HST Calibration Reference Data System (CRDS)



The term "operational" has changed to "latest" when referring to the newest CRDS Context available. For more information, please refer to the user guide.

Documentation updates are ongoing. If something in the user guide is ambiguous, please reach out to the CRDS team or file a help desk ticket.


Latest References (under context hst_1212.pmap)


hst_acs_0547.imap      Toggle N/A

atodtab ---- Analog To Digital Lookup Table

biasfile ---- Bias Frame

bpixtab ---- Data Quality (Bad Pixel) Initialization Table

ccdtab ---- Ccd Parameters Table

cfltfile ---- Coronagraphic Spot Flat Image

crrejtab ---- Cosmic Ray Rejection Parameter Table

d2imfile ---- Column Correction File

darkfile ---- Dark Frame

dgeofile ---- Geometric Distortion Correction File

drkcfile ---- Cte Corrected Dark

flshfile ---- Post-flash Image

idctab ---- Image Distortion Correction File

imphttab ---- Photometry Keyword Table

mdriztab ---- Multidrizzle Parameter Table

mlintab ---- Mama Linearity Table

npolfile ---- Non-polynomial Offset

oscntab ---- Overscan Region Table

pctetab ---- Pixel CTE Correction Table

pfltfile ---- Pixel To Pixel Flat Field Image

satufile ---- Full-Well Saturation Level Map

shadfile ---- Shutter Shading Correction Image

snkcfile ---- Sink Pixel Correction Image

spottab ---- Spot Position Table


hst_cos_0359.imap      Toggle N/A

badttab ---- Bad Time Interval Table

bpixtab ---- Data Quality (Bad Pixel) Initialization Table

brftab ---- Baseline Reference Frame Table

brsttab ---- Burst Parameters Table

deadtab ---- Deadtime Reference Table

dgeofile ---- Geometric Distortion Correction File

disptab ---- Dispersion Relation Table

flatfile ---- Flat Field

fluxtab ---- Sensitivity Reference Files

geofile ---- Geometric Distortion Correction

gsagtab ---- Gain Sag Reference Table

hvdstab ---- Reference file that contains the slopes, y intercepts, and zero points of a high voltage-dependent sensitivity correction for COS FUV

hvtab ---- High Voltage Reference Table

lamptab ---- Template Calibration Lamp Spectra Table

phatab ---- Pulse Height Parameters Table

proftab ---- 2D Spectrum Profile Table

spottab ---- Spot Position Table

spwcstab ---- Spectroscopic WCS Parameters Table

tdstab ---- Time Dependent Sensitivity Table

tracetab ---- 1D Spectral Trace Table

twozxtab ---- Two-Zone Spectral Extraction Parameters Table

wcptab ---- Wavecal Parameters Reference Table

xtractab ---- 1-d Extraction Parameters Table

xwlkfile ---- X Walk Correction Lookup Reference Image

ywlkfile ---- Y Walk Correction Lookup Reference Image


hst_nicmos_0250.imap      Toggle N/A

darkfile ---- Dark Frame

flatfile ---- Flat Field

idctab ---- Image Distortion Correction File

illmfile ---- Illumination Pattern File

maskfile ---- Static Mask File

nlinfile ---- Detector Linearity Correction File

noisfile ---- Detector Read-noise File

pedsbtab ---- pedsbtab

phottab ---- Phototmetric Calibration Table

pmodfile ---- Persistence Model Files

pmskfile ---- Persistence Mask Files

rnlcortb ---- Nonlinearity Power Law Table

saacntab ---- SAACLEAN Task Parameters

saadfile ---- Post Saa Dark Assoc.

tdffile ---- Temperature Dependent Flat Fields

tempfile ---- Temperature-dependent Dark Reference File

zprattab ---- Nonlincor Zeropoint Scaling Table


hst_stis_0375.imap      Toggle N/A

apdestab ---- Aperture Description Table

apertab ---- Aperture Throughput Table

biasfile ---- Bias Frame

bpixtab ---- Data Quality (Bad Pixel) Initialization Table

ccdtab ---- Ccd Parameters Table

cdstab ---- Cross-disperser Scattering Table

crrejtab ---- Cosmic Ray Rejection Parameter Table

darkfile ---- Dark Frame

disptab ---- Dispersion Relation Table

echsctab ---- Echelle Scattering Table

exstab ---- Echelle Cross-Dispersion Scattering Table

gactab ---- Grating-Aperture Correction Table

halotab ---- Detectore Halo Table

idctab ---- Image Distortion Correction File

imphttab ---- Photometry Keyword Table

inangtab ---- Incidence Angle Correction Table

lamptab ---- Template Calibration Lamp Spectra Table

lfltfile ---- Low-order Flat Field Image

mlintab ---- Mama Linearity Table

mofftab ---- Mama Offset Correction Table

pctab ---- Photometric Correction Table

pfltfile ---- Pixel To Pixel Flat Field Image

phottab ---- Phototmetric Calibration Table

riptab ---- Echelle Ripple Table

sdctab ---- 2-d Spectrum Distortion Corrections

sptrctab ---- 1-d Spectrum Trace Table

srwtab ---- Scattering Reference Wavelength Table

tdctab ---- Nuv Dark Correction Table

tdstab ---- Time Dependent Sensitivity Table

teltab ---- Telescope Point Spread Function Table

wcptab ---- Wavecal Parameters Reference Table

xtractab ---- 1-d Extraction Parameters Table


hst_synphot_0070.imap      Toggle N/A

obsmodes ---- Observing Modes Table

thermal ---- Component Thermal Tables

thruput ---- Component Throughput Tables

tmