generated and need to be delivered for the upcoming ETC build.
2021-03-25 hst_0869.pmap archived These ACS SATUFILEs, one file for WFC and four amp-dependent files for HRC, provide the full-well saturation level for every pixel on the detector, in units of electrons. These files will be used by CALACS in order to identify full-well saturated pixels in the science image, and then add the appropriate flag value of 256 to the corresponding pixels in the DQ image.
2021-03-25 hst_0868.pmap archived Initial ACS SATUFILE rmap for new full-well saturation level correction.
2021-03-18 hst_0867.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available from STIS CCD observations taken after Feb 18 2021.
2021-03-08 hst_0866.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Mar 05, 2021, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Feb 01, 2021 and Mar 05, 2021.
2021-03-05 hst_0865.pmap archived Since 2019, IR bad pixel tables and superdarks incorporate a new time-dependence characteristic to the pixel quality for better calibration and flagging and tracking bad pixel behavior. These behaviors include hot and unstable pixels and whether any bad pixel has regained its stability since launch. Two bad pixel tables are present here, one for data obtained through Cycle 26 and one for data obtained through Cycle 27. Information regarding pixel history and updates to the bad pixel table can be found in WFC3 ISRs 2019 03 and 2019 04. Since launch, a litany of circular aberrant regions called blobs have appeared in IR images. These blobs are regions of lower sensitivity that appear due to bits of epoxy from the CSM motor shafts depositing onto the mirror. Tracking and flagging these blobs in the IR bad pixel table is therefore imperative so that they may be masked in any science images where they may appear. Information regarding blobs can be found in WFC3 ISR 2018 06. The Cycle 26 bad pixel table includes a blob that appeared on MJD 58464. The Cycle 27 bad pixel table includes two blobs that appeared on MJD 58804 and MJD 59047. The existing table for the blob that appeared in MJD 58464, with useafter of December 12 2018, uses Cycle 25 bad pixel data, though it appeared during Cycle 26. Likewise the existing tables for the blobs that appeared on MJD 58804 and MJD 59047, useafter of Nov 17 2019 and Jul 17 2020, use Cycle 25 bad pixel data though they appeared during Cycle 27. The three files are being updated to reflect the bad pixel history concurrent with the appearance of the blob, such that the Cycle 26, useafter Dec 12 2018, blob contains Cycle 26 bad pixel data, while the Cycle 27 blobs contain Cycle 27 bad pixel data.
2021-03-02 hst_0864.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks, drk, and CTE corrected superdarks, dkc, will affect all UVIS data taken from January 23rd 2021 - February 12th 2020. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files up to a USEAFTER date of January 20th 2020. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the dark current and hot pixels at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from the HST Cycle 28 daily monitoring programs 16394 and 16414. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016 08. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a detailed history section outlining the process and provides a list of datasets used to create each file.
2021-02-24 hst_0863.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available from STIS CCD observations taken after Jan 14 2021.
2021-02-22 hst_0862.pmap archived Update to TDS reference file for COS blue modes. Update to reference file for blue modes G130M/1055 and 1096, fitting over voltage change discontinuity, obtained using python analysis scripts cos_tds_analysis.py, make_tds_reference.py. Data values for the standard modes are unchanged, and are copied from the previous reference file. A new breakpoint was introduced at 2019.0 to match the standard modes. All slopes are updated to account for the flux calibration with the blue modes FLUXTAB and FLAT, and slopes were updated to model data up to October 2020. The G140L/1105B and 800B rows were removed as they are not supported modes.
2021-02-22 hst_0861.pmap archived Updated FLUXTAB being delivered. The following changes affect COS FUVB. Every change listed here corresponds to two rows, one for the PSA aperture and one for the BOA aperture. 1. An error was found in cenwaves 1055 and 1096 where the previously delivered fluxtab was orders of magnitude off for the bluest about 1 Angstrom of each segment. This error was corrected. 2. The fluxtabs for cenwaves 1055 and 1096 were updated using the new time dependent sensitivity, TDSTAB, being delivered at the same time but as a separate delivery. 3. The rows for G140L/1105 FUVB was removed. That mode is not an allowed mode. This change should be transparent to the user, since CalCos did not use that row because there are no data with that specifications. It was done for conciseness.
2021-02-19 hst_0860.pmap archived These reference files are for the COS instrument for use in the FUV configuration. The reference files delivered are in support of the new cenwave 800 mode at LP3, for use in the upcoming LP5 era.
2021-02-19 hst_0859.pmap archived These reference files are for the COS instrument for use in the FUV configuration. The reference files delivered are in support of the new cenwave 800 mode at LP3, for use in the upcoming LP5 era.
2021-02-08 hst_0858.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Feb 01, 2021, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Jan 05, 2021 and Feb 01, 2021.
2021-01-28 hst_0857.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available from STIS CCD observations taken after Dec 17 2020
2021-01-27 hst_0856.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks, drk, and CTE corrected superdarks, dkc, will affect all UVIS data taken from December 26th 2020 - January 20th 2020. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files up to a USEAFTER date of December 23rd 2020. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the dark current and hot pixels at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from the HST Cycle 28 daily monitoring programs 16394 and 16414. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016 08. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a detailed history section outlining the process and provides a list of datasets used to create each file.
2021-01-12 hst_0855.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks, drk, and CTE corrected superdarks, dkc, will affect all UVIS data taken from November 28th - December 23 2020. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files up to a USEAFTER date of November 25th 2020. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the dark current and hot pixels at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from the HST Cycle 28 daily monitoring programs 16394 and 16414. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016 08. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a detailed history section outlining the process and provides a list of datasets used to create each file.
2021-01-12 hst_0854.pmap archived The pivot wavelengths in the imphttab needed to be updated to match the updated synphot tables.
2021-01-11 hst_0853.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Jan 05, 2021, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Dec 08, 2020 and Jan 05, 2021.
2021-01-09 hst_0852.pmap archived The temporal changes and updates delivered in the previous versions of the synphot files in 2020 are all still correct - this redelivery is to allow synphot packages such as pysynphot to properly interpolate values of the throughput between the beginning date MJD 55008 and the current first column in the tables. Further we also updated the pivot wavelengths in the aperture file. Lastly, we want the version numbers of the updated time dependent synphot files to continue to match the non time dependent synphot files so we update the version of those files for redelivery as well.
2021-01-06 hst_0851.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available from STIS CCD observations taken after 19 November 2020.
2020-12-22 hst_0850.pmap archived Based on JWST user community feedback, this delivery adds WISE, GAIA, Spitzer, and MSX passbands to the TMG.
2020-12-11 hst_0849.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks, drk, and CTE corrected superdarks, dkc, will affect all UVIS data taken from October 28th through November 25th 2020. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files up to a USEAFTER date of October 28th 2020. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the dark current and hot pixels at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from the HST Cycle 27 and 28 daily monitoring programs 15716 and 16394. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016 08. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a detailed history section outlining the process and provides a list of datasets used to create each file.
2020-12-09 hst_0848.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Dec 08, 2020, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Nov 10, 2020 and Dec 08, 2020.
2020-12-07 hst_0847.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after 21 October 2020.
2020-12-02 hst_0846.pmap archived Intrinsic excess thermal energy trapped in the silicon lattice of the Wide Field Camera 3, WFC3, ultraviolet visible, UVIS, detector, known as dark current, is typically removed from science observations using UVIS dark calibration reference files. However, this dark current can be used as a means to characterize a pixels behavior and determine whether the pixel varies excessively over time compared to its expected noise. We use a novel data structure known as a pixel history image to efficiently evaluate each WFC3 UVIS pixel over time. We find that the vast majority of hot pixels, about 8 percent of the detector in 2018, are in fact quite stable and as such, can be calibrated. A small portion of pixels, less than 1 percent, are genuinely unstable and should not be used. To encode this distinction in the UVIS bad pixel reference files, we employ a data quality flag, 32, to mark the unstable pixels identified in this study. Hot pixels continue to be assigned the usual data quality flag, 16. With the additional data quality flag, WFC3 UVIS users will have enhanced control over which pixels to include, and which to exclude, in their analyses. This new bad pixel table was generated using the most recent complete anneal period, and therefore accurately captures the most current bad pixel map of the UVIS detector. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15.
2020-11-17 hst_0845.pmap archived Updating the ACS WFC darkfile and drkcfile rmaps to reflect a more accurate USEAFTER date of 2015-01-15 for files with a previous USEAFTER of 2015-01-19.
2020-11-16 hst_0844.pmap archived The new UVIS filter curves were calculated after correcting for temporal changes in the detector sensitivity derived from over 10 years of monitoring data and by using new HST CALSPEC models. Bohlin et al. 2020, AJ, 160, 21 and Calamida et al. 2020, WFC3 ISR. The new IR filter curves were calculated after correcting the data with new flat fields Mack et al. 2020, WFC3-ISR and by using new HST CALSPEC models Bohlin et al. 2020, AJ, 160, 21 and Bajaj et al. 2020, WFC3 ISR. The new in-flight correction were calculated after correcting for temporal changes in the detector sensitivity derived from over 10 years of monitoring data and by using new HST CALSPEC models Bohlin et al. 2020, AJ, 160, 21 and Calamida et al. 2020, WFC3 ISR. The new aperture corrections were calculated after correcting for temporal changes in the detector sensitivity derived from over 10 years of monitoring data Calamida et al. 2020, WFC3 ISR.
2020-11-12 hst_0843.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after 31 July 2020.
2020-11-11 hst_0842.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Nov 10, 2020, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Oct 14, 2020 and Nov 10, 2020.
2020-11-11 hst_0841.pmap archived These ACS WFC IDCTAB, NPOLFILE, and D2MFILE files are being delivered based on a new geometric distortion solution that has been derived using Gaia DR2.
2020-11-09 hst_0840.pmap archived In the most recent delivery of ACS dark and CTE dark reference files, the 2015019_drk.fits and 20150119_dkc.fits files will replace the corresponding files in CRDS with a USEAFTER of Jan 15 2015, 25e1541lj_drk.fits and 25e1531gj_dkc.fits. However, since the USEAFTER dates for these new files are different from the old, after the new files are delivered, the old reference files, with a USEAFTER of Jan 15 2015, will need to be removed from CRDS.
2020-11-06 hst_0839.pmap archived A bug was found in the ACS reference file pipeline that was causing the noise in the ERR arrays of flashed superdarks to be underestimated. ACS started post-flashing their daily monitor darks on 2015-01-19, so all anneal superdarks and cte-corrected superdarks since that time have been affected by this. The bug in the pipeline has since been fixed, and the affected ACS WFC superdarks and cte-corrected superdarks have been regenerated to show the correct values in ERR arrays.
2020-11-05 hst_0838.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks, drk, and CTE corrected superdarks, dkc, will affect all UVIS data taken from October 3rd through October 25th 2020. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files up to a USEAFTER date of September 29th 2020. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the dark current and hot pixels at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from the HST Cycle 27 daily monitoring programs 15716 and 15712. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016 08. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a detailed history section outlining the process and provides a list of datasets used to create each file.
2020-10-21 hst_0837.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Oct 14, 2020, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Sep 19, 2020 and Oct 14, 2020.
2020-10-15 hst_0836.pmap archived These new WFC3 delta flats correct for IR blobs, which are small regions with reduced sensitivity in calibrated images. The flats were derived by stacking inflight observations of sparse fields after each blob appearance date, thus illuminating the detector with a deep, combined image of the sky background. These flats are intended to be used in combination with new pixel flats derived by Mack et al. 2020, which improve the pixel to pixel sensitivity calibration with wavelength. During the flat fielding step, the WFC3 calibration software will correct each image by the product of the pixel flat and the delta flat reference files. The delta flats will be used in IR data taken in the F098M, F105W, F110W, F125W, F140W, and F160W filters for 49 unique blob appearance events, and correct for 148 strong and weak blobs appearing through 10 July 2018 with errors of less than 1 percent. More information can be found in Olszewski et al. 2020, WFC3 ISR in prep., WFC3/IR Blob Flats.
2020-10-15 hst_0835.pmap archived For the WFC and HRC IMPHTTAB files, new CALSPEC SEDs of the primary flux reference standard stars changed the ACS WFC and ACS HRC absolute flux calibration by about 1 to 2 percent. New results from 4 years of ACS WFC monitoring observations of those standard stars also contributed updates. These both require updates to the IMPHTTAB to generate correct PHOTFLAMs for files processed by CALACS. The SBC IMPHTTAB file is being delivered because new throughput tables were produced for the SBC. These changes were triggered by updates to CALSPEC SEDs. This new file updates the zero points to reflect these changes. Zeropoints changed by about 1 to 2 percent.
2020-10-15 hst_0834.pmap archived A new set of UVIS and IR inverse sensitivities incorporate improvements to the HST CALSPEC models, Bohlin et al. 2020, as well as an increase in the Vega reference flux. As a consequence, the standard white dwarf fluxes increase by about 2 percent for wavelengths in the range 0.15 to 0.4 micron and about 1.5 percent in the range 0.4 to 1.6 micron covered by both detectors. Also, the UVIS calibration also includes new corrections for temporal changes in the detector sensitivity derived from over 10 years of monitoring data, Calamida et al. 2020. This new method corrects the image header inverse sensitivity keyword, PHOTFLAM, to account for changes of about 0.1 to 0.2 percent per year according to the filter, improves the chip-sensitivity ratio, PHTRATIO, in FLT and FLC data by up to 1 percent, in agreement with early dithered star cluster and standard white dwarf observations, improves the encircled energy correction by about 1percent in the ultraviolet filters and by about 0.5 percent at wavelengths larger than 7,500 A, in close agreement with the 2009 EE values.
2020-10-15 hst_0833.pmap archived Initial WFC3 delta flat - DFLTFILE - rmap. See JIRA issues CRDS-379 and CCD-735 for more details.
2020-10-15 hst_0832.pmap archived The COS flat field rmap is being updated to have the new NUV flat, 4ae20499l_flat.fits, as the file to be used for NUV data taken since May, 2009. CRDS rules prevented the previous file from being directly replaced.
2020-10-14 hst_0831.pmap archived The COS FLATFILE being delivered is identical to x5v1944hl_flat.fits except that the first extension header keywords have been added back in after being dropped from the file in 2009. The main keyword that is needed is SNR_FF which is part of the calcos error calculations.
2020-10-12 hst_0830.pmap archived These new Pflats were computed by stacking deep exposures of sparse fields with sources masked over the WFC3 lifetime. They replace the prior set of reference files, which were based on the original ground flats, multiplied by a grey sky flat correction from inflight data through 2010. The new sky flats correct for wavelength-dependent residuals of plus or minus 0.5 percent at the center of the detector and 1-2 percent at the detector edges, with Poisson errors about 0.2 percent or better. For details, see Mack et al. 2020, WFC3 ISR in prep., WFC3/IR Filter-Dependent Sky Flats. An accompanying set of delta Dflats corrects for 148 known IR blobs in six filters as a function of date. These were computed by stacking the sky flat observations after the appearance of each blob and correct for losses as large as about 30 percent at the blob center with less than 1 percent errors. For details, see Olszewski et al. 2020, WFC3 ISR in prep., WFC3/IR Blob Flats.
2020-10-08 hst_0829.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks, drk, and CTE corrected superdarks, dkc, will affect all UVIS data taken from September 3rd through September 29th 2020. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files up to a USEAFTER date of August 31st 2020. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the dark current and hot pixels at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from the HST Cycle 27 daily monitoring program 15716. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016 08. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a detailed history section outlining the process and provides a list of datasets used to create each file.
2020-10-05 hst_0828.pmap archived The trends in the FUV sensitivity were not being adequately tracked by the current TDS model. Therefore revised parameters were derived for the slopes and incorporated into the new TDSTAB for the standard modes G130M 1222, 1291, 1300, 1309, 1318, 1327, G160M 1577, 1589, 1600, 1611, 1623, G140L 1105, 1230, 1280. Then, the TDS parameters were used to back out the sensitivities at the reference time, which were then used to update the FLUXTAB reference file for LP4 and to provide a new FLUXTAB file for LP3, with the latter having a USEAFTER date matching that of the TDSTAB reference file.
2020-10-05 hst_0827.pmap archived Intrinsic excess thermal energy trapped in the silicon lattice of the Wide Field Camera 3, WFC3, ultraviolet visible, UVIS, detector, known as dark current, is typically removed from science observations using UVIS dark calibration reference files. However, this dark current can be used as a means to characterize a pixels behavior and determine whether the pixel varies excessively over time compared to its expected noise. We use a novel data structure known as a pixel history image to efficiently evaluate each WFC3 UVIS pixel over time. We find that the vast majority of hot pixels, about 8 percent of the detector in 2018, are in fact quite stable and as such, can be calibrated. A small portion of pixels, less than 1 percent, are genuinely unstable and should not be used. To encode this distinction in the UVIS bad pixel reference files, we employ a data quality flag, 32, to mark the unstable pixels identified in this study. Hot pixels continue to be assigned the usual data quality flag, 16. With the additional data quality flag, WFC3 UVIS users will have enhanced control over which pixels to include, and which to exclude, in their analyses. This new bad pixel table was generated using the most recent complete anneal period, and therefore accurately captures the most current bad pixel map of the UVIS detector. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15.
2020-09-29 hst_0826.pmap archived Following the delivery of throughput tables for ACS WFC and ACS HRC modes, an error was noticed in some of the filter files where the header keyword TUNIT1 was missing. The keyword has since been defined with the correct value of ANGSTROMS and the updated files need to be delivered to CRDS. See JIRA tickets ACS-134 and RFD-648 for more info.
2020-09-28 hst_0825.pmap archived New CALSPEC SEDs of the primary flux reference standard stars changed the ACS WFC and ACS HRC absolute flux calibration by roughly 1-2 percent. New results from 4 years of ACS WFC monitoring observations of those standard stars also contributed updates.
2020-09-28 hst_0824.pmap archived The STIS team is delivering new throughputs for all STIS modes ahead of the ETC 29.1 release. For the MAMA detectors, these new throughputs only contain changes to the evaluation date - from mid-cycle 28 to mid-cycle 29. For the CCD, in addition to the evaluation date change, the underlying TDS was changed to the most recent CCD TDS delivered in October 2019.
2020-09-23 hst_0823.pmap archived The synphot files for the blue-mode cenwaves, G130Mc1055 and G130Mc1096, were updated based on updated FLUXTAB, TDSTAB, and DISPTAB reference files for these modes.
2020-09-22 hst_0822.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Sep 19, 2020, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between July 20, 2020 and Sep 19, 2020.
2020-09-18 hst_0821.pmap archived The throughput table has been updated, reducing throughput by roughly 2 percent. This is due to a small change in the absolute flux of the CALSPEC stars that are used as input for this program. This file replaces the current MAMA throughput table.
2020-09-18 hst_0820.pmap archived The throughput table has been updated, reducing throughput by roughly 2 percent. This is due to a small change in the absolute flux of the CALSPEC stars that are used as input for this program. This file replaces the current MAMA throughput table.
2020-09-17 hst_0819.pmap archived has been replaced by 49g17153l_disp.fits to improve accuracy to 3 pixels for 2 wavelengths.
2020-09-16 hst_0818.pmap archived We delivered two updated reference files DISPTAB and SPWCSTAB, in an effort to revise the wavelength calibration of the COS FUV blue modes G130M1055 and G130M1096, and achieve a relative accuracy of 3 pixels. The git-tag entry is disp_spwcs_2020Aug6 bm. In the new DISPTAB, the BOA values were copied from the PSA for all updated cenwaves, i.e. 1055 and 1096. The other standard cenwaves data were copied from the old DISPTAB, 0bn1606sl_disp.fits, because these modes were not updated in this effort. In the new SPWCSTAB, we updated the values of CRVAL1 and CRDELT1 for the revised cenwaves, while we copied all these values for the other standard cenwaves from the old SPWCSTAB, 2bj2256kl_spwcs.fits.
2020-09-11 hst_0817.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks, drk, and CTE corrected superdarks, dkc, will affect all UVIS data taken from July 7th through August 31st 2020. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files up to a USEAFTER date of July 5th 2020. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the dark current and hot pixels at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from the HST Cycle 27 daily monitoring programs 15712 and 15716. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016 08. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a detailed history section outlining the process and provides a list of datasets used to create each file.
2020-09-03 hst_0816.pmap archived 49120309j_ccd.fits has an incorrect USEAFTER date. A file with the correct USEAFTER has already been delivered
2020-09-02 hst_0815.pmap archived After the anneal on July 20, 2020, the ACS/WFC amp D read noise, CCDGAIN = 2, increased significantly. After the anneal on August 20, 2020, the read noise stabilized at a mean of 5.65 electrons, compared to 5.05 electrons previously. This updated CCDTAB includes the new read noise for amp D. A previous delivery of this file included the wrong USEAFTER date, which has since been updated to the reflect the correct value of July 24, 2020. The HST context was not updated for the previous delivery, so we are now delivering the correct file in its place.
2020-09-01 hst_0814.pmap archived After the anneal on July 20, 2020, the ACS WFC amp D read noise, CCDGAIN = 2, increased significantly. After the anneal on August 20, 2020, the read noise stabilized at a mean of 5.65 electrons, compared to 5.05 electrons previously. This updated CCDTAB includes the new read noise for amp D.
2020-08-26 hst_0813.pmap archived The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on August 20, 2020, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between July 20, 2020 and August 20, 2020.
2020-08-19 hst_0812.pmap archived Intrinsic excess thermal energy trapped in the silicon lattice of the Wide Field Camera 3, WFC3, ultraviolet visible, UVIS, detector, known as dark current, is typically removed from science observations using UVIS dark calibration reference files. However, this dark current can be used as a means to characterize a pixels behavior and determine whether the pixel varies excessively over time compared to its expected noise. We use a novel data structure known as a pixel history image to efficiently evaluate each WFC3 UVIS pixel over time. We find that the vast majority of hot pixels, about 8 percent of the detector in 2018, are in fact quite stable and as such, can be calibrated. A small portion of pixels, less than 1 percent, are genuinely unstable and should not be used. To encode this distinction in the UVIS bad pixel reference files, we employ a data quality flag, 32, to mark the unstable pixels identified in this study. Hot pixels continue to be assigned the usual data quality flag, 16. With the additional data quality flag, WFC3 UVIS users will have enhanced control over which pixels to include, and which to exclude, in their analyses. This new bad pixel table was generated using the most recent complete anneal period, and therefore accurately captures the most current bad pixel map of the UVIS detector. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15.
2020-08-13 hst_0811.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after 8 April 2020.
2020-08-07 hst_0810.pmap archived These new STIS FUVMAMA PHOTTAB reference files contain updated sensitivity curves for all postSM4 E140M observations. The E140M grating started showing evidence of blaze function shape changes in 2012, that over time resulted in relative flux calibration errors outside of specifications in the STIS IHB. These files include new derivations of the E140M throughput curves from observations of G191B2B and new derivations of the blaze function shift coefficients from monitoring observations of BD 28D4211. New E140M ripple tables were also derived and are being delivered concurrently. The new STIS FUVMAMA RIPTAB files contain updated, normalized sensitivity curves for postSM4 E140M observations. The E140M grating started showing evidence of blaze function shape changes in 2012, that over time resulted in relative flux calibration errors outside of specifications in the STIS IHB. The derivation of new sensitivity curves for the PHOTTABs required the creation of new, self-consistent ripple functions to be delivered concurrently.
2020-07-30 hst_0809.pmap archived The COS NUV TDSTAB was updated because the previous file, delivered in 2010, overestimated subsequent declines in sensitivity. This had the effect of overcorrecting recent spectra and giving flux errors outside the 5 percent tolerance. In the new file, slopes and intercepts were updated for all stripes of G185M, G225M, and G230L. Due to its sharply reduced sensitivity and lack of GO use since 2013, the parameters for G285M were not updated. Parameters were determined from fits to spectra obtained in the ongoing NUV Spectroscopic Sensitivity Monitor program. The August 2019 breakpoint present in previous NUV TDSTABs was removed.
2020-07-27 hst_0808.pmap archived These files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on July 20, 2020, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between June 26, 2020 and July 20, 2020.
2020-07-22 hst_0807.pmap archived Throughout the lifetime of WFC3, a growing number of blobs small, circular regions with slightly decreased sensitivity have appeared in WFC3 IR images. These blobs appear due to particulates on the channel select mechanism CSM the movable mirror that is used to direct light into either the UVIS or IR channels of the instrument. These particulates are likely cracked epoxy originating from two pins joining the CSM motor shafts to the alignment bellows, therefore, it is critical that blob accumulation is monitored as a growing number of blobs may signify a loosening of these pins, and thus a defective CSM. Furthermore, the flagging of these blobs in the IR bad pixel table ensures that all of the blobs are masked in any science images where they may be present. More information can be found on WFC3 2018 06
2020-07-21 hst_0806.pmap archived A new FLATFILE used only for LP2 G130M cenwave 1055 and 1096 data has been delivered to TEST. The current rules select on only LP and optical element, so the rmap has been updated to include a cenwave selection for these two cenwaves.
2020-07-21 hst_0805.pmap archived New TDSTAB reference file for blue modes G130M/1055 and 1096, fitting over voltage change discontinuity, obtained using python analysis scripts cos_tds_analysis.py, make_tds_reference.py. Data values for the standard modes are unchanged, and are copied from 43n19046l_tds. A new breakpoint wasintroduced at 2015.5 to match the normal modes cenwaves. All slopes are updated to account for the new flux calibration with the new blue modes FLUXTAB and FLAT, and slopes were updated to model data up to March 2020. The file was tested by comparing all TDS observations since SM4 to a reference model. This reference file needs to be used with new_phot.fits and new_flat.fits files delivered on the same date.
2020-07-21 hst_0804.pmap archived The phot file is being delivered as part of the overall effort to better flux calibrate COS far ultraviolet cenwaves 1055 and 1096. These are the two bluest modes on HST at intermediate resolutions. The file is a modification to contain new sensitivity functions for these two modes, meaning the first eight rows have been modified. This file should be used along with the newly provided flat field. This new calibration has improved the flux accuracy of these modes from errors of about 20 percent to the requirement of less than 5 percent.
2020-07-21 hst_0803.pmap archived This flat field file is being delivered as part of the overall effort to better flux calibrate COS far ultraviolet cenwaves 1055 and 1096. These are the two bluest modes on HST at intermediate resolutions. Due to different detector response at such far blue wavelengths a new flat file apart from the one used for the standard cenwaves is needed. This file should be used along with the newly provided sensitivity function. This new calibration has improved the flux accuracy of these modes from errors of about 20 percent to the requirement of less than 5 percent.
2020-07-15 hst_0802.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks, drk, and CTE corrected superdarks, dkc, will affect all UVIS data taken from June 12th through July 5th 2020. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files up to a USEAFTER date of June 9th 2020. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the dark current and hot pixels at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from the HST Cycle 27 daily monitoring program 15715. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016 08. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a detailed history section outlining the process and provides a list of datasets used to create each file.
2020-07-15 hst_0801.pmap archived Intrinsic excess thermal energy trapped in the silicon lattice of the Wide Field Camera 3 WFC3 ultraviolet visible UVIS detector, known as dark current, is typically removed from science observations using UVIS dark calibration reference files. However, this dark current can be used as a means to characterize a pixels behavior and determine whether the pixel varies excessively over time compared to its expected noise. We use a novel data structure known as a pixel history image to efficiently evaluate each WFC3 UVIS pixel over time. We find that the vast majority of hot pixels about 8 percent of the detector in 2018 are in fact quite stable and as such, can be calibrated. A small portion of pixels less than 1 percent are genuinely unstable and should not be used. To encode this distinction in the UVIS bad pixel reference files, we employ a data quality flag 32 to mark the unstable pixels identified in this study. Hot pixels continue to be assigned the usual data quality flag 16. With the additional data quality flag, WFC3 UVIS users will have enhanced control over which pixels to include, and which to exclude, in their analyses. This new bad pixel table was generated using the most recent complete anneal period, and therefore accurately captures the most current bad pixel map of the UVIS detector. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15.
2020-07-07 hst_0800.pmap archived These files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Jun 26, 2020, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between May 29, 2020 and Jun 26, 2020.
2020-06-17 hst_0799.pmap archived Intrinsic excess thermal energy trapped in the silicon lattice of the Wide Field Camera 3 WFC3 ultraviolet visible UVIS detector, known as dark current, is typically removed from science observations using UVIS dark calibration reference files. However, this dark current can be used as a means to characterize a pixel behavior and determine whether the pixel varies excessively over time compared to its expected noise. We use a novel data structure known as a pixel history image to efficiently evaluate each WFC3/UVIS pixel over time. We find that the vast majority of hot pixels about 8 percent of the detector in 2018 are in fact quite stable and as such, can be calibrated. A small portion of pixels less than 1 percent are genuinely unstable and should not be used. To encode this distinction in the UVIS bad pixel reference files, we employ a data quality flag 32 to mark the unstable pixels identified in this study. Hot pixels continue to be assigned the usual data quality flag 16. With the additional data quality flag, WFC3 UVIS users will have enhanced control over which pixels to include, and which to exclude, in their analyses. This new bad pixel table was generated using the most recent complete anneal period, and therefore accurately captures the most current bad pixel map of the UVIS detector. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15.
2020-06-16 hst_0798.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks, drk, and CTE corrected superdarks, dkc, will affect all UVIS data taken from May 16th through June 9th 2020. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files up to a USEAFTER date of May 13th 2020. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the dark current and hot pixels at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from the HST Cycle 27 daily monitoring program 15715. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016 08. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a detailed history section outlining the process and provides a list of datasets used to create each file.
2020-06-05 hst_0797.pmap archived Raw darks were taken from proposal 15769 and processed using CALACS Version 10.2.2. They were then separated by EXPTIME and FLASHDUR and combined with ACSREJ to create short and long-flashed superdarks. These superdarks were differenced and scaled to create an intermediate data product using the. The intermediate data product was smoothed with a local median filter to produce the final post-flash file.
2020-06-04 hst_0796.pmap archived These files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on May 29, 2020, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Apr 28, 2020 and May 29, 2020.
2020-05-22 hst_0795.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks, drk, and CTE corrected superdarks, dkc, will affect all UVIS data taken from April 16th through May 16th 2020. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files up to a USEAFTER date of April 14th 2020. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the dark current and hot pixels at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from the HST Cycle 27 daily monitoring programs 15715 and 15712. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016 08. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a detailed history section outlining the process and provides a list of datasets used to create each file.
2020-05-20 hst_0794.pmap archived Intrinsic excess thermal energy trapped in the silicon lattice of the Wide Field Camera 3, WFC3, ultraviolet-visible, UVIS, detector, known as dark current, is typically removed from science observations using UVIS dark calibration reference files. However, this dark current can be used as a means to characterize a pixels behavior and determine whether the pixel varies excessively over time compared to its expected noise. We use a novel data structure known as a pixel history image to efficiently evaluate each WFC3/UVIS pixel over time. We find that the vast majority of hot pixels, about 8 percent of the detector in 2018, are in fact quite stable and as such, can be calibrated. A small portion of pixels, less than 1 percent, are genuinely unstable and should not be used. To encode this distinction in the UVIS bad pixel reference files, we employ a data quality flag, 32, to mark the unstable pixels identified in this study. Hot pixels continue to be assigned the usual data quality flag, 16. With the additional data quality flag, WFC3/UVIS users will have enhanced control over which pixels to include, and which to exclude, in their analyses. This new bad pixel table was generated using the most recent complete anneal period, and therefore accurately captures the most current bad pixel map of the UVIS detector. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15
2020-05-18 hst_0793.pmap archived MJDs for ACS and other instruments were updated in the test_pysynphot_tmc.py script by Matt McMaster in May 2020 to relevant dates. Previously, many had been outside the operational timeframes of the instruments and were causing stsynphot to issue warnings during synphot submission with the new automated process. This delivery incorporates those changes into the table of the OBSMODES file.
2020-05-13 hst_0792.pmap archived SBC UV contamination monitor data was taken on 2020-04-14. A new IMPHTTAB needs to be delivered for inclusion into CRDS.
2020-05-07 hst_0791.pmap archived SBC Contamination monitor data was taken on 2020-04-14. New TDS files have been generated and need to be delivered to CRDS for inclusion in pysynphot. Prism TDS files have been updated to fix the wavelength range over which the TDS is applied. The sensitivity is not being changed at this time and contains ones for all epochs.
2020-05-07 hst_0790.pmap archived Initial delivery of OBSMODES reference. The OBSMODES file contains a table of valid observation mode strings which will be created in stsynphot during synphot delivery as an integration test of the delivered files. This initial file contains all distinct strings from the ReDCaT test_pysynphot_tmc.py script, some of which cause stsynphot to produce warnings. These warnings will be corrected in a subsequent delivery.
2020-05-07 hst_0789.pmap archived Initial .rmap for the new SYNPHOT OBSMODES reference type. The OBSMODES file contains a table of valid observation mode strings which will be created in stsynphot during synphot delivery as an integration test of the delivered files.
2020-05-05 hst_0788.pmap archived These files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Apr 28, 2020, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Mar 31, 2020 and Apr 28, 2020.
2020-04-23 hst_0787.pmap archived These new ACS WFC and HRC CCDTAB reference files have been updated to include three additional columns. Two columns to represent the commanding overheads, post-flashed vs unflashed, with values that are applied as an additive correction to the DARKTIME keyword and one column to represent updated A-to-D saturation levels for accurate flagging in CALACS. Files were previously delivered to HST TEST for development of new CALACS build to encompass these changes.
2020-04-20 hst_0786.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks, drk, and CTE corrected superdarks, dkc, will affect all UVIS data taken from March 19th through April 14th 2020. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files up to a USEAFTER date of March 16th 2020. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the dark current and hot pixels at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from the HST Cycle 27 daily monitoring program 15715. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016 08. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a detailed history section outlining the process and provides a list of datasets used to create each file.
2020-04-20 hst_0785.pmap archived Intrinsic excess thermal energy trapped in the silicon lattice of the Wide Field Camera 3 WFC3 ultraviolet visible UVIS detector known as dark current is typically removed from science observations using UVIS dark calibration reference files. However this dark current can be used as a means to characterize a pixels behavior and determine whether the pixel varies excessively over time compared to its expected noise. We use a novel data structure known as a pixel history image to efficiently evaluate each WFC3 UVIS pixel over time. We find that the vast majority of hot pixels about 8 percent of the detector in 2018 are in fact quite stable and as such can be calibrated. A small portion of pixels about 1 percent are genuinely unstable and should not be used. To encode this distinction in the UVIS bad pixel reference files we employ a data quality flag 32 to mark the unstable pixels identified in this study. Hot pixels continue to be assigned the usual data quality flag 16. With the additional data quality flag WFC3 UVIS users will have enhanced control over which pixels to include, and which to exclude in their analyses. This new bad pixel table was generated using the most recent complete anneal period, and therefore accurately captures the most current bad pixel map of the UVIS detector. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15.
2020-04-09 hst_0784.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after 13 February 2020.
2020-04-08 hst_0783.pmap archived These files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Mar 31, 2020, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Mar 04, 2020 and Mar 31, 2020.
2020-04-07 hst_0782.pmap archived The COS TDSTAB rmap needed to be updated in order to remove CENWAVE as one of the selectors. Also, older versions of the reference files needed to be removed as they no longer would work due to changes in calcos.
2020-04-07 hst_0781.pmap archived The format of the TDSTAB has changed to include a new CENWAVE column in anticipation of a cenwave-dependent TDS correction in the FUV. Furthermore, the NUV TDSTAB had to include all of the cenwaves instead of treating the new cenwave column with a wildcard value as in previous versions. The CAL_VER keyword also needed to be updated from 3.3.8 to 3.3.9, due to CalCOS versioning.
2020-04-01 hst_0780.pmap archived This is one more try at a nominal synphot delivery.
2020-03-25 hst_0779.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks, drk, and CTE corrected superdarks, dkc, will affect all UVIS data taken from February 19th through March 16th 2020. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files up to a USEAFTER date of February 16th 2020. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the dark current and hot pixels at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from the HST Cycle 27 daily monitoring programs 15714 and 15715. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016 08. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a detailed history section outlining the process and provides a list of datasets used to create each file.
2020-03-25 hst_0778.pmap archived These files have COMPNAMEs which are either incorrect or no longer used. The filenames have been removed from the TMC, and are being removed from the rmap in order to ensure consistency. See JIRA issues REDCAT 88-92 for more information.
2020-03-20 hst_0777.pmap archived Intrinsic excess thermal energy trapped in the silicon lattice of the Wide Field Camera 3, WFC3, ultraviolet visible, UVIS, detector, known as dark current, is typically removed from science observations using UVIS dark calibration reference files. However, this dark current can be used as a means to characterize a pixels behavior and determine whether the pixel varies excessively over time compared to its expected noise. We use a novel data structure known as a pixel history image to efficiently evaluate each WFC3 UVIS pixel over time. We find that the vast majority of hot pixels, 8 percent of the detector in 2018 are in fact quite stable and as such, can be calibrated. A small portion of pixels, less than 1 percent, are genuinely unstable and should not be used. To encode this distinction in the UVIS bad pixel reference files, we employ a data quality flag, 32, to mark the unstable pixels identified in this study. Hot pixels continue to be assigned the usual data quality flag, 16. With the additional data quality flag, WFC3 UVIS users will have enhanced control over which pixels to include, and which to exclude, in their analyses. This new bad pixel table was generated using the most recent complete anneal period, and therefore accurately captures the most current bad pixel map of the UVIS detector. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15.
2020-03-19 hst_0776.pmap archived These files were created incorrectly and introduce a significant amount of noise into science data reduced with these reference files.
2020-03-18 hst_0775.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after 15 March 2019.
2020-03-18 hst_0774.pmap archived The ACS HRC CCDTAB files j4d1435kj_ccd.fits and m711125gj_ccd.fits need to be removed from CRDS because they are no longer used by any data. A search w for unique CCDTAB file names for HRC data was performed, and found that the two files are unused. The need to remove these files was initiated when new ACS HRC CCDTAB reference files were delivered to HST TEST and it was discovered that j4d1435kj_ccd.fits was missing the header END card. This discovery led the ACS team to request the removal of both j4d1435kj_ccd.fits and m711125gj_ccd.fits because neither files are used by any data.
2020-03-17 hst_0773.pmap archived New TMC file incorporating changes to ACS throughput tables.
2020-03-17 hst_0772.pmap archived A minor update to the ACS SBC encircled energy, EE, table, for the imaging modes, was required by the ETC to address errors from SBC observations of new M, L, and T dwarf Phoenix models. This delivery will update the EE table used by pysynphot to make the pysynphot and ETC EE tables identical. The wavelength coverage of the SBC EE table has been extended to 8000 Angstroms, and the brightest pixel fraction column in the pysynphot table is now identical to the ETC tables version.
2020-03-17 hst_0771.pmap archived New TMC file incorporating changes to COS throughput tables.
2020-03-17 hst_0770.pmap archived The synphot files for the new cenwaves, G160Mc1533 and G140Lc800, were updated based on an updated TDSTAB reference file for these modes.
2020-03-11 hst_0769.pmap archived These files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Mar 04, 2020, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Feb 03, 2020 and Mar 04, 2020.
2020-03-11 hst_0768.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks, drk, and CTE corrected superdarks, dkc, will affect all UVIS data taken from January 20th through February 16th 2020. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files up to a USEAFTER date of January 17th 2020. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the dark current and hot pixels at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from the HST Cycle 27 daily monitoring program 15714. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016 08. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a detailed history section outlining the process and provides a list of datasets used to create each file.
2020-02-20 hst_0767.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS bad pixel tables that include flags value 32 for pixel instability, as described by WFC3 ISR 2018.15. This is for the month of January 2020.
2020-02-17 hst_0766.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superbiases, _bia.fits, will affect all UVIS data taken from January 1 2019 to present. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS superbias reference files up to a USEAFTER date of January 1 2018. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform bias subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained after January 1 2019 because they represent the most accurate estimate of the bias level at the time of the observation. These WFC3 UVIS bias files were generated using bias exposures from the HST Cycle 26 daily monitoring program 15567 and Cycle 27 program 15712. More information regarding the datasets used to create these reference files can be found in history section of the header. Information on the methods used to generate these files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2019 11.
2020-02-05 hst_0765.pmap archived These files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Feb 03, 2020, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Jan 09, 2020 and Feb 03, 2020.
2020-01-27 hst_0764.pmap archived This WFC3 UVIS superdark, drk, will affect all UVIS data taken from after November 27th up to November 30th 2019. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System is missing this file due to a mistake in the original delivery. The automated pipeline should now use this reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates listed above because it represent the most accurate estimate of the dark current and hot pixels at the time of the science observation. This WFC3 UVIS drk files was generated using dark exposures from the HST Cycle 27 daily monitoring program 15714. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016 08. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a detailed history section outlining the process and provides a list of datasets used to create each file.
2020-01-27 hst_0763.pmap archived The TDSTAB file for the new cenwave modes G160M/1533/A, B and G140L/800/A that were introduced at the time of commissioning of these modes were populated with values for the SLOPE and INTERCEPT that did not apply any correction to the data. The time-dependent sensitivity of these modes was included in the Cycle 26 FUV TDS monitoring program, and the data obtained have allowed us to characterize the TDS for these modes and update the values so the appropriate correction is applied.
2020-01-24 hst_0762.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks, drk, and CTE corrected superdarks, dkc, will affect all UVIS data taken from December 26th 2019 through January 17th 2020. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files up to a USEAFTER date of December 23rd 2019. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the dark current and hot pixels at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from the HST Cycle 27 daily monitoring program 15714. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016 08. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a detailed history section outlining the process and provides a list of datasets used to create each f ile.
2020-01-16 hst_0761.pmap archived New COS GSAGTAB addresses and corrects new detector gainsag holes that have appeared on FUVB since the last update for LP3 and LP4 regions.
2020-01-16 hst_0760.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS bad pixel tables that include flags value 32 for pixel instability, as described by WFC3 ISR 2018.15
2020-01-16 hst_0759.pmap archived New TMC file which incorporates the 2MASS and WFIRST throughput tables and associated changes in the TMG.
2020-01-16 hst_0758.pmap archived Initial delivery of 2MASS and WFIRST throughput tables, as well as updates to the TMG in order to use these files in synthetic photometry applications.
2020-01-16 hst_0757.pmap archived Initial delivery of 2MASS and WFIRST throughput tables, as well as updates to the TMG in order to use these files in synthetic photometry applications.
2020-01-15 hst_0756.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks, drk, and CTE corrected superdarks, dkc, will affect all UVIS data taken from November 27th through December 23rd 2019. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files up to a USEAFTER date of November 24th 2019. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the dark current and hot pixels at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from the HST Cycle 27 daily monitoring programs 15712 and 15714. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016 08. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a detailed history section outlining the process and provides a list of datasets used to create each file.
2020-01-10 hst_0755.pmap archived There were approximately 200 extraneous COMPNAME values in the TMC which were not in the TMG. Since these names were missing from the TMG and were therefore never used. These COMPNAMEs were removed from the TMC, both as a prerequisite for further updates to CRDS in handling HST ETC files and the release of an HST ETC checking tool to the instrument teams. The TMG was updated to include the COMPNAME entries eso559 and nic3_205m, as well as their appropriate INNODE and OUTNODE values.
2020-01-09 hst_0754.pmap archived These files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Jan 09, 2020, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Dec 10, 2019 and Jan 09, 2020.
2019-12-11 hst_0753.pmap archived These files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Dec 10, 2019, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Nov 14, 2019 and Dec 10, 2019.
2019-12-11 hst_0752.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS bad pixel tables that include flags value 32 for pixel instability, as described by WFC3 ISR 2018.15. A new blob appeared in WFC3/IR images at some point after Nov 17, 2019. The effect of the blob was noticeable enough to warrant the creation of a new WFC3/IR bad pixel table, so that the blob will be flagged in DQ arrays in the future.
2019-12-06 hst_0751.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks, drk, and CTE corrected superdarks, dkc, will affect all UVIS data taken from October 31st through November 24th 2019. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files up to a USEAFTER date of October 26th 2019. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the dark current and hot pixels at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from the HST Cycle 26 and 27 daily monitoring programs 15571 and 15714. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016 08. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a detailed history section outlining the process and provides a list of datasets used to create each file.
2019-11-21 hst_0750.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS bad pixel tables that include flags value 8 for pixel instability, as described by WFC3 ISR 2018.15
2019-11-19 hst_0749.pmap archived These files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on November 14, 2019, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between October 17, 2019 and November 14, 2019.
2019-11-06 hst_0748.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks, drk, and CTE corrected superdarks, dkc, will affect all UVIS data taken from October 4th through October 26th 2019. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files up to a USEAFTER date of September 30th 2019. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the dark current and hot pixels at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from the HST Cycle 26 daily monitoring program 15571 and 15567. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016 08. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a detailed history section outlining the process and provides a list of datasets used to create each file.
2019-10-23 hst_0747.pmap archived This ACS SBC IMPHTTAB delivery corrects a 15 to 30 percent error in the SBC absolute photometric calibration, and also introduces corrections for the time-dependent sensitivity for the SBC. Use of this file necessitates the use of CALACS versions greater than or equal to 10.2.1. For more information about the correction to the SBC photometry and the time-dependent sensitivity, see ACS ISRs 2019-04 and 2019-05.
2019-10-21 hst_0746.pmap archived These files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on October 17, 2019, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between September 21, 2019 and October 17, 2019.
2019-10-18 hst_0745.pmap archived Some ACS SBC THCOMPNAME values were incorrectly specified in the last delivery of the Pysynphot TMG graph file. This new version will allow Pysynphot to generate the proper exceptions, which will be caught by the ETC code.
2019-10-17 hst_0744.pmap archived New STIS time dependent sensitivity, TDS, trends derived from on orbit observations taken between April 1997 and July 2019. Recent observations taken for TDS monitoring have begun to diverge from the extrapolated trends in the existing references files, particularly in the NUV. These files are for correcting the TDS in data taken post SM4, after May 1, 2009. However, in these new reference files the post SM4 TDS fits are now explicitly anchored to the pre SM4 TDS fits.
2019-10-14 hst_0743.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS bad pixel tables that include flags value 8 for pixel instability, as described by WFC3 ISR 2018.15
2019-10-10 hst_0742.pmap archived These WFC3 UVIS superdarks, drk, and CTE corrected superdarks, dkc, will affect all UVIS data taken from September 4th through September 30th 2019. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and Calibration Reference Data System only have WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files up to a USEAFTER date of August 29th 2019. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above because they represent the most accurate estimate of the dark current and hot pixels at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from the HST Cycle 26 daily monitoring program 15571. More information regarding the method used to create UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016 08. Additionally, the header of each reference file has a detailed history section outlining the process and provides a list of datasets used to create each file.
2019-10-03 hst_0741.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS bad pixel tables that include flags value 8 for pixel instability, as described by WFC3 ISR 2018.15
2019-09-27 hst_0740.pmap archived Currently CRDS does not contain WFC3/UVIS binned bias reference files for 2018. These files will be used to perform bias subtraction on any 2x2 and 3x3 binned WFC3/UVIS data with a USEAFTER of 2018-01-01. Furthermore, CRDS only has a 2x2 binned bias for aperture == UVIS1 with a USEAFTER of 1990 and 2008 so we are adding 2x2 binned biases for each year between 2009 - 2018 with aperture UVIS1
2019-09-26 hst_0739.pmap archived This IMPHTTAB for ACS WFC extends the cutoff of the time dependent sensitivity to Jan 01, 2025.
2019-09-25 hst_0738.pmap archived These files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Sep 21, 2019, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Aug 20, 2019 and Sep 21, 2019.
2019-09-18 hst_0737.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3 UVIS products for from August 21, 2009 through October 11th 2010
2019-09-17 hst_0736.pmap archived Changes have been made to the ACS WFC post-flash reference files to include a time-dependent scaling factor based on linear fits to the LED signal as a function of time. More information about the time-dependence of the post-flash LED signal may be found in ACS ISR 2019 08.
2019-09-17 hst_0735.pmap archived New TMC file incorporating changes to ACS throughput tables.
2019-09-17 hst_0734.pmap archived For the WFC files, the time dependent sensitivity has been extended to Jan 1, 2025. For the SBC files, these are new files that include the time dependent sensitivity for pysynphot. The calculations and a full description of the methods used to derive the time dependence can be found in ACS ISR 2019 04.
2019-09-17 hst_0733.pmap archived New TMC file incorporating changes to STIS throughput tables.
2019-09-17 hst_0732.pmap archived 28.1 version of the ETC requires each instrument team to regenerate their throughput curves projected to an MJD that falls in mid cycle 28. These files are being delivered to satisfy that requirement for the STIS Team.
2019-09-16 hst_0731.pmap archived New TMC file incorporating changes to CS throughput tables.
2019-09-13 hst_0730.pmap archived These tables correct the SBC detector throughput to remove 30 percent zeropoint error. The details concerning the creation of these files may be found in ACS ISR 2019 05. Previously delivered versions included an estimate of the time dependent sensitivity for Cycle 27 proposals. This delivery removes the temporary quick fix for the time depdence as that functionality has now been included in the ETC.
2019-09-06 hst_0729.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3 UVIS products for from May 13th 2019 through September 4th 2019.
2019-09-04 hst_0728.pmap archived The superdark and CTE-corrected superdark for the 2004 Jan 04 anneal were missed in the initial batch upload of the new ACS WFC superdarks in early 2018.
2019-08-26 hst_0727.pmap archived These files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on Aug 20, 2019, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Jul 23, 2019 and Aug 20, 2019.
2019-08-12 hst_0726.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3 UVIS products for the August 2009 anneal. They should have been with the large redelivery entered last Thursday but were missed in that delivery.
2019-08-12 hst_0725.pmap archived At the conclusion of each year there is an opportunity to create a new superbias, which involves combining together all of the bias frames from January through December. The WFC3 data reduction pipeline, calwf3, uses the superbias reference file to carry out the bias subtraction for all UVIS data. Once the new superbias is delivered it will be used for bias subtraction by every WFC3 image taken after 2018-01-01.
2019-08-12 hst_0724.pmap archived The WFC3 team has replaced dark files with new ones that have different USEAFTER dates. The new files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3 UVIS products for from August 2009 through October 2010. They were reprocessed to remove darks affected by scattered light and are scientifically more accurate for users. This update deletes files from the active context that did not have matching USEAFTER dates but that were effectively replaced.
2019-08-09 hst_0723.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3 UVIS products for from August 2009 through October 2010. They were reprocessed to remove darks affected by scattered light and are scientifically more accurate for users.
2019-08-05 hst_0722.pmap archived These files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on July 23, 2019, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between June 26, 2019 and July 23, 2019.
2019-07-26 hst_0721.pmap archived This removes ACS shutter shading correction SHADFILE and analog-to-digital conversion ATODTAB reference files. These corrections are always set to OMIT in the pipeline and users never need to perform these corrections for ACS data. These files are based on ground/dummy data, and were mainly used to test the ACS calibration pipeline prior to launch.
2019-07-24 hst_0720.pmap archived The first step in the image reduction procedure is bias subtraction. At the conclusion of each year there is an opportunity to create a superbias, which involves combining together all of the bias frames from January through December. The WFC3 data reduction pipeline, calwf3, uses the superbias reference file to carry out the bias subtraction for all UVIS data. Having the most up to date superbias in the pipeline will ensure that data is being optimally processed. The 2018 superbias was made through mean combining 51 images, which resulted in an average pixel value of 0.223 electrons for chip 1 extension 4 and 0.341 electrons for chip 2 extension 1. Once the superbias is delivered and being used by the pipeline it will affect approximately 12,000 WFC3/UVIS images.
2019-07-22 hst_0719.pmap archived The first step in the image reduction procedure is bias subtraction. At the conclusion of each year there is an opportunity to create a superbias, which involves combining together all of the bias frames from January through December. The WFC3 data reduction pipeline, calwf3, uses the superbias reference file to carry out the bias subtraction for all UVIS data. Having the most up-to-date superbias in the pipeline will ensure that data is being optimally processed. The 2018 superbias was made through mean combining 51 images, which resulted in an average pixel value of 0.223 electrons for chip 1 and 0.341 electrons for chip 2. Once the superbias is delivered and being used by the pipeline it will affect approximately 12,000 WFC3 UVIS images.
2019-07-19 hst_0718.pmap archived Removes SBC dark files from active context. SBC dark files are not used by the automatic pipeline, and users should see ACS ISR 2017-04 or contact the ACS Help Desk for questions about when and how to remove SBC dark current if necessary.
2019-07-16 hst_0717.pmap archived When using the MDRZTAB reference file for a single image, the AstroDrizzle TEAL GUI will crash because driz_sep_kernel value was INDEF, which was an unacceptable input value. This update changes driz_sep_kernel for N=1 images from INDEF to minmed, which prevents TEAL from crashing.
2019-07-15 hst_0716.pmap archived These files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on June 26, 2019, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between May 31, 2019 and June 26, 2019.
2019-07-01 hst_0715.pmap archived This is the latest version of the yearly postflash reference file used to subtract of the LED signal when postflash is applied to ACS WFC data. This file was generated from on orbit data taken in November 2018 using the updated methodology detailed in ACS ISR 2018 02. The python scripts used to create this file are mkFlash.py and smoothflsh.py, which are contained in the postflash calibration repository on grit.
2019-07-01 hst_0714.pmap archived Updated NUVMAMA PHOTTAB reference file. This file includes derivations of the echelle blaze function shift coefficients for the E230M grating. The temporal coefficients of the blaze shift have been updated using post SM4 E230M 1978 monitoring observations of BD 28D4211. Without the updates the relative photometric accuracy of some recent observations are approaching being outside of specifications in the STIS IHB.
2019-06-20 hst_0713.pmap archived TDCTAB is used to derive a factor that gets multiplied to the NUVMAMA dark reference file before the dark subtraction. We found that the older TDCTAB is not scaling the dark correctly for data taken after Jan 1, 2014, so we added 2 new rows to the TDCTAB to correctly scale the dark.
2019-06-18 hst_0712.pmap archived Removes the ACS SBC P-FLAT from the PFLTFILE rmap. This file was delivered to CRDS for storage purposes in case the need arises to retrieve it in the future. Only LP-flats should be used to calibrate ACS data.
2019-06-17 hst_0711.pmap archived Updated LP-flats for the ACS SBC have been created. The SBC P-flat was updated following ACS ISR 2016-02, which found that coherent pixel-to-pixel variations remained stable in the period 2002-2007, and then after a change have remained stable from 2007 to present. The creation of a new 2007 SBC P-flat necessitated the creation of new LP-flats with this USEAFTER date. In addition, the method for creating SBC L-flats was updated to use a new 2D fitting algorithm rather than a checkerboard. The L-flats were created using many more observations than were available for the previous delivery. This delivery includes a copy of the SBC P-flat for future reference by the ACS team. The P-flat will be removed from the rmap in the next context update as it should not be used to calibrate data and only LP-flats should be used for ACS data calibration.
2019-06-17 hst_0710.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after 08 May 2019.
2019-06-13 hst_0709.pmap archived Using new deuterium and Cycle 26 dark data, we updated the low response, very low response, background feature, and low pulse height amplitude feature regions flagged in the bad pixel table for COS FUV modes. This included updating the sizes of regions flagged previously, as well as searching and adding new regions to the file. We also added the enhanced dark count edge regions on FUVA to the file as a new DQ value, 16384.
2019-06-05 hst_0708.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after 16 March 2019.
2019-06-05 hst_0707.pmap archived These files are meant to calibration STIS CCD data taken after 16 March 2019, but they were not renamed in the normal format. These should be deleted and marked as bad so that they are not used.
2019-06-04 hst_0706.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after 16 March 2019.
2019-06-03 hst_0705.pmap archived These files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on May 31, 2019, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between May 03, 2019 and May 31, 2019.
2019-05-22 hst_0704.pmap archived New TMC file incorporating changes to ACS throughput tables.
2019-05-22 hst_0703.pmap archived Quick fix tables correct the SBC detector throughput to remove 30 percent zeropoint error. This is a temporary set meant for Cycle 27 phase II preparations. The filter throughput tables contain a correction for the time dependent sensitivity, assuming and observation date of April 1, 2020 midcycle. The F115LP and F125LP filters still contain a 5 percent systematic offset. A refined set of tables will be delivered once the analysis is complete and Instrument Science Reports published.
2019-05-17 hst_0702.pmap archived Corrects biasfile aperture mapping for ACS WFC data taken before SM4. Previous rmap only matched observations taken in the aperture named WFC instead of all apertures. Pre SM4 ACS WFC data use either the full-frame bias or a cutout of the full-frame bias to calibrate data.
2019-05-16 hst_0701.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3 UVIS products for from April 20th through May 13th 2019. Delivered by Catherine Martlin for WFC3.
2019-05-10 hst_0700.pmap archived These files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on May 03, 2019, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between Apr 02, 2019 and May 03, 2019. Delivered by Tyler Desjardins for ACS.
2019-05-09 hst_0699.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3 UVIS products from April 1st 2019 to April 20th 2019. Delivered by Catherine Martlin for WFC3.
2019-05-07 hst_0698.pmap archived These files were replaced with more recent data.
2019-05-07 hst_0697.pmap archived These new WFC3 IR bad pixel tables and superdarks, described in detail in WFC3 ISR 2019 03 and 04, incorporate a time dependence in order to better calibrate and flag those detector pixels that have changed their behaviors since launch, e.g. a pixel that has become hot or unstable since launch, or regained its stability since launch. They were also created using many more years worth of calibration data since the previous releases which significantly reduces the errors associated with their creation, and allows for more accurate dark calibrations and bad pixel flags. The IR Blob flags are also all shifted to correctly match those center positions recorded in WFC3 ISR 2018 06. The new MDRIZTAB parameter file, which is designed to work with these new WFC3 IR bad pixel tables and superdarks, contains significant changes to the default drizzling parameters for WFC3 IR and is described in detail in WFC3 ISR 2019 05. These changes include treating stable hot pixels, which are now well cali brated in the new superdarks, as good, optimized cosmic ray rejection parameters to prevent improper flagging of point soures, improved sky subtraction, and better handling of single input frames. Delivered by Ben Sunnquist for WFC3.
2019-05-06 hst_0696.pmap archived New TMC files incorporating changes to STIS throughput tables.
2019-05-03 hst_0695.pmap archived STIS Synphot throughput tables are being delivered to account for the latest time dependent sensitivity trends in the CCD and NUV MAMA for ETC 27.2.
2019-04-30 hst_0694.pmap archived New gainsag holes on COS FUVB this delivery is addressing are at LP4 for HV levels of 163 and 167 and were found by creating gainmaps at a cadence of two weeks since the previous delivery in February 2018 and comparing sagged regions in the GSAGTAB with those identified in the gainmaps. Delivered by Dzhuliya Dashtamirova for COS.
2019-04-12 hst_0693.pmap archived These files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on 2019 Apr 02, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between 2019 Feb 28 and 2019 Apr 02. Delivered by Tyler Desjardins for ACS.
2019-04-11 hst_0692.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3 UVIS products for from November 2nd 2018 thru April 1st 2019. Delivered by Catherine Martlin for WFC3.
2019-03-21 hst_0691.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after Delivered by Allyssa Riley for STIS.
2019-03-20 hst_0690.pmap archived Changed the name of the CREATED parkey to DATE in SYNPHOT THERMAL and THRUPUT rmaps.
2019-03-18 hst_0689.pmap archived First SYNPHOT rmaps added.
2019-03-18 hst_0688.pmap archived Manually updated .pmap to include first SYNPHOT .imap
2019-03-07 hst_0687.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3 UVIS products for dates currently missing in January 2018 and then all the files from June 10th 2018 until September 28th 2018. Delivered by Catherine Martlin for WFC3.
2019-03-07 hst_0686.pmap archived These files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on 28 Feb 2019, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between 31 Jan 2019 and 28 Feb 2019. Delivered by Tyler Desjardins for ACS.
2019-02-27 hst_0685.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after 17 January 2019. Delivered by Allyssa Riley for STIS.
2019-02-06 hst_0684.pmap archived Standard delivery of ACS WFC superbias, superdark, and sink pixel reference files following the anneal on January 31, 2019. These files will be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between January 2, 2019 and January 31, 2019. Delivered by Tyler Desjardins for ACS.
2019-01-25 hst_0683.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after 19 December 2019. Delivered by Allyssa Riley for STIS.
2019-01-10 hst_0682.pmap archived Standard delivery of ACS WFC superbias, superdark, and sink pixel reference files following the anneal on January 2, 2019. These files will be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between December 6, 2018 and January 2, 2019. Delivered by Tyler Desjardins for ACS.
2019-01-07 hst_0681.pmap archived A new blob appeared on Dec 12, 2018. The effect of the blob was noticeable enough to warrant the creation of a new bad pixel table, so that the blob will be flagged in DQ arrays. Delivered by Ben Sunnquist for WFC3.
2019-01-03 hst_0680.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after 24 Nov 2018 Delivered by Allyssa Riley for STIS.
2019-01-03 hst_0679.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after 29 Oct 2018 Delivered by Allyssa Riley for STIS.
2018-12-28 hst_0678.pmap archived WFC3 had an error in the USEAFTER date for file 2ck18541i_bpx.fits, this incorrectly removed u5d2012li_bpx.fits from the rmap. USEAFTER of the new file was fixed in the rmap and the 2009 bpix file was put back in the rmap. The USEAFTER in the header of the 2ck18541i_bpx.fits file was not modified.
2018-12-20 hst_0677.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS bad pixel tables that include flags value 8 for pixel instability, as described by WFC3 ISR 2018.15 Delivered by Matthew Bourque for WFC3.
2018-12-20 hst_0676.pmap archived The new bad pixel table changes how we are flaging pixels and therefore we have to update this file. Delivered by Heather Kurtz for WFC3.
2018-12-14 hst_0675.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3 UVIS products from the December 2017 anneal until the last delivery just before the June 2018 anneal. They are a redelivery of an updated version of all those darks previously delivered during that time period. The previous versions were using the November 2017 masterdark to replace hot pixel values which, over time, lead to a false offset. This redelivery will correct all the darks from December 2017 until June 2018 to ensure the correct masterdark is used for the different anneals to ensure the dark current is correctly calculated. Delivered by Catherine Martlin for WFC3.
2018-12-11 hst_0674.pmap archived Standard delivery of ACS WFC superbias, superdark, and sink pixel reference files following the anneal on December 6, 2018. These files will be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between October 27, 2018 and December 6, 2018. These anneal for these reference files contains one more week than the usual cadence following the gyro switch in October 2018. Delivered by Tyler Desjardins for ACS.
2018-11-20 hst_0673.pmap archived All of these new files are delivered in support of the new COS cenwaves, 1533 and 800. In addition, the background box parameters were adjusted for PSA FUVA modes in order to avoid active regions along the edge of that segment which produced extra counts in the area where the background was being measured. The new parameters place the boxes in a location that is more appropriate for what the background looks like at the location where science data is taken. Delivered by James White for COS.
2018-11-15 hst_0672.pmap archived Updated COS TDSTAB rmap where the entry for BETWEEN 1105 1624 has been removed. See JIRA issue CCD-126 for more information.
2018-11-15 hst_0671.pmap archived New COS TDSTAB references are being delivered for use beginning with Cycle 26. These new files will be selected on CENWAVE rather than grating. Two new CENWAVEs are being added, 800 Angstroms for the G140L grating, and 1533 Angstroms for G160M. Please see JIRA issue CCD-126 for more information.
2018-11-08 hst_0670.pmap archived The ACS team has determined that the IDCTAB o911150jj_idc.fits is faulty. Images that use this file cannot be aligned with other images. Conversation with Jennifer Mack confirms that this file is faulty. This issue can be fixed by instead using s5d1409dj_idc.fits.
2018-11-01 hst_0669.pmap archived Standard delivery of ACS WFC superbias, superdark, and sink pixel reference files following the anneal on September 20, 2018. These files will be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between September 20, 2018 and October 5, 2018. Delivered by Tyler Desjardins for ACS.
2018-10-11 hst_0668.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after 1 Sept. 2018 Delivered by Allyssa Riley for STIS.
2018-10-08 hst_0667.pmap archived Updated LP3 G130M 1222 a0 and a1 COEFF values to improve the wavelength calibration accuracy of this setting as well as zeroed out the D column, which was not done in the previous delivery of these updates. Delivered by Rachel Plesha for COS.
2018-10-04 hst_0666.pmap archived Updated LP3 G130M 1222 a0 and a1 COEFF values to improve the wavelength calibration accuracy of this setting. Delivered by Rachel Plesha for COS.
2018-09-27 hst_0665.pmap archived Standard delivery of ACS WFC superbias, superdark, and sink pixel reference files following the anneal on August 20, 2018. These files will be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between August 20, 2018 and September 20, 2018. Delivered by Tyler Desjardins for ACS.
2018-09-25 hst_0664.pmap archived After making changes to the noise model used by ACSREJ for rejecting cosmic rays, the CRSIGMAS parameter defined in the CRREJTAB needed to be updated. The resulting tests showed that the previous values of the CRSIGMAS parameter needed to be lowered to compensate for the updates that were made. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2018-09-14 hst_0663.pmap archived Standard delivery of ACS WFC superbias, superdark, and sink pixel reference files following the anneals on June 26, 2018 and July 24, 2018. These files will be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between June 27, 2018 and August 20, 2018. Delivered by Tyler Desjardins for ACS.
2018-09-11 hst_0662.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after 1 August 2018 Delivered by Allyssa Riley for STIS.
2018-08-03 hst_0661.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after 06 July 2018. Delivered by Allyssa Riley for STIS.
2018-07-19 hst_0660.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after 7 June 2018. Delivered by Allyssa Riley for STIS.
2018-07-17 hst_0659.pmap archived A new blob appeared on Jul 10, 2018. The effect of the blob was noticeable enough to warrant the creation of a new bad pixel table, so that the blob will be flagged in DQ arrays. Delivered by Ben Sunnquist for WFC3.
2018-07-13 hst_0658.pmap archived These NPOLFILE files were created for newly solved solutions for the 2D lookup tables for the following filters F475W, F475X, F600LP, F280N, F343N, F373N, F395N, F469N, F487N, F502N, F631N, F645N, F656N, F658N, F665N, and F680N. Delivered by Catherine Martlin for WFC3.
2018-07-13 hst_0657.pmap archived Standard delivery of ACS WFC superbias, superdark, and sink pixel reference files following the anneals on May 3, 2018 and May 31, 2018. These files will be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between April 4, 2018 and June 25, 2018. In addition, two dark and two CTE dark reference files are being delivered for October 2009. The original files were either omitted or incorrect in our mass delivery following the release of HSTDP 2018.1. This delivery corrects those mistakes. Delivered by Tyler Desjardins for ACS.
2018-07-03 hst_0656.pmap archived This IDCTAB file was updated to include newly solved solutions for F475W, F475X, F600LP, F280N, F343N, F373N, F395N, F469N, F487N, F502N, F631N, F645N, F656N, F658N, F665N, and F680N. Delivered by Catherine Martlin for WFC3.
2018-07-03 hst_0655.pmap archived The WFC3 UVIS dark and cte corrected dark reference files from September 2017 were generated using an incorrect anneal date which resulted in the wrong files being used to generate the references. The problem was fixed and new files delivered, which replaced some of the old files. However, a handful of files were not replaced during the delivery and need to be manually removed.
2018-06-28 hst_0654.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3 UVIS products from September 2nd 2017 to October 3rd 2017. They are a redelivery of an updated version of all those darks previously used. The previous version was using a typoed version of the September anneal date which caused some of the darks to be created with the wrong combination of daily darks. This redelivery will correct all the September 2017 darks to ensure the correct collection of daily darks were used to make each superdark and no darks straddle the September 2017 anneal. Delivered by Catherine Martlin for WFC3.
2018-06-27 hst_0653.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3 UVIS products from May 14th 2018 to June 3rd 2018. Delivered by Catherine Martlin for WFC3.
2018-06-25 hst_0652.pmap archived Updated FUVMAMA PHOTTAB reference file. This file includes derivations of the echelle blaze function shift coefficients for the E140M grating. The temporal coefficients of the blaze shift have been updated using post SM4 E140M monitoring observations of BD 28D4211. Without the updates the relative photometric accuracy of some recent observations is outside of specifications in the STIS IHB. Delivered by Tala Monroe for STIS.
2018-06-18 hst_0651.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCDobservations taken after 14 February 2018. Delivered by Allyssa Riley for STIS.
2018-05-31 hst_0650.pmap archived Update 3x3 binned reference files. The previous reference files were made with TV3 data in 2009. The new reference files are created from the full frame bias reference files from 2009 to 2017, which were generated from inflight data. Note that each new reference file was created from the corresponding full frame bias reference file and have the same USEAFTER and PEDIGREE header keywords. Please see HISTORY section in the main header for details. Delivered by Myles McKay for WFC3.
2018-05-30 hst_0649.pmap archived Update 2x2 binned reference files. The previous reference files were made with TV3 data in 2009. The new reference files are created from the full frame bias reference files from 2009 to 2017, which were generated from inflight data. Note that each new reference file was created from the corresponding full frame bias reference file and have the same USEAFTER and PEDIGREE header keywords. Please see HISTORY section in the main header for details. Delivered by Myles McKay for WFC3.
2018-05-16 hst_0648.pmap archived Standard delivery of new bias, dark, and sink pixel files due to the anneal that occurred on 2018 May 03. These files are the result of biases and darks taken between the anneals on 2018 Apr 05 and 2018 May 03. Delivered by desjard stsci.edu for ACS.
2018-05-16 hst_0647.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3 UVIS products from August 10th 2017 to September 1st 2017. They are a redelivery of an updated version of all those darks previously used. The previous version was using a typoed version of the September anneal date which caused some of the darks to be created with the wrong combination of daily darks. This redelivery will correct all the August 2017 darks to ensure the correct collection of daily darks were used to make each superdark and no darks straddle the September 2017 anneal. Delivered by Catherine Martlin for WFC3.
2018-05-16 hst_0646.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3 UVIS products from the 20th of April 2018 thru the 13th of May 2018. Delivered by Catherine Martlin for WFC3.
2018-05-16 hst_0645.pmap archived To replace the flags in BPIXTAB with the appropriate value and to add new image artifact locations.
2018-05-16 hst_0644.pmap archived To replace the flags in BPIXTAB with the appropriate value and to add new image artifact locations. Delivered by Samantha Hoffmann for ACS.
2018-05-14 hst_0643.pmap archived Reprocessing of all ACS WFC superbias files with CALACS v10.0.0 removes poisson noise from error arrays, adds readout dark error to all bias error arrays, includes only stable hot columns in error arrays, flags unstable hot columns in DQ arrays. Reduces the frequency of superdark files to one per anneal or month. All WFC bias, dark, and applicable sink files since installation in March 2002 have been updated and will be delivered in several batches. Delivered by desjard stsci.edu for ACS.
2018-05-14 hst_0642.pmap archived Reprocessing of all ACS WFC superbias files with CALACS v10.0.0 removes poisson noise from error arrays, adds readout dark error to all bias error arrays, includes only stable hot columns in error arrays, flags unstable hot columns in DQ arrays. Reduces the frequency of superdark files to one per anneal or month. All WFC bias, dark, and applicable sink files since installation in March 2002 have been updated and will be delivered in several batches. Batch 5 of 5, files 1 thru 24 of 24.
2018-05-14 hst_0641.pmap archived Reprocessing of all ACS WFC superbias files with CALACS v10.0.0 removes poisson noise from error arrays, adds readout dark error to all bias error arrays, includes only stable hot columns in error arrays, flags unstable hot columns in DQ arrays. Reduces the frequency of superdark files to one per anneal or month. All WFC bias, dark, and applicable sink files since installation in March 2002 have been updated and will be delivered in several batches. Delivered by desjard stsci.edu for ACS.
2018-05-14 hst_0640.pmap archived Reprocessing of all ACS WFC superbias files with CALACS v10.0.0 removes poisson noise from error arrays, adds readout dark error to all bias error arrays, includes only stable hot columns in error arrays, flags unstable hot columns in DQ arrays. Reduces the frequency of superdark files to one per anneal or month. All WFC bias, dark, and applicable sink files since installation in March 2002 have been updated and will be delivered in several batches. Batch 4 of 5, files 801 thru 1046 of 1046.
2018-05-14 hst_0639.pmap archived Reprocessing of all ACS WFC superbias files with CALACS v10.0.0 removes poisson noise from error arrays, adds readout dark error to all bias error arrays, includes only stable hot columns in error arrays, flags unstable hot columns in DQ arrays. Reduces the frequency of superdark files to one per anneal or month. All WFC bias, dark, and applicable sink files since installation in March 2002 have been updated and will be delivered in several batches. Batch 4 of 5, files 401 thru 800 of 1046.
2018-05-14 hst_0638.pmap archived Reprocessing of all ACS WFC superbias files with CALACS v10.0.0 removes poisson noise from error arrays, adds readout dark error to all bias error arrays, includes only stable hot columns in error arrays, flags unstable hot columns in DQ arrays. Reduces the frequency of superdark files to one per anneal or month. All WFC bias, dark, and applicable sink files since installation in March 2002 have been updated and will be delivered in several batches. Batch 4 of 5, files 1 thru 400 of 1046.
2018-05-11 hst_0637.pmap archived Reprocessing of all ACS WFC superbias files with CALACS v10.0.0 removes poisson noise from error arrays, adds readout dark error to all bias error arrays, includes only stable hot columns in error arrays, flags unstable hot columns in DQ arrays. Reduces the frequency of superdark files to one per anneal or month. All WFC bias, dark, and applicable sink files since installation in March 2002 have been updated and will be delivered in several batches. Delivered by desjard stsci.edu for ACS.
2018-05-11 hst_0636.pmap archived Reprocessing of all ACS WFC superbias files with CALACS v10.0.0 removes poisson noise from error arrays, adds readout dark error to all bias error arrays, includes only stable hot columns in error arrays, flags unstable hot columns in DQ arrays. Reduces the frequency of superdark files to one per anneal or month. All WFC bias, dark, and applicable sink files since installation in March 2002 have been updated and will be delivered in several batches. Batch 3 of 5, files 801 thru 1230 of 1230.
2018-05-11 hst_0635.pmap archived Reprocessing of all ACS WFC superbias files with CALACS v10.0.0 removes poisson noise from error arrays, adds readout dark error to all bias error arrays, includes only stable hot columns in error arrays, flags unstable hot columns in DQ arrays. Reduces the frequency of superdark files to one per anneal or month. All WFC bias, dark, and applicable sink files since installation in March 2002 have been updated and will be delivered in several batches. Batch 3 of 5, files 401 thru 800 of 1230.
2018-05-11 hst_0634.pmap archived Reprocessing of all ACS WFC superbias files with CALACS v10.0.0 removes poisson noise from error arrays, adds readout dark error to all bias error arrays, includes only stable hot columns in error arrays, flags unstable hot columns in DQ arrays. Reduces the frequency of superdark files to one per anneal or month. All WFC bias, dark, and applicable sink files since installation in March 2002 have been updated and will be delivered in several batches. Batch 3 of 5, files 1 thru 400 of 1230.
2018-05-08 hst_0633.pmap archived Reprocessing of all ACS WFC superbias files with CALACS v10.0.0 removes poisson noise from error arrays, adds readout dark error to all bias error arrays, includes only stable hot columns in error arrays, flags unstable hot columns in DQ arrays. Reduces the frequency of superdark files to one per anneal or month. All WFC bias, dark, and applicable sink files since installation in March 2002 have been updated and will be delivered in several batches. Delivered by desjard stsci.edu for ACS.
2018-05-07 hst_0632.pmap archived Reprocessing of all ACS WFC superbias files with CALACS v10.0.0 removes poisson noise from error arrays, adds readout dark error to all bias error arrays, includes only stable hot columns in error arrays, flags unstable hot columns in DQ arrays. Reduces the frequency of superdark files to one per anneal or month. All WFC bias, dark, and applicable sink files since installation in March 2002 have been updated and will be delivered in several batches. Batch 2 of 5, files 1201 to 1572 of 1572.
2018-05-07 hst_0631.pmap archived Reprocessing of all ACS WFC superbias files with CALACS v10.0.0 removes poisson noise from error arrays, adds readout dark error to all bias error arrays, includes only stable hot columns in error arrays, flags unstable hot columns in DQ arrays. Reduces the frequency of superdark files to one per anneal or month. All WFC bias, dark, and applicable sink files since installation in March 2002 have been updated and will be delivered in several batches. Batch 2 of 5, files 801 to 1200 of 1572.
2018-05-07 hst_0630.pmap archived Reprocessing of all ACS WFC superbias files with CALACS v10.0.0 removes poisson noise from error arrays, adds readout dark error to all bias error arrays, includes only stable hot columns in error arrays, flags unstable hot columns in DQ arrays. Reduces the frequency of superdark files to one per anneal or month. All WFC bias, dark, and applicable sink files since installation in March 2002 have been updated and will be delivered in several batches. Batch 2 of 5, files 401 to 800 of 1572.
2018-05-07 hst_0629.pmap archived Reprocessing of all ACS WFC superbias files with CALACS v10.0.0 removes poisson noise from error arrays, adds readout dark error to all bias error arrays, includes only stable hot columns in error arrays, flags unstable hot columns in DQ arrays. Reduces the frequency of superdark files to one per anneal or month. All WFC bias, dark, and applicable sink files since installation in March 2002 have been updated and will be delivered in several batches. Batch 2 of 5, files 1-400 of 1572.
2018-05-07 hst_0628.pmap archived Reprocessing of all ACS WFC superbias files with CALACS v10.0.0 removes poisson noise from error arrays, adds readout dark error to all bias error arrays, includes only stable hot columns in error arrays, flags unstable hot columns in DQ arrays. Reduces the frequency of superdark files to one per anneal or month. All WFC bias, dark, and applicable sink files since installation in March 2002 have been updated and will be delivered in several batches. Delivered by desjard stsci.edu for ACS.
2018-05-03 hst_0627.pmap archived Reprocessing of all ACS WFC superbias files with CALACS v10.0.0 removes poisson noise from error arrays, adds readout dark error to all bias error arrays, includes only stable hot columns in error arrays, flags unstable hot columns in DQ arrays. Reduces the frequency of superdark files to one per anneal or month. All WFC bias, dark, and applicable sink files since installation in March 2002 have been updated and will be delivered in several batches. Part 5 of 6 of 5.
2018-05-03 hst_0626.pmap archived Reprocessing of all ACS WFC superbias files with CALACS v10.0.0 removes poisson noise from error arrays, adds readout dark error to all bias error arrays, includes only stable hot columns in error arrays, flags unstable hot columns in DQ arrays. Reduces the frequency of superdark files to one per anneal or month. All WFC bias, dark, and applicable sink files since installation in March 2002 have been updated and will be delivered in several batches. Part 5 of 6 of 5.
2018-05-03 hst_0625.pmap archived Reprocessing of all ACS WFC superbias files with CALACS v10.0.0 removes poisson noise from error arrays, adds readout dark error to all bias error arrays, includes only stable hot columns in error arrays, flags unstable hot columns in DQ arrays. Reduces the frequency of superdark files to one per anneal or month. All WFC bias, dark, and applicable sink files since installation in March 2002 have been updated and will be delivered in several batches. Part 4 of 5 of 5.
2018-05-03 hst_0624.pmap archived Reprocessing of all ACS WFC superbias files with CALACS v10.0.0 removes poisson noise from error arrays, adds readout dark error to all bias error arrays, includes only stable hot columns in error arrays, flags unstable hot columns in DQ arrays. Reduces the frequency of superdark files to one per anneal or month. All WFC bias, dark, and applicable sink files since installation in March 2002 have been updated and will be delivered in several batches. Part 3 of 5 of 5.
2018-05-03 hst_0623.pmap archived Reprocessing of all ACS WFC superbias files with CALACS v10.0.0 removes poisson noise from error arrays, adds readout dark error to all bias error arrays, includes only stable hot columns in error arrays, flags unstable hot columns in DQ arrays. Reduces the frequency of superdark files to one per anneal or month. All WFC bias, dark, and applicable sink files since installation in March 2002 have been updated and will be delivered in several batches. Part 2 of 3 of 5.
2018-05-03 hst_0622.pmap archived Reprocessing of all ACS WFC superbias files with CALACS v10.0.0 removes poisson noise from error arrays, adds readout dark error to all bias error arrays, includes only stable hot columns in error arrays, flags unstable hot columns in DQ arrays. Reduces the frequency of superdark files to one per anneal or month. All WFC bias, dark, and applicable sink files since installation in March 2002 have been updated and will be delivered in several batches. Part 1 of 3 of 5.
2018-04-25 hst_0621.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3 UVIS products from the 6th of April 2018 thru the 20th of April 2018. Delivered by Catherine Martlin for WFC3.
2018-04-20 hst_0620.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3 UVIS products from the 28th of March 2018 thru the 6th of April 2018. Delivered by Catherine Martlin for WFC3.
2018-04-09 hst_0619.pmap archived A lifetime specific lamp template was observed at Lifetime Position 4. The dispersion solutions have also been improved at Lifetime Position 4. Delivered by Rachel Plesha for COS.
2018-04-09 hst_0618.pmap archived A lifetime specific lamp template was observed at Lifetime Position 3. The dispersion solutions have also been improved at Lifetime Position 3. Delivered by Rachel Plesha for COS.
2018-04-04 hst_0617.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3 UVIS products from the 26th of January 2018 thru the 20th of February 2018 and the 9th of March 2018 thru the 27th of March 2018. Delivered by Catherine Martlin for WFC3.
2018-04-02 hst_0616.pmap archived Updated COS LAMPTAB rmap containing LIFE ADJ as a file selection criterion.
2018-03-29 hst_0615.pmap archived New ACS WFC darks, cte corrected darks, biases, and sink pixel generated from on orbit data taken after Jan 12, 2018 generated by the ACS calibration pipeline. These files are for calibration of ACS WFC data taken after Jan 12 2018 00h 23m 06s. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2018-03-26 hst_0614.pmap archived The following reference files also need to be deleted with this effort to remove excess files that are not used from the CRDS system. They are not bad files, they just have since been replaced with other files with a different useafter time.
2018-03-23 hst_0613.pmap archived These files have either 01 or 02 for the seconds place in the time in the USEAFTER keyword. This is a remnant from the CDBS system, and the new files that were delivered as a part of hst context 0611 should replace them even though the USEAFTERs have been updated to have 00 seconds for the time. This file was missed when deriving pmap 0612.
2018-03-23 hst_0612.pmap archived These files have either 01 or 02 for the seconds place in the time in the USEAFTER keyword. This is a remnant from the CDBS system, and the new files that were delivered as a part of hst context 0611 should replace them even though the USEAFTERs have been updated to have 00 seconds for the time.
2018-03-23 hst_0611.pmap archived LP4 reference files had the 1223 cenwave removed as this mode will not be supported at this time. New xtractab and twozxtab files were created to fix an issue with the background subtraction boxes for the BOA where the location of the PSA fell in the lower background box. Updated tdstab supported with new fluxtabs for all LPs. Delivered by James White for COS.
2018-03-14 hst_0610.pmap archived Update GSAGTABs since last delivery in OCTOBER 2015. Delivered by mfix stsci.edu for COS.
2018-03-14 hst_0609.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3 UVIS products from the 21st of February 2018 thru the 8th of March 2018. Delivered by Catherine Martlin for WFC3.
2018-03-09 hst_0608.pmap archived A new TMC file was created with new QE throughput pysynphot files for WFC and HRC, which necessitated an update to the IMPHTTAB for both channels. Delivered by Jenna Ryon for ACS.
2018-03-06 hst_0607.pmap archived A new blob appeared on Feb 25, 2018. The effect of the blob was noticeable enough to warrant the creation of a new bad pixel table, so that the blob will be flagged in DQ arrays. Delivered by Ben Sunnquist for WFC3.
2018-03-05 hst_0606.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS unflashed, unbinned full frame and subarray biases files from on orbit data taken between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2017. These calibration files are for WFC3 UVIS data taken January 1, 2017 to December 31 2017. Delivered by Myles McKay for WFC3.
2018-02-20 hst_0605.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after 18 June 2018. Delivered by ariley stsci.edu for STIS.
2018-02-14 hst_0604.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3 UVIS products from the 21st of December 2017 thru the 27th December 2017 as well as the darks from the 25th of January 2018 thru the 13th of February 2018. Delivered by Catherine Martlin for WFC3.
2018-02-07 hst_0603.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3 UVIS products from 27th December 2017 through January 25th 2018. Delivered by Catherine Martlin for WFC3.
2018-02-07 hst_0602.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after 22 Dec. 2017 Delivered by Allyssa Riley for STIS.
2018-02-06 hst_0601.pmap archived New ACS WFC darks, cte corrected darks, biases, and sink pixel generated from on orbit data taken between Nov 14, 2017 and Jan 10, 2018 generated by the ACS calibration pipeline. These files are for calibration of ACS WFC data taken after Nov 14 2017 10h 09m 19s. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2018-01-09 hst_0600.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after 23 November 2017. Delivered by Allyssa Riley for STIS.
2018-01-09 hst_0599.pmap archived A new flash reference file with USEAFTER May 05, 2017 was created and delivered, which changed several features of the sink pixel reference files with the same or later USEAFTERs. The new sink pixel reference files replace reference files currently in CRDS with USEAFTERs after May 05, 2017. Delivered by for ACS.
2018-01-08 hst_0598.pmap archived A new blob appeared on Dec 19, 2017. The effect of the blob was noticeable enough to warrant the creation of a new bad pixel table, so that the blob will be flagged in DQ arrays. Delivered by Ben Sunnquist for WFC3.
2018-01-04 hst_0597.pmap archived All of the active flshfiles in jref currently suffer from residual cosmic ray contamination. The raw data products were redownloaded and processed with the a new set of CRSIGMAS parameters for ACSREJ. This fixed the issues with cosmic ray rejection and so the new flshfiles without any cosmic ray contamination need to be delivered to replace their counterparts listed in 10a. The delivery also contains three new files, one is a copy of the 2016 flshfile with SHUTRPOS set to A, the other two are the newest flshfiles generated from on orbit data taken on Novemeber 20 2017. The new flashfiles are to be used for flash subtraction of any post flashed data taken after May 05 2017 00h 00m 00s. Delivered by Nathan Miles for ACS.
2018-01-03 hst_0596.pmap archived New ACS WFC darks, cte corrected darks, biases, and sink pixel generated from on orbit data taken between Oct 17 and Nov 14 2017 generated by the ACS calibration pipeline. These files are for calibration of ACS WFC data taken after Oct 17 2017 10h 23m 50s. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2017-12-21 hst_0595.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3 UVIS products from 21st November 2017 thru 21st December 2017. Delivered by Catherine Martlin for WFC3.
2017-12-21 hst_0594.pmap archived This IDCTAB file was updated to include newly solved solutions for F390M, F547M, F763M, and F845M. These NPOLFILES files were created for newly solved solutions for the 2D lookup tables for the following filters F390M, F410M, F467M, F547M, F621M, F689M, F763M, and F845M. Delivered by Catherine Martlin for WFC3.
2017-12-04 hst_0593.pmap archived A new blob appeared on Nov,16 2017. The effect of the blob was noticeable enough to warrant the creation of a new bad pixel table, so that the blob will be flagged in DQ arrays. Delivered by Ben Sunnquist for WFC3.
2017-11-29 hst_0592.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after 27 October 2017. Delivered by Allyssa Riley for STIS.
2017-11-28 hst_0591.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC UVIS products from 03 November 2017 thru November 21st 2017. Delivered by Catherine Martlin for WFC3.
2017-11-14 hst_0590.pmap archived A new blob appeared on Nov,5 2017. The effect of the blob was noticeable enough to warrant the creation of a new bad pixel table, so that the blob will be flagged in DQ arrays. Delivered by Varun Bajaj for WFC3.
2017-11-07 hst_0589.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after 27 September 2017. Delivered by Allyssa Riley for STIS.
2017-11-06 hst_0588.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC UVIS products from 15 October 2017 thru 02 November 2017. Delivered by Catherine Martlin for WFC3.
2017-10-31 hst_0587.pmap archived Full frame ACS WFC sink pixel files created from on orbit data taken between May 5th 2017 and Oct 16th 2017. These files were generated by the ACS Reference File pipeline and are for calibration of ACS WFC data taken after May 5th 2017. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2017-10-30 hst_0586.pmap archived Full frame ACS WFC biases, darks, and cte darks created from on orbit data taken between May 31st 2017 and Oct 16th 2017. Thes files were generated by the ACS Reference File pipeline and are for calibration of ACS WFC data taken after May 31st 2017. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2017-10-25 hst_0585.pmap archived This is final part of a multipart delivery of all standard, full frame, ACS WFC darks and cte darks. The darks have had their DQ arrays updated to include the pixel stability flag, and the cte darks were all processed using the updated cte correction algorithm in CALACS v9.2.0. The darks were created from on orbit data taken between Mar 18 2002 and Jun 30 2002 by the ACS Reference Pipeline, the cte darks were created using reprocessdkc.py, which is a wrapper around the CTE correction scripts used by the ACS Reference Pipeline. This delivery contains ACS WFC full frame darks and cte darks with useafter dates between Mar 18 2002 00h 00m 00s and Jun 30 2002 15h 18m 38s and are suitable for data falling within that range. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2017-10-24 hst_0584.pmap archived This is part 22 of a multipart delivery of all standard, full frame, ACS WFC darks and cte darks. The darks have had their DQ arrays updated to include the pixel stability flag, and the cte darks were all processed using the updated cte correction algorithm in CALACS v9.2.0. The darks were created from on orbit data taken between Jul 01 2002 and Dec 31 2002 by the ACS Reference Pipeline, the cte darks were created using reprocessdkc.py, which is a wrapper around the CTE correction scripts used by the ACS Reference Pipeline. This delivery contains ACS WFC full frame darks and cte darks with useafter dates between Jul 01 2002 01h 03m 25s and Dec 31 2002 03h 16m 06s and are suitable for data falling within that range. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2017-10-23 hst_0583.pmap archived This is part 21 of a multipart delivery of all standard, full frame, ACS WFC darks and cte darks. The darks have had their DQ arrays updated to include the pixel stability flag, and the cte darks were all processed using the updated cte correction algorithm in CALACS v9.2.0. The darks were created from on orbit data taken between Jan 01 2003 and May 31 2003 by the ACS Reference Pipeline, the cte darks were created using reprocessdkc.py, which is a wrapper around the CTE correction scripts used by the ACS Reference Pipeline. This delivery contains ACS WFC full frame darks and cte darks with useafter dates between Jan 01 2003 05h 17m 07s and May 31 2003 02h 02m 38s and are suitable for data falling within that range. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2017-10-23 hst_0582.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC UVIS products from 01 October 2017 thru 18 October 2017. Delivered by Catherine Martlin for WFC3.
2017-10-23 hst_0581.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after 03 August 2017. Delivered by Allyssa Riley for STIS.
2017-10-20 hst_0580.pmap archived This is part 20 of a multipart delivery of all standard, full frame, ACS WFC darks and cte darks. The darks have had their DQ arrays updated to include the pixel stability flag, and the cte darks were all processed using the updated cte correction algorithm in CALACS v9.2.0. The darks were created from on orbit data taken between Jun 01 2003 and Nov 30 2003 by the ACS Reference Pipeline, the cte darks were created using reprocessdkc.py, which is a wrapper around the CTE correction scripts used by the ACS Reference Pipeline. This delivery contains ACS WFC full frame darks and cte darks with useafter dates between Jun 01 2003 00h 22m 26s and Nov 30 2003 06h 25m 09s and are suitable for data falling within that range. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2017-10-19 hst_0579.pmap archived This is part 19 of a multipart delivery of all standard, full frame, ACS WFC darks and cte darks. The darks have had their DQ arrays updated to include the pixel stability flag, and the cte darks were all processed using the updated cte correction algorithm in CALACS v9.2.0. The darks were created from on orbit data taken between Dec 01 2003 and Apr 30 2004 by the ACS Reference Pipeline, the cte darks were created using reprocessdkc.py, which is a wrapper around the CTE correction scripts used by the ACS Reference Pipeline. This delivery contains ACS WFC full frame darks and cte darks with useafter dates between Dec 01 2003 15h 48m 13s and Apr 30 2004 18h 03m 32s and are suitable for data falling within that range. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2017-10-19 hst_0578.pmap archived This is part 18 of a multipart delivery of all standard, full frame, ACS WFC darks and cte darks. The darks have had their DQ arrays updated to include the pixel stability flag, and the cte darks were all processed using the updated cte correction algorithm in CALACS v9.2.0. The darks were created from on orbit data taken between May 01 2004 and Oct 31 2004 by the ACS Reference Pipeline, the cte darks were created using reprocessdkc.py, which is a wrapper around the CTE correction scripts used by the ACS Reference Pipeline. This delivery contains ACS WFC full frame darks and cte darks with useafter dates between May 01 2004 03h 38m 27s and Oct 31 2004 00h 08m 49s and are suitable for data falling within that range. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2017-10-18 hst_0577.pmap archived This is part 17 of a multipart delivery of all standard, full frame, ACS WFC darks and cte darks. The darks have had their DQ arrays updated to include the pixel stability flag, and the cte darks were all processed using the updated cte correction algorithm in CALACS v9.2.0. The darks were created from on orbit data taken between Nov 01 2004 and Jun 29 2005 by the ACS Reference Pipeline, the cte darks were created using reprocessdkc.py, which is a wrapper around the CTE correction scripts used by the ACS Reference Pipeline. This delivery contains ACS WFC full frame darks and cte darks with useafter dates between Nov 01 2004 00h 38m 42s and Jun 29 2005 01h 25m 54s and are suitable for data falling within that range. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2017-10-17 hst_0576.pmap archived This is part 16 of a multipart delivery of all standard, full frame, ACS WFC darks and cte darks. The darks have had their DQ arrays updated to include the pixel stability flag, and the cte darks were all processed using the updated cte correction algorithm in CALACS v9.2.0. The darks were created from on orbit data taken between Jul 01 2005 and Dec 31 2005 by the ACS Reference Pipeline, the cte darks were created using reprocessdkc.py, which is a wrapper around the CTE correction scripts used by the ACS Reference Pipeline. This delivery contains ACS WFC full frame darks and cte darks with useafter dates between Jul 01 2005 14h 06m 17s and Dec 31 2005 08h 18m 27s and are suitable for data falling within that range. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2017-10-17 hst_0575.pmap archived This is part 15 of a multipart delivery of all standard, full frame, ACS WFC darks and cte darks. The darks have had their DQ arrays updated to include the pixel stability flag, and the cte darks were all processed using the updated cte correction algorithm in CALACS v9.2.0. The darks were created from on orbit data taken between Jan 01 2006 and Sep 22 2006 by the ACS Reference Pipeline, the cte darks were created using reprocessdkc.py, which is a wrapper around the CTE correction scripts used by the ACS Reference Pipeline. This delivery contains ACS WFC full frame darks and cte darks with useafter dates between Jan 01 2006 01h 55m 40s and Sep 22 2006 08h 44m 07s and are suitable for data falling within that range. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2017-10-17 hst_0574.pmap archived This is part 14 of a multipart delivery of all standard, full frame, ACS WFC darks and cte darks. The darks have had their DQ arrays updated to include the pixel stability flag, and the cte darks were all processed using the updated cte correction algorithm in CALACS v9.2.0. The darks were created from on orbit data taken between Oct 02 2006 and Aug 31 2009 by the ACS Reference Pipeline, the cte darks were created using reprocessdkc.py, which is a wrapper around the CTE correction scripts used by the ACS Reference Pipeline. This delivery contains ACS WFC full frame darks and cte darks with useafter dates between Oct 02 2006 00h 33m 52s and Aug 31 2009 05h 43m 12s and are suitable for data falling within that range. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2017-10-16 hst_0573.pmap archived This is part 13 of a multipart delivery of all standard, full frame, ACS WFC darks and cte darks. The darks have had their DQ arrays updated to include the pixel stability flag, and the cte darks were all processed using the updated cte correction algorithm in CALACS v9.2.0. The darks were created from on orbit data taken between Sep 01 2009 and Apr 30 2010 by the ACS Reference Pipeline, the cte darks were created using reprocessdkc.py, which is a wrapper around the CTE correction scripts used by the ACS Reference Pipeline. This delivery contains ACS WFC full frame darks and cte darks with useafter dates between Sep 01 2009 04h 30m 25s and Apr 30 2010 01h 26m 42s and are suitable for data falling within that range. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2017-10-13 hst_0572.pmap archived This is part 12 of a multipart delivery of all standard, full frame, ACS WFC darks and cte darks. The darks have had their DQ arrays updated to include the pixel stability flag, and the cte darks were all processed using the updated cte correction algorithm in CALACS v9.2.0. The darks were created from on orbit data taken between May 03 2010 and Dec 31 2010 by the ACS Reference Pipeline, the cte darks were created using reprocessdkc.py, which is a wrapper around the CTE correction scripts used by the ACS Reference Pipeline. This delivery contains ACS WFC full frame darks and cte darks with useafter dates between May 03 2010 10h 36m 07s and Dec 31 2010 00h 06m 53s and are suitable for data falling within that range. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2017-10-13 hst_0571.pmap archived This is part 11 of a multipart delivery of all standard, full frame, ACS WFC darks and cte darks. The darks have had their DQ arrays updated to include the pixel stability flag, and the cte darks were all processed using the updated cte correction algorithm in CALACS v9.2.0. The darks were created from on orbit data taken between Jan 03 2011 and Jun 29 2011 by the ACS Reference Pipeline, the cte darks were created using reprocessdkc.py, which is a wrapper around the CTE correction scripts used by the ACS Reference Pipeline. This delivery contains ACS WFC full frame darks and cte darks with useafter dates between Jan 03 2011 06h 34m 42s and Jun 29 2011 00h 21m 59s and are suitable for data falling within that range. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2017-10-12 hst_0570.pmap archived This is part 10 of a multipart delivery of all standard, full frame, ACS WFC darks and cte darks. The darks have had their DQ arrays updated to include the pixel stability flag, and the cte darks were all processed using the updated cte correction algorithm in CALACS v9.2.0. The darks were created from on orbit data taken between Jul 01 2011 and Feb 29 2012 by the ACS Reference Pipeline, the cte darks were created using reprocessdkc.py, which is a wrapper around the CTE correction scripts used by the ACS Reference Pipeline. This delivery contains ACS WFC full frame darks and cte darks with useafter dates between Jul 01 2011 00h 26m 56s and Feb 29 2012 01h 29m 30s and are suitable for data falling within that range. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2017-10-11 hst_0569.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC UVIS products from 04 September 2017 thru 01 October 2017. Delivered by Catherine Martlin for WFC3.
2017-10-09 hst_0568.pmap archived This is part 9 of a multipart delivery of all standard, full frame, ACS WFC darks and cte darks. The darks have had their DQ arrays updated to include the pixel stability flag, and the cte darks were all processed using the updated cte correction algorithm in CALACS v9.2.0. The darks were created from on orbit data taken between Mar 02 2012 and Dec 31 2012 by the ACS Reference Pipeline, the cte darks were created using reprocessdkc.py, which is a wrapper around the CTE correction scripts used by the ACS Reference Pipeline. This delivery contains ACS WFC full frame darks and cte darks with useafter dates between Mar 02 2012 04h 40m 12s and Dec 31 2012 00h 07m 31s and are suitable for data falling within that range. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2017-10-06 hst_0567.pmap archived The above files were redelivered when the ANY FULL expansion rules were updated to include the new ACS subarray, polarizer, and ramp quad apertures.
2017-10-04 hst_0566.pmap archived Removing bad files.
2017-10-04 hst_0565.pmap archived This is part 8 of a multipart delivery of all standard, full frame, ACS WFC darks and cte darks. The darks have had their DQ arrays updated to include the pixel stability flag, and the cte darks were all processed using the updated cte correction algorithm in CALACS v9.2.0. The darks were created from on orbit data taken between Jan 02 2013 and Sep 28 2013 by the ACS Reference Pipeline, the cte darks were created using reprocessdkc.py, which is a wrapper around the CTE correction scripts used by the ACS Reference Pipeline. This delivery contains ACS WFC full frame darks and cte darks with useafter dates between Jan 02 2013 00h 05m 04s and Sep 28 2013 08h 37m 44s and are suitable for data falling within that range. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2017-10-04 hst_0564.pmap archived This is part 7 of a multipart delivery of all standard, full frame, ACS WFC darks and cte darks. The darks have had their DQ arrays updated to include the pixel stability flag, and the cte darks were all processed using the updated cte correction algorithm in CALACS v9.2.0. The darks were created from on orbit data taken between Oct 02 2013 and Jun 30 2014 by the ACS Reference Pipeline, the cte darks were created using reprocessdkc.py, which is a wrapper around the CTE correction scripts used by the ACS Reference Pipeline. This delivery contains ACS WFC full frame darks and cte darks with useafter dates between Oct 02 2013 03h 54m 26s and Jun 30 2014 08h 22m 58s and are suitable for data falling within that range. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2017-10-03 hst_0563.pmap archived Weekly biases and darks from 2009 were created for six anneal months and need to be delivered for GO observations. We reprocessed these because we found that the old ones were created incorrectly and have a lot of noise. These are for STIS CCD data taken between 2 June 2009 and 3 July 2009 as well as 25 July 2009 through 25 January 2010. Delivered by Allyssa Riley for STIS.
2017-10-02 hst_0562.pmap archived This is part 6 of a multipart delivery of all standard, full frame, ACS WFC darks and cte darks. The darks have had their DQ arrays updated to include the pixel stability flag, and the cte darks were all processed using the updated cte correction algorithm in CALACS v9.2.0. The darks were created from on orbit data taken between Jul 02 and Dec 31 2014 by the ACS Reference Pipeline, the cte darks were created using reprocessdkc.py, which is a wrapper around the CTE correction scripts used by the ACS Reference Pipeline. This delivery contains ACS WFC full frame darks and cte darks with useafter dates between Jul 02 2014 04h 42m 31s and Dec 31 2014 00h 47m 11s and are suitable for data falling within that range. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2017-09-28 hst_0561.pmap archived This is part 4 of a multipart delivery of all standard, full frame, ACS WFC darks and cte darks. The darks have had their DQ arrays updated to include the pixel stability flag, and the cte darks were all processed using the updated cte correction algorithm in CALACS v9.2.0. The darks were created from on orbit data taken between Jan 02 and Jun 29 2015 by the ACS Reference Pipeline, the cte darks were created using reprocessdkc.py, which is a wrapper around the CTE correction scripts used by the ACS Reference Pipeline. This delivery contains ACS WFC full frame darks and cte darks with useafter dates between Jan 02 2015 00h 04m 20s and Jun 29 2015 00h 34m 48s and are suitable for data falling within that range. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2017-09-27 hst_0560.pmap archived This is part 4 of a multipart delivery of all standard, full frame, ACS WFC darks and cte darks. The darks have had their DQ arrays updated to include the pixel stability flag, and the cte darks were all processed using the updated cte correction algorithm in CALACS v9.2.0. The darks were created from on orbit data taken between Jan 01 and Jun 29 2016 by the ACS Reference Pipeline, and the cte darks were created using reprocessdkc.py, which is a wrapper around the CTE correction scripts used by the ACS Reference Pipeline. This delivery contains ACS WFC full frame darks and cte darks with useafter dates between Jul 01 2015 00h 04m 50s and Dec 30 2015 02h 35m 17s and are suitable for data falling within that range. Delivered by nmiles stsci.edu for ACS.
2017-09-22 hst_0559.pmap archived Delivery of new XTRACTAB, PROFTAB, TRACETAB, TWOZXTAB, FLATFILEs, and FLUXTAB. These are derived from spectra obtained of standard stars at LP4 and support calibration of subsequent COS FUV spectra obtained at LP4. Delivered by Will Fischer for COS.
2017-09-22 hst_0558.pmap archived This is part 3 of a multipart delivery of all standard, full frame, ACS WFC darks and cte darks. The darks have had their DQ arrays updated to include the pixel stability flag, and the cte darks were all processed using the updated cte correction algorithm in CALACS v9.2.0. The darks were created from on orbit data taken between Jan 01 and Jun 29 2016 by the ACS Reference Pipeline, and the cte darks were created using reprocessdkc.py, which is a wrapper around the CTE correction scripts used by the ACS Reference Pipeline. This delivery contains ACS WFC full frame darks and cte darks with useafter dates between Jan 01 2016 00h 16m 19s and Jun 29 2016 00h 15m 51s and are suitable for data falling within that range.
2017-09-20 hst_0557.pmap archived This is part 2 of a multipart delivery of all standard, full frame, ACS WFC darks and cte darks. The darks have had their DQ arrays updated to include the pixel stability flag, and the cte darks were all processed using the updated cte correction algorithm in CALACS v9.2.0. The darks were created from on orbit data taken between Jul 01 and Dec 30 2016 by the ACS Reference Pipeline, and the cte darks were created using reprocessdkc.py, which is a wrapper around the CTE correction scripts used by the ACS Reference Pipeline. This delivery contains ACS WFC full frame darks and cte darks with useafter dates between Jul 01 2016 04h 38m 59s and Dec 30 2016 04h 55m 35s and are suitable for data falling within that range.
2017-09-19 hst_0556.pmap archived This is part 1 of a multipart delivery of all standard, full frame, ACS WFC darks and cte darks. The darks have had their DQ arrays updated to include the pixel stability flag, and the cte darks were all processed using the updated cte correction algorithm in CALACS v9.2.0. The darks were created from on orbit data taken between Jan 02 and May 29 2017 by the ACS Reference Pipeline, and the cte darks were created using reprocessdkc.py, which is a wrapper around the CTE correction scripts used by the ACS Reference Pipeline. This delivery contains ACS WFC full frame darks and cte darks with useafter dates between Jan 02 2017 03h 34m 44s and May 29 2017 00h 35m 14s and are suitable only for data falling within that range.
2017-09-18 hst_0555.pmap archived The current PCTETAB listed in the active jref context contains an incorrect value for the PCTERNOI keyword. The PCTERNOI keyword is used as an initial threshold criteria to determine the amplitude of the pixels signal above the readnoise of the detector. The current value of PCTERNOI is listed as 3.25, which is the readnoise of the WFC3 UVIS CCDs. The value has been changed to reflect the ACS WFC CCDs, which have an average readnoise of 4.3. This file is for the CTE correction of any ACS WFC data taken after March 1st, 2002.
2017-09-15 hst_0554.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC UVIS products from 19 August 2017 thru 13 September 2017.
2017-08-25 hst_0553.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC UVIS products from 25 July 2017 thru 19 August 2017.
2017-08-24 hst_0552.pmap archived A new blob appeared on August 13, 2017. The effect of the blob was noticeable enough to warrant the creation of a new bad pixel table, so that the blob will be flagged in DQ arrays.
2017-08-10 hst_0551.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after 5 July 2017.
2017-08-09 hst_0550.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC UVIS products from 10 July 2017 thru 24 July 2017.
2017-08-07 hst_0549.pmap archived New ACS SNKCFILE rmap which limits the reference to only WFC data.
2017-08-04 hst_0548.pmap archived New ACS SNKCFILE rmap which only allows the reference to be used on WFC data.
2017-08-03 hst_0547.pmap archived New ACS WFC and HRC overscan tables.
2017-08-03 hst_0546.pmap archived Initial delivery of ACS sink pixels reference files, WFC and HRC overscan tables, new mdriztab, and the new ACS PCTETAB.
2017-08-03 hst_0545.pmap archived Initial ACS WFC SNKCFILE rmap.
2017-08-01 hst_0544.pmap archived New cenwave is being added to G130M grating, these files are identical to their predecessors except that rows have been added for the new setting, G130M/1223.
2017-07-21 hst_0543.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC/UVIS products from 25 June 2017 thru 09 July 2017.
2017-07-18 hst_0542.pmap archived A new blob appeared on July 5, 2017. The effect of the blob was noticeable enough to warrant the creation of a new bad pixel table, so that the blob will be flagged in DQ arrays.
2017-07-14 hst_0541.pmap archived New ACS WFC darks, cte corrected darks, and biases generated from on orbit data taken between May 05 2017 and May 29 2017 generated by the ACS calibration pipeline. These files are for calibration of ACS WFC data taken after May 05 2017.
2017-07-14 hst_0540.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after 6 June 2017.
2017-07-07 hst_0539.pmap archived STIS reference file delivery. Previous IDCTAB for STIS FUVMAMA was a dummy file which included only the global linear distortions in X and Y. We have recently derived a new geometric distortion solution for the STIS FUVMAMA detector, and this new reference file implements the full fourth order polynomial coefficients to convert the raw X and Y positions to the rectified X and Y positions. This new IDCTAB will be applied to ALL existing STIS FUVMAMA imaging data in the archive as well as those obtained in future observations. A STIS ISR will be published describing the details of this new IDCTAB.
2017-07-05 hst_0538.pmap archived New WFC3 files used in the dark current subtraction for WFC/UVIS products from the following dates 06 June 2017 to 24 June 2017.
2017-06-19 hst_0537.pmap archived A new set of STIS reference files is being delivered to improve the pointing accuracy of spectroscopic data in the spatial direction
2017-06-19 hst_0536.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after 10 May 2017
2017-06-15 hst_0535.pmap archived Initial delivery of COS DGEOFILE, WCPTAB, XWLKFILE, and YWLKFILE to support changes to CALCOS, and new PROFTAB, TRACETAB, TWOZXTAB, and WCPTAB references to support LP 4 updates.
2017-06-15 hst_0534.pmap archived This rmap deactivates the WFC3 UVIS biases that were made obsolete by the previous delivery. The useafter dates did not match so the the obsolete files had to be removed manually.
2017-06-15 hst_0533.pmap archived These are updates for several different reference files including the unbinned, non-charge-injected biases, low and medium current post flash files, and the UVIS image photometry table. There is now 1 bias for each year since WFC3 launch. These post flash files replace the current files with deeper data that include the most recent flash images. This IMPHTTAB contains zeropoints computed using an infinite aperture. These files cumulatively affect all WFC3 UVIS data.
2017-06-15 hst_0532.pmap archived New rmaps for DGEOFILE, PROFTAB, TRACETAB, TWOZXTAB, WCPTAB, XWLKFILE, and YWLKFILE to support LP 4 updates and CALCOS changes.
2017-06-15 hst_0531.pmap archived Updated the COS imap setting to 0287. This version of the imap had the WALKTAB rmap deleted.
2017-06-14 hst_0530.pmap archived New WFC3 files used in the dark current subtraction for WFC UVIS products from the following dates 26 May 2017 to 05 June 2017.
2017-06-08 hst_0529.pmap archived New ACS WFC darks, cte-corrected darks, and biases generated from on-orbit data taken between April 05 2017 and May 03 2017 generated by the ACS calibration pipeline. These files are for calibration of ACS WFC data taken after Apr 03 2017 11 hours 45 minutes and 25 seconds.
2017-06-06 hst_0528.pmap archived New ACS WFC darks, cte corrected darks, and biases generated from on orbit, internal calibration data taken between March 10 2017 and March 31 2017 generated by the ACS calibration pipeline. These files are for calibration of ACS WFC data taken after Mar 08 2017 19h08m00s, with GAIN 2.
2017-06-06 hst_0527.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3 UVIS products from between 08 May 2017 and 25 May 2017.
2017-05-24 hst_0526.pmap archived STIS Without update the relative photometric accuracy of observations is outside of specifications in the STIS IHB.
2017-05-17 hst_0525.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after April 15, 2017
2017-05-16 hst_0524.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC UVIS products between 29 April 2017 and 07 May 2017.
2017-05-16 hst_0523.pmap archived New postflash reference file for ACS WFC data taken after Jul 1st 2016.
2017-05-12 hst_0522.pmap archived New reference files for ACS WFC data taken after Feb 07 2017 11 26 21. Including full frame darks, cte corrected darks, biases
2017-05-11 hst_0521.pmap archived New reference files for ACS WFC data taken after Jan 11 2017 13 05 56 including full frame darks, cte corrected darks, biases
2017-05-05 hst_0520.pmap archived These WFC3 files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC/UVIS products from the following dates 22 April 2017 to 28 April 2017.
2017-04-28 hst_0519.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC UVIS products from the dates 09 April 2017 to 21 April 2017.
2017-04-19 hst_0518.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks created for the new anneal month available for STIS CCD observations taken after March 14 2017
2017-04-13 hst_0517.pmap archived Updated WFC3 files used in the dark current subtraction for WFC UVIS products from the following dates 02 April 2017 to 08 April 2017.
2017-04-10 hst_0516.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC UVIS products from the following dates 24 March 2017 to 01 April 2017.
2017-03-29 hst_0515.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3/UVIS products between 12 March 2017 and 22 March 2017.
2017-03-24 hst_0514.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after Feb. 16, 2017.
2017-03-20 hst_0513.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC UVIS products from the following dates 02 March 2017 to 11 March 2017.
2017-03-10 hst_0512.pmap archived STIS time dependent sensitivities are monitored and updated periodically as needed. Additionally, updated temperature dependent sensitivities have been calculated for the FUV MAMA and CCD detectors. Updated sensitivities will affect data taken after May 01, 2009. Changes are modest at longer wavelengths and older observations but are significant for recent observations at the shortest wavelengths.
2017-03-08 hst_0511.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC/UVIS products from 11 February 2017 to 01 March 2017.
2017-03-07 hst_0510.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS/CCD observations taken after Jan. 20, 2017.
2017-03-07 hst_0509.pmap archived The MDRIZTAB parameters for ACS/WFC were optimized and updated.
2017-02-20 hst_0508.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC UVIS products for the following dates from 05 February 2017 to 10 February 2017.
2017-02-17 hst_0507.pmap archived New ACS WFC bias, dark, and cte corrected dark reference files.
2017-02-14 hst_0506.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC/UVIS products from 29 January 2017 to 04 February 2017.
2017-02-14 hst_0505.pmap archived COS NUV dispersion solutions, some of which were not previously optimized, were updated to provide better wavelength calibration.
2017-02-02 hst_0504.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3 UVIS products from the following dates from 24 January 2017 to 28 January 2017.
2017-01-30 hst_0503.pmap archived New reference files for ACS WFC data taken after October 19, 2016. Including full frame darks, cte corrected darks, biases.
2017-01-27 hst_0502.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS/CCD observations taken after Dec 21 2016
2017-01-27 hst_0501.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC/UVIS products from 15 January 2017 to 19 January 2017.
2017-01-18 hst_0500.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC UVIS products from the following dates 30 December 2016to 15 January 2017.
2017-01-13 hst_0499.pmap archived New ACS WFC idctab.
2017-01-04 hst_0498.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC/UVIS products from 10 December 2016 to 22 December 2016.
2016-12-21 hst_0497.pmap archived New STIS CCD bias and dark reference files.
2016-12-15 hst_0496.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC/UVIS products from 03 December 2016 to 10 December 2016.
2016-12-13 hst_0495.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3 UVIS products from the following dates 30 November 2016 to 02 December 2016.
2016-12-01 hst_0494.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS standard and cte-corrected darks.
2016-11-28 hst_0493.pmap archived New STIS CCD bias and dark reference files.
2016-11-23 hst_0492.pmap archived Dispersion solutions for COS medium-resolution LP2 standard settings have been updated to provide better wavelength calibration.
2016-11-22 hst_0491.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC/UVIS products from 05 Nov 2016 to 17 Nov 2016, excluding the darks from 11 Nov 2016 to 13 Nov 2016 which will be submitted later
2016-11-18 hst_0490.pmap archived This file corrects the photometric issue in the PHTRATIO for WFC3 UVIS UV Filters.
2016-11-15 hst_0489.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC UVIS products from 19 Oct 2016 to 02 Nov 2016 minus the darks from 22 Oct 2016 to 26 Oct 2016 which will be submitted later when some testing on them is finished.
2016-11-10 hst_0488.pmap archived New STIS CCD weekly biases and darks.
2016-11-04 hst_0487.pmap archived New reference files for ACS WFC data taken after 2016-09-25 including full frame darks, cte corrected darks, biases
2016-10-31 hst_0486.pmap archived These files replace files used in the dark current subtraction for WFC UVIS products from Dec 30 2015 Oct 19 2016. These new files remove splotchy structure seen in the previous darks.
2016-10-28 hst_0485.pmap archived These files replace files used in the dark current subtraction for WFC UVIS products from Dec 30 2015 Oct 19 2016. These new files remove splotchy structure seen in the previous darks.
2016-10-12 hst_0484.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the recent anneal months and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after Sept 02, 2016.
2016-10-10 hst_0483.pmap archived Adding these back in so that changes to the rmap rules will be captured.
2016-10-10 hst_0482.pmap archived The files 04k1822hj_bia.fits, 05v1807aj_bia.fits, 06d1346mj_bia.fits, 06s14350j_bia.fits, 0891120pj_bia.fits, and 0891121ij_bia.fits are duplicates of more recent bias deliveries which incorporate the new ACS subarrays. The files 06m19398j_bia.fits, 06m19399j_bia.fits, 06m1939aj_bia.fits, 06m1939bj_bia.fits, 0911232pj_bia.fits, 09112333j_bia.fits, 09112334j_bia.fits, 09k2026tj_bia.fits, and 0a415460j_bia.fits need to be removed and then re-added in order for changes to the rmap to take affect.
2016-10-04 hst_0481.pmap archived New reference files for ACS WFC data taken after 2016 08 24T01 32 32. Including full frame darks, cte corrected darks, biases
2016-09-21 hst_0480.pmap archived Updated STIS BIASFILE rmap to consider BIASCORR = OMIT.
2016-09-20 hst_0479.pmap archived New reference files for ACS WFC data taken after 2016-07-25. Including full frame darks, cte corrected darks, biases
2016-09-20 hst_0478.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the recent anneal months and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS/CCD observations taken after Aug 08, 2016.
2016-09-01 hst_0477.pmap archived Redelivery of ACS full frame bias references in order to support new aubarray modes.
2016-08-24 hst_0476.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the recent anneal months and need to be delivered for GO observations. These files are available for STIS CCD observations taken after Apr 15, 2016.
2016-08-11 hst_0475.pmap archived New ACS WFC and HRC IMPHTTABs which incorporate the information in the recently delivered throughput tables.
2016-08-10 hst_0474.pmap archived New FLSHFILE rmap where references unable to be used and redundant files have been removed.
2016-08-09 hst_0473.pmap archived Updated ACS post flash reference files.
2016-08-09 hst_0472.pmap archived New reference files for ACS WFC data taken after 2016-06-04. Including full frame darks, cte corrected darks, and biases
2016-08-04 hst_0471.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC UVIS products from July 22 2016 to July 28 2016.
2016-08-04 hst_0470.pmap archived This delivery updates the STIS CCD read noise values present in the pipelines CCDTABs. They now better track historic measurements from the read noise monitor, including the May 2014 jump in amp equals D gain equals 1 from 5.71 DN, Data Numbers equals number of electrons divided by gain, to 6.24 DN.
2016-07-29 hst_0469.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS standard and cte corrected dark reference files.
2016-07-19 hst_0468.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC/UVIS products from June 25 2016 - July 09 2016
2016-07-08 hst_0467.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC3 UVIS products from 1 file from June 4 2016 and the rest from June 19 2016 through June 24 2016
2016-07-06 hst_0466.pmap archived Updated ACS WFC bias, dark, and cte corrected dark reference files.
2016-07-05 hst_0465.pmap archived Updated ACS WFC3 darks, biases, and cte corrected darks.
2016-07-04 hst_0464.pmap archived Updated ACS WFC darks and biases.
2016-07-04 hst_0463.pmap archived Updated ACS WFC darks and biases.
2016-07-01 hst_0462.pmap archived Updated versions of biases, darks, and cte corrected darks with better noise characteristics.
2016-06-28 hst_0461.pmap archived New reference files for ACS WFC data taken after May 02 2016
2016-06-23 hst_0460.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC UVIS products from June 12 2016 to June 18 2016
2016-06-20 hst_0459.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS standard and cte corrected dark reference files.
2016-06-13 hst_0458.pmap archived New reference files for ACS WFC data taken after Apr 04 2016
2016-06-13 hst_0454.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS standard and cte corrected darks.
2016-06-02 hst_0453.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS dark and cte corrected dark reference files.
2016-05-31 hst_0452.pmap archived New ACS WFC bias, dark and cte corrected dark reference files.
2016-05-24 hst_0451.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS standard and cte corrected dark reference files.
2016-05-18 hst_0450.pmap archived Updated LP1 G160M dispersion values to more accurate ray-trace model values.
2016-05-13 hst_0449.pmap archived COS NUV D WCA-PSA offset values were updated for G225M, G285M, and G230L modes. G225M 2217 D values were updated by cross-correlating NUV AG-DRA data with STIS data and measuring the offsets. Other G225M, G285M, and G230L D values were updated by taking more accurate D values from the nearest stripe, according to COS ISR 2010-05.
2016-05-11 hst_0448.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC UVIS products from April 19-30 2016
2016-05-06 hst_0447.pmap archived Delivered from CRDS-TEST----- Trends updated to include data from Sep 2014 - March 2016. FLUXTABs updated after TDSTAB delivery. New cenwave selection criteria added to header of TDSTAB. The DISPTAB improves the dispersion relations for FUV LP1 G130M/G160M files.
2016-05-06 hst_0446.pmap archived Delivered from CRDS-TEST----- New DISPTAB selection criteria to allow for LIFE_ADJ dependence in selecting DISPTABs. New TDSTAB selection criteria to allow for cenwave dependence in selecting TDSTABs
2016-05-05 hst_0445.pmap archived The files improve the dispersion relations for FUV LP1 G130M/G160M files. Trends updated to include data from Sep 2014 - March 2016. FLUXTABs updated after TDSTAB delivery. New cenwave selection criteria added to header of TDSTAB.
2016-05-03 hst_0444.pmap archived New STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for data taken after February 22 2016.
2016-05-02 hst_0443.pmap archived New biases and darks for STIS CCD data taken after December 25 2015.
2016-04-29 hst_0442.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC/UVIS products from April 11-16 2016
2016-04-25 hst_0441.pmap archived New flash reference files for ACS full frame data taken after Jul 01 2015.
2016-04-20 hst_0440.pmap archived New dark reference files for ACS SBC data taken after Mar 03 2013, New reference files for ACS WFC data taken after Mar 09 2016
2016-04-19 hst_0439.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFCUVIS products from April 03 through 10 2016
2016-04-15 hst_0438.pmap archived New standard and cte-corrected darks.
2016-04-11 hst_0437.pmap archived New ACS WFC1-2K subarray bias.
2016-04-06 hst_0436.pmap archived The V2 and V3 reference positions were changed for most filter combinations in both files as well as an update to F625W coefficients.
2016-04-01 hst_0435.pmap archived New reference files for ACS WFC data taken after Feb 11.
2016-03-25 hst_0434.pmap archived New WCPTAB with updated XC range.
2016-03-17 hst_0433.pmap archived ACS WFC FLSHFILEs with SHUTRPOS set to A.
2016-03-17 hst_0432.pmap archived New ACS WFC subarray biases.
2016-03-11 hst_0431.pmap archived New reference files for ACS WFC data taken after Jan 13 2016
2016-03-08 hst_0430.pmap archived These files are used in the dark current subtraction for WFC/UVIS products from December 30th, 2015 onwards.
2016-02-29 hst_0429.pmap archived New ACS DRK, BIA, DKC after Dec. 16 2015.
2016-02-23 hst_0428.pmap archived New ACS rmaps for use with new version of Astrodrizzle.
2016-02-23 hst_0427.pmap archived New ACS WFC Distortion correction files for use with new version of Astrodrizzle.
2016-02-23 hst_0426.pmap archived Manually merged hst_wfc3_0339.imap from hst_0425.pmap into hst_0424.pmap to activate the new opus-2015.3 WFC3 CTE related references on the primary operational branch of CRDS.
2016-02-23 hst_0425.pmap archived Updated WFC3 CTE rmaps for PCTETAB and SNKCFILE to match the versions in TEST for matching criteria while retaining reference file names from OPS. This is the final revision on the inactive CTE branch prior to merging with the primary operational context. Derived from hst_0422.pmap not the latest operational context.
2016-02-11 hst_0424.pmap archived New ACS WFC1-1K subarray bias for data taken after November 19 2015.
2016-02-10 hst_0423.pmap archived New bias and dark reference files for use with CCD data taken after October 1 2015.
2016-02-08 hst_0422.pmap archived This CTE bias file bic is used to subtract a bias from each of the UVIS CCD amps to begin the CTE correction to calibrate WFC3 UVIS CTE products.
2016-02-08 hst_0421.pmap archived These rmaps are updated to be compatible with build 2015.3. The drkcfile and the biacfile rmaps removed all from the parkey and are now populated with the reffile_switch PCTECORR. The darkfile rmap removed all old darks under the selector section for the main UVIS darks, except for the 3 at the beginning.
2016-02-06 hst_0420.pmap archived These regular dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS products. This is the nineteenth batch of the dark drk files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-02-05 hst_0419.pmap archived These regular dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS products. This is the eigteenth batch of the dark drk files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-02-05 hst_0418.pmap archived These regular dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS products. This is the seventeenth batch of the dark drk files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-02-05 hst_0417.pmap archived These regular dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS products. This is the sixteenth batch of the dark drk files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-02-04 hst_0416.pmap archived These regular dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS products. This is the fifteenth batch of the dark drk files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-02-04 hst_0415.pmap archived These regular dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS products. This is the fourteenth batch of the dark drk files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-02-04 hst_0414.pmap archived These regular dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS products. This is the thirteenth batch of the dark drk files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-02-03 hst_0413.pmap archived These regular dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS products. This is the twelfth batch of the dark drk files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-02-03 hst_0412.pmap archived These regular dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS products. This is the eleventh batch of the dark drk files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-02-02 hst_0411.pmap archived These regular dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS products. This is the tenth batch of the dark drk files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-02-02 hst_0410.pmap archived These regular dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS products. This is the ninth batch of the dark drk files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-02-02 hst_0409.pmap archived These regular dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS products. This is the eighth batch of the dark drk files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-02-01 hst_0408.pmap archived These regular dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS products. This is the seventh batch of the dark drk files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-02-01 hst_0407.pmap archived These regular dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS products. This is the sixth batch of the dark drk files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-02-01 hst_0406.pmap archived These regular dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS products. This is the fifth batch of the dark drk files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-01-29 hst_0405.pmap archived These regular dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS products. This is the fourth batch of the dark drk files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-01-28 hst_0404.pmap archived These regular dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS products. This is the third batch of the dark drk files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-01-28 hst_0403.pmap archived These regular dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS products. This is the second batch of the dark drk files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-01-27 hst_0402.pmap archived These regular dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS products. This is the first batch of the dark dkc files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-01-21 hst_0401.pmap archived These files include some of the new reference files required for the UVIS CTE correction, snk.fits, cte.fits, and pre SMOV approximate CTE dark dkc.fits. This also includes the new Image photometry table, imp.fits, and corresponding new chip dependent flatfields, pfl.fits, for the 42 broadband filters for binning levels 1, 2, and 3.
2016-01-21 hst_0400.pmap archived These CTE dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS CTE products. This is the nineteenth batch of the CTE dark dkc files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-01-20 hst_0399.pmap archived These CTE dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS CTE products. This is the eighteenth batch of the CTE dark dkc files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-01-20 hst_0398.pmap archived These CTE dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS CTE products. This is the seventeenth batch of the CTE dark dkc files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-01-19 hst_0397.pmap archived These CTE dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS CTE products. This is the sixteenth batch of the CTE dark dkc files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-01-19 hst_0396.pmap archived These CTE dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS CTE products. This is the fourteenth batch of the CTE dark dkc files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-01-19 hst_0395.pmap archived These CTE dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS CTE products. This is the fourteenth batch of the CTE dark dkc files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-01-19 hst_0394.pmap archived These CTE dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS CTE products. This is the thirteenth batch of the CTE dark dkc files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-01-15 hst_0393.pmap archived These CTE dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS CTE products. This is the twelfth batch of the CTE dark dkc files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-01-15 hst_0392.pmap archived These CTE dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS CTE products. This is the eleventh batch of the CTE dark dkc files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-01-14 hst_0391.pmap archived These CTE dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS CTE products. This is the tenth batch of the CTE dark dkc files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-01-14 hst_0390.pmap archived These CTE dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS CTE products. This is the ninth batch of the CTE dark dkc files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-01-13 hst_0389.pmap archived These CTE dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS CTE products. This is the eighth batch of the CTE dark dkc files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-01-13 hst_0388.pmap archived These CTE dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS CTE products. This is the seventh batch of the CTE dark dkc files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-01-13 hst_0387.pmap archived These CTE dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS CTE products. This is the sixth batch of the CTE dark dkc files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-01-12 hst_0386.pmap archived These CTE dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS CTE products. This is the fifth batch of the CTE dark dkc files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-01-12 hst_0385.pmap archived These CTE dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS CTE products. This is the fourth batch of the CTE dark dkc files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-01-12 hst_0384.pmap archived These CTE dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS CTE products. This is the third batch of the CTE dark dkc files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-01-11 hst_0383.pmap archived These CTE dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3 UVIS CTE products. This is the second batch of the CTE dark dkc files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-01-08 hst_0382.pmap archived These CTE dark current files are used to calibrate WFC3/UVIS CTE products. This is the first batch of the CTE dark dkc files to be delivered for 2015.3.
2016-01-08 hst_0381.pmap archived First empty rmaps for new WFC3 CTE types BIACFILE, DRKCFILE, PCTETAB, SNKCFILE.
2016-01-07 hst_0380.pmap archived New ACS WFC bias, dark, and cte-corrected dark reference files.
2015-12-22 hst_0379.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and are to be used to calibrate all UVIS data, flashed and un-flashed, taken after November 21st 2015.
2015-12-01 hst_0378.pmap archived Redelivery of unchanged COS SPOTTAB rmap with references to add COS SPOTTAB back into operational context following OPUS-2015.2 code changes required to support COS SPOTTAB.
2015-11-24 hst_0377.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and are to be used to calibrate all UVIS data, flashed and un-flashed, taken after October 11th 2015.
2015-11-23 hst_0376.pmap archived New gainsag holes have appeared on the detector that need to be flagged and removed from final extracted spectrum. This delivery has two files, gsag_2015-10-27T10-24-18.392734.fits is the gainsag table for all observing modes and gsag_2015-10-27T10-24-18.392734_blue.fits which is for 1055 and 1096 blue modes only.
2015-11-19 hst_0375.pmap archived New ACS bias, darks and cte corrected dark reference files.
2015-11-18 hst_0374.pmap archived New BIASFILE rmap which includes the new aperture names.
2015-11-18 hst_0373.pmap archived New STIS CCD biases and darks.
2015-11-16 hst_0372.pmap archived Reactivating previous BPIXTAB. Current file has a correction included that is no longer needed.
2015-11-12 hst_0371.pmap archived New COS FUV GSAGTAB for use with CENWAVE between 1055 and 1097 Angstroms.
2015-11-11 hst_0370.pmap archived Manually generated .pmap to include revised COS imap which omits COS SPOTTAB.
2015-11-10 hst_0369.pmap archived New rmap for updated GSAG selection criteria.
2015-11-10 hst_0368.pmap archived Initial delivery of COS FUV SPOTTAB.
2015-11-10 hst_0367.pmap archived Initial empty COS SPOTTAB rmap.
2015-11-03 hst_0366.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and are to be used to calibrate all UVIS data, flashed and un-flashed, taken after October 19 2015. These new IR darks support the new SPARS5 mode.
2015-10-20 hst_0365.pmap archived Updated FLSHFILEs where CCDAMP was changed from ABCD to ANY in order to correctly process post-flashed subarray data.
2015-10-16 hst_0364.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and are to be used to calibrate all UVIS data, flashed and un-flashed, taken after September 29 2015.
2015-10-15 hst_0363.pmap archived Removed ZERO, ZEROCUR, OFF match rules for WFC3 FLSHFILE.
2015-10-01 hst_0362.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS post-flashed darks.
2015-09-16 hst_0361.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS darks.
2015-09-15 hst_0360.pmap archived Near IR darks for SPARS5 mode data.
2015-08-27 hst_0359.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS post-flashed darks.
2015-08-26 hst_0358.pmap archived New bias, dark, and CTE-corrected dark reference files for data taken after June 3, 2015.
2015-08-24 hst_0357.pmap archived New STIS CCD bias and dark reference files.
2015-08-18 hst_0356.pmap archived ACS HRC replacement dark for o9f1554oj.
2015-07-29 hst_0355.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month.
2015-07-24 hst_0354.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and are to be used to calibrate all UVIS data, flashed and un-flashed, taken after July 12 2015.
2015-07-20 hst_0353.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and are to be used to calibrate all UVIS data, flashed and un-flashed, taken after July 7 2015.
2015-07-09 hst_0352.pmap archived New COS FUV FLUXTAB.
2015-07-02 hst_0351.pmap archived New COS FUV flats and PHOTTAB.
2015-07-02 hst_0350.pmap archived Added OPT_ELEM and LIFE_ADJ as matching parameters for COS FLATFILE.
2015-06-29 hst_0349.pmap archived New ACS WFC1-2K, WFC1-1K, and WFC1-512 subarray biases.
2015-06-25 hst_0348.pmap archived New ACS WFC1-1K and WFC1-2K sub-array biases.
2015-06-24 hst_0347.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS post-flashed darks.
2015-06-17 hst_0346.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS post-flashed dark reference files.
2015-06-17 hst_0345.pmap archived New bias, dark, and cte-corrected dark reference files for data taken after May 6 2015.
2015-06-03 hst_0344.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS post-flashed darks.
2015-05-22 hst_0343.pmap archived New ACS WFC CTE-corrected darks.
2015-05-21 hst_0342.pmap archived Updated ACS WFC CTE-corrected dark frames.
2015-05-21 hst_0341.pmap archived New reference files for ACS WFC data taken after Apr 10 2015
2015-05-19 hst_0340.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS post-flashed darks.
2015-05-19 hst_0339.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations.
2015-05-18 hst_0338.pmap archived New CTE-corrected darks with updated flags for hot and warm pixels. Replaces 268MB files from deliveries during the week of 5/11.
2015-05-12 hst_0337.pmap archived New weekly STIS biases and darks.
2015-05-08 hst_0336.pmap archived New ACS DKC files for data after March 18 2002.
2015-05-08 hst_0335.pmap archived New ACS DKC files for data after March 18 2002.
2015-05-08 hst_0334.pmap archived New ACS DKC files for data after March 18 2002.
2015-05-08 hst_0333.pmap archived New ACS DKC files for data after March 18 2002.
2015-05-08 hst_0332.pmap archived New ACS DKC files for data after March 18 2002.
2015-05-08 hst_0331.pmap archived New ACS DKC files for data after March 18 2002.
2015-05-08 hst_0330.pmap archived New ACS DKC files for data after March 18 2002.
2015-05-08 hst_0329.pmap archived New ACS DKC files for data after March 18 2002
2015-05-08 hst_0328.pmap archived New ACS DKC files for data after March 18 2002
2015-05-07 hst_0327.pmap archived New ACS DKC files for data after March 18 2002.
2015-04-21 hst_0326.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS post-flashed darks.
2015-04-21 hst_0325.pmap archived New ACS WFC bias, dark, and cte-corrected dark reference files.
2015-04-16 hst_0324.pmap archived New ACS flash file for full frame data after Jul 01 2014
2015-04-09 hst_0323.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and are to be used to calibrate all UVIS data, flashed and un-flashed, taken after Mar 21 2015.
2015-04-08 hst_0322.pmap archived New reference files for ACS WFC data taken after Jan 15 2015
2015-04-01 hst_0321.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS post-flashed Darks
2015-03-13 hst_0320.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS post-flashed darks.
2015-03-11 hst_0319.pmap archived New STIS CCD biases and darks.
2015-02-25 hst_0318.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and are to be used to calibrate all UVIS data, flashed and un-flashed, taken after Feb 15 2015.
2015-02-24 hst_0317.pmap archived New reference files for ACS WFC data taken after Dec 16 2014
2015-02-16 hst_0316.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS Darks
2015-02-13 hst_0315.pmap archived New COS TWOZXTAB and 1DXTAB
2015-02-03 hst_0314.pmap archived New reference files for ACS WFC1-2K subarray data taken after Jan 19 2015
2015-02-03 hst_0313.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and are to be used to calibrate all UVIS data, flashed and un-flashed, taken after Jan 18 2015.
2015-01-28 hst_0312.pmap archived New ACS WFC1-2K and WFC1-1K subarray biases.
2015-01-27 hst_0311.pmap archived New COS FUV 1DX and BPIX reference tables.
2015-01-27 hst_0310.pmap archived New COS FUV twozxtab, proftab, and tracetab reference tables.
2015-01-27 hst_0309.pmap archived Added initial empty rmaps for COS PROFTAB, TRACETAB, and TWOZXTAB.
2015-01-27 hst_0308.pmap archived Modified COS HVTAB rmap to unconditionally assign N/A, effectively disabling HVTAB.
2015-01-22 hst_0307.pmap archived New WFC3 darks for data after Dec. 10 2014.
2015-01-20 hst_0306.pmap archived New reference files for ACS WFC data taken after Nov 19 2014
2015-01-15 hst_0305.pmap archived New ACS WFC DRK and DKC files for data after Nov 19 2014.
2014-12-19 hst_0304.pmap archived New COS FUV FLUXTAB and TDSTAB reference tables.
2014-12-18 hst_0303.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS post-flashed dark reference files.
2014-12-10 hst_0302.pmap archived New bias, dark, and CTE-dark files for ACS data after 10/22/2014.
2014-12-08 hst_0301.pmap archived New post-flashed dark files for data after 11/14/14.
2014-11-25 hst_0300.pmap archived New HVTAB for association LCIX02080
2014-11-20 hst_0299.pmap archived New darks for WFC3/UVIS data after Nov. 5 2014.
2014-11-18 hst_0298.pmap archived New BIA, DRK, DKC files for data taken after 09/23/14.
2014-11-10 hst_0297.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and are to be used to calibrate all UVIS data, flashed and un-flashed, taken after October 27th, 2014.
2014-11-05 hst_0296.pmap archived New ACS WFC darks, cte-corrected darks, and biases.
2014-11-04 hst_0295.pmap archived New biases and darks for the September anneal period.
2014-10-28 hst_0294.pmap archived New HVTAB.
2014-10-28 hst_0293.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS Darks, IDCTAB, and NPOLFILE.
2014-10-22 hst_0292.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations.
2014-10-20 hst_0291.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and are to be used to calibrate all UVIS data taken after October 10th and October 15th, 2014.
2014-10-16 hst_0290.pmap archived New Post-flashed WFC3 UVIS Darks
2014-10-14 hst_0289.pmap archived New COS FUV BPIXTAB
2014-10-13 hst_0288.pmap archived New ACS WFC1-1K Bias.
2014-09-23 hst_0287.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS dark reference files.
2014-09-19 hst_0286.pmap archived Replaced duplicated rows with missing rows from previous HVTAB.
2014-09-19 hst_0285.pmap archived Accommodates COS FUV HV values for 9/21/2014 - 9/24/2014.
2014-09-18 hst_0284.pmap archived New biases and darks for the anneal months.
2014-09-16 hst_0283.pmap archived Generated context without ACS SBC thermal vac references prior to marking them bad.
2014-09-16 hst_0282.pmap archived New WFC3 D2I and IDC references
2014-09-16 hst_0281.pmap archived First references for WFC3 NPOLFILE
2014-09-16 hst_0280.pmap archived Empty initial WFC3 NPOLFILE .rmap
2014-09-12 hst_0279.pmap archived This file will populate header keywords with the commanded COS FUVB high voltage values for 9/21/2014 which are part of proposal 13330 vE1.
2014-09-09 hst_0278.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and are to be used to calibrate UVIS data taken after August 30, 2014.
2014-09-05 hst_0277.pmap archived New COS FUV HVTAB
2014-09-04 hst_0276.pmap archived New ACS WFC Bias, Dark and CTE-corrected Darks
2014-09-03 hst_0275.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS post-flashed darks.
2014-08-29 hst_0274.pmap archived New WFC3 post-flashed darks after Aug 13 2014.
2014-08-25 hst_0273.pmap archived New bias reference files for ACS WFC subarray data
2014-08-20 hst_0272.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and are to be used to calibrate UVIS data taken after August 2nd, 2014.
2014-08-18 hst_0271.pmap archived New bias reference files for ACS WFC subarray data taken after May 16 2014.
2014-08-11 hst_0270.pmap archived New WFC3/UVIS post-flashed darks for data taken after 10 July 2014.
2014-08-05 hst_0269.pmap archived New weekly bias and dark for anneal month.
2014-07-15 hst_0268.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS post-flashed dark current files for data after 06/28/14.
2014-07-15 hst_0267.pmap archived New ACS WFC full frame darks, cte corrected darks, and biases
2014-07-08 hst_0266.pmap archived This file will populate header keywords with the commanded COS FUV high voltage values for proposals 13634 LENA1 and 13635 LENA2, and will set the FUVB HVNOM value to 175 starting 7/21/2014
2014-07-02 hst_0265.pmap archived New COS FUV HVTAB.
2014-07-01 hst_0264.pmap archived New WFC post-flashed UVIS dark and IR bad pixel tables.
2014-07-01 hst_0263.pmap archived New COS WCPTAB. Lowered SEARCH_OFFSET for G185M, G225 data teken after July 27 2013.
2014-06-19 hst_0262.pmap archived New reference files for ACS WFC data taken after May 08 2014. Including full frame darks, cte corrected darks, biases and post flash file to be used with data taken after Jul 01 2013
2014-06-18 hst_0261.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and are to be used to calibrate UVIS data taken after May 26th 2014.
2014-06-17 hst_0260.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations.
2014-06-11 hst_0259.pmap archived Initial xtractab and fluxtab reference files delivered to support data taken at COS lifetime position 3.
2014-06-09 hst_0258.pmap archived New Biases and Darks for use with CCD data taken after February 21 2014.
2014-06-03 hst_0257.pmap archived New CCD Bias and Dark Files
2014-06-03 hst_0256.pmap archived New Bias, Dark, and CTE-corrected Dark reference files.
2014-05-29 hst_0255.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and are to be used to calibrate UVIS data taken after May 11, 2014.
2014-05-28 hst_0254.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and are to be used to calibrate UVIS data taken after May 03 2014 and May 07 2014.
2014-05-21 hst_0253.pmap archived New STIS CCD Darks and Biases
2014-05-12 hst_0252.pmap archived WFC3 FLSHFILE OPUS 2014.2 250-series regeneration, noticed defect, rmap_relevance FLASHCUR value should be ZERO not NONE or OFF.
2014-06-03 hst_0251.pmap archived STIS APDESTAB 2014.2 250-series rmap regeneration, fix for incorrect rmap_relevance.
2014-06-03 hst_0250.pmap archived Rebaselined HST pmaps as 250-series for OPUS 2014.2
2014-05-09 hst_0064.pmap archived The reason for delivering these files is that the COS/STIS team has recently calibrated the STIS 31X0.05NDA, 31X0.05ND B, and 31X0.05NDC apertures. The team wishes to start supporting observations taken with these three apertures. The previo us entries for these three apertures in the APERTAB file have been replaced with the new calibrations. Entries for each of these three apertures have been added/updated to the eight PCTAB files. -- previously delivered into test, now delivering to ops
2014-05-06 hst_0063.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and are to be used to calibrate UVIS data taken after April 14, 18, 21, 23, and 29th 2014.
2014-04-22 hst_0062.pmap archived These 2x2 binned post-flash reference files, for both A and B shutters, update the current dummy reference files.
2014-04-21 hst_0061.pmap archived New reference files to be used with ACS WFC data taken after March 10 2014 including full frame darks and CTE corrected darks and biases.
2014-04-16 hst_0060.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and are to be used to calibrate UVIS data taken after April 6 and April 10, 2014.
2014-04-10 hst_0059.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and have use after dates March 20,23,28 and April 02, 2014.
2014-03-28 hst_0058.pmap archived The time-dependent sensitivity reference file is updated with new trends derived using all available monitoring data. This is the first reference file derived from lifetime position 2 data and well as the first reference file which fits over the voltage change discontinuity in 2012.23. Response curves in the photometric sensitivity reference files (for lifetime positions 1 and 2) have been corrected to the reference time using the new time-dependent sensitivity trends.
2014-03-27 hst_0057.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and are to be used to calibrate UVIS data taken after March 09, 2014
2014-03-25 hst_0056.pmap archived New reference files for ACS WFC data taken after Feb 13 2014 17:15:06.
2014-03-11 hst_0055.pmap archived New WFC3 UVIS Darks
2014-03-06 hst_0054.pmap archived Added APERTURE=NONE to supported apertures for ACS BIASFILE y2k1610hj_bia.fits. This is a manual rmap change executing the intent of the original submission of y2k1610hj_bia.fits.
2014-02-25 hst_0053.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and are to be used to calibrate UVIS data taken after February 12th, 2014.
2014-02-20 hst_0052.pmap archived New bias file which will be applied to data with APERTURE=NONE
2014-02-20 hst_0051.pmap archived New ACS full-frame bias, dark, and cte-corrected dark reference files.
2014-02-19 hst_0050.pmap archived Post-flashed dark current files which continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and are to be used to calibrate UVIS data taken after February 4th, 2014.
2014-02-18 hst_0049.pmap archived Updated to include header keyword EXTRAP = True
2014-02-07 hst_0048.pmap archived DQ flags have been slightly redefined and regions have been added, removed, or modified based on current data and detector understanding. In particular, data from COS FUV lifetime planning has enabled flagging of bad regions over a larger area of the detector than in previous implementation, and additional dark data has allowed a better qualification of what should or should not be flagged.
2014-06-03 hst_0047.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month to used with GO observations.
2014-06-03 hst_0046.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and have useafter dates of January 29th and 30th, 2014.
2014-02-05 hst_0045.pmap archived New WFC bias, subarray bias, dark, and cte-corrected dark reference files.
2014-01-29 hst_0044.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and have useafter dates of January 11,16,19, and 23, 2014
2014-01-28 hst_0043.pmap archived This file will populate header keywords with the commanded COS FUV high voltage values for 2/4/2014 which are part of proposal 13618 v02 (LOP2), intended to characterize the position of spectra at LP3.
2014-01-27 hst_0042.pmap archived New HVTAB for COS FUV data. This file will populate header keywords with the commanded COS FUV high voltage values for 1/30/2014 which are part of proposal 13618 (LOP2), intended to characterize the position of spectra at LP3.
2014-01-14 hst_0041.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and have useafter dates of 12/27/2013, 12/30/2013, 01/02/2014, and 01/08/2014.
2014-01-10 hst_0040.pmap archived New ACS WFC bias WFC1-2K subarray bias, WFC dark, and CTE-corrected dark reference files.
2014-01-09 hst_0039.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and have useafter dates of December 10th, 13th, 17th, and 22nd 2013
2014-01-09 hst_0038.pmap archived This file will populate header keywords with the commanded COS FUV high voltage values for 1/6/2014 which are part of proposal 13617 (LOP1), intended to characterize the LP3 gain.
2014-01-08 hst_0037.pmap archived New STIS CCD Biases and Darks for use with data taken after July 9 2013.
2014-06-03 hst_0036.pmap archived New IR and UVIS darks.
2013-12-18 hst_0035.pmap archived New ACS WFC biases, subarray biases, darks, and cte-corrected darks; along with a new SBC NPOLFILE.
2013-12-02 hst_0034.pmap archived Post-flashed dark current files that continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and have useafter dates of November 10, 17, and 19 2013.
2013-11-21 hst_0033.pmap archived New ACS darks, cte-corrected darks, full frame biases, and WFC1-2K subarray biases for use with ACS WFC data taken after 31 Aug 2013.
2013-11-18 hst_0032.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and have useafter dates of November 01, 05, and 09 2013.
2013-11-18 hst_0031.pmap archived Added a restriction to the rmap for when OBSTYPE=SPECTROSCOPIC. The reference file for APDESTAB will be filled in when the OBSMODE is set to SPECTROSCOPIC, and will be given as N/A when the OBSMODE is IMAGING.
2013-11-12 hst_0030.pmap archived The COS Spectroscopic WCS Parameters Table has been updated to match recent updates to the G140L/{1230,1280}/FUVB dispersion solutions.
2013-11-07 hst_0029.pmap archived New ACS SBC IMPHTTAB which contains information for handling observations where one of the BLOCK filters is used.
2013-11-06 hst_0028.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and have useafter dates of October 23rd and October 28th, 2013.
2013-10-31 hst_0027.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and have useafter dates of September 29th through October 19th, 2013.
2013-10-18 hst_0026.pmap archived Identical to previous FLUXTAB, t9h1220sl_phot.fits, but the LIFE_ADJ keyword has been added for reference file selection rules.
2013-10-17 hst_0025.pmap archived All files were visually and statistically compared to their counterpars in CDBS. In addition, each new reference file was used to recalibrate randomly selected observations to verify that they did indeed work in CALWF3, and that they did indeed produce the expected result.
2013-10-17 hst_0024.pmap archived Redelivered COS WCPTAB. Exact copy of t2314313l_wcp.fits to replace x2i1559gl_wcp.fits, which was used as a stop gap. The two PHOTTABs have had the LIFE_ADJ keyword added.
2013-10-17 hst_0023.pmap archived Initial rmap for COS FLUXTABs, which includes provisions for the LIFE_ADJ keyword.
2014-06-03 hst_0022.pmap archived New format TDC reference file with better estimates recent NUV dark currents and applicable to post SM4 data.
2013-10-14 hst_0021.pmap archived updated rmap with new COS WCPTAB
2013-10-11 hst_0020.pmap archived This new flatfile includes a detector dependent L-flat correction that improves alignment of NET spectra before flux-calibration. This file was used in derivation of the new response curves, and so is an integral part of the new flux-calibration.
2014-06-03 hst_0019.pmap archived G140L datasets were calibrated using the new dispersion relation in this reference file. Features across the FUVB detector where measured and found to have a more accurate absolute wavelength calibration than when using the previous reference file.
2013-10-09 hst_0018.pmap archived These post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and have useafter dates of September 18, 21, and 25th 2013.
2013-10-09 hst_0017.pmap archived New PCTETAB and CCDTAB tables. The CCDTAB incorporates new readnoise levels to account for the readnoise jump in AMP D beginning January 20 2013. The PCTETAB has had the overscan values in COL_SAVE removed as a result of having the CTE correction applied as a separate step.
2013-10-07 hst_0016.pmap archived New reference files for ACS WFC data taken after Aug 03 2013 01:59:44. Including full frame darks, cte corrected darks, biases, and 2K subarray biases.
2013-10-04 hst_0015.pmap archived ACS WFC bias, WFC1-2K subarray bias, standard dark, and CTE-corrected dark reference files.
2013-10-01 hst_0014.pmap archived New weekly biases and darks were created for the new anneal month and need to be delivered for GO observations.
2013-09-30 hst_0013.pmap archived The STIS team will soon be implementing the IRAF-independent calibration pipeline, HSTCAL. HSTCAL requires an IMPHTTAB, rather than calling synphot, in order to determine photometric parameters such as PHOTFLAM, PHOTBW, and PHOTPLAM.
2014-06-03 hst_0012.pmap archived First empty STIS IMPHTTAB rmap with no matching criteria.
2013-09-26 hst_0011.pmap archived New WFC3 dark delivered to CRDS. These are post-flashed dark current files continue the temporal monitoring of the UVIS channel dark current and have useafter dates of September 1st through September 12th 2013.
2013-09-19 hst_0010.pmap archived New COS TDS table. COS FUV flat with OPT_ELEM keyword removed
2014-06-03 hst_0009.pmap archived Initial WFC3 D2I File rmap
2013-09-17 hst_0008.pmap archived Added ACS D2I file from 2013-09-16
2014-06-03 hst_0007.pmap archived Updated COS FLATFILE from 2013-09-16
2014-06-03 hst_0006.pmap archived Hand edited WFC3 FLSHFILE rmap to add rmap_relevance condition DETECTOR=='UVIS'.
2013-09-16 hst_0005.pmap archived STIS biases and darks from 2013-09-12
2013-09-13 hst_0004.pmap archived Regenerated wfc3 darkfile rmap which includes missing references relative to hst.pmap.
2013-09-10 hst_0003.pmap archived New COS flatfile rmap resulting from updated reference_file_defs.xml which changed lookup parameters eliminating OPT_ELEM. Run diffs and look at the text diffs to get a feel for what happened.
2014-06-03 hst_0002.pmap archived STIS biases and darks since hst.pmap was created.
2014-06-03 hst_0001.pmap archived Added WFC3 darks since hst.pmap was created.
2013-07-02 hst.pmap archived Initial mass file import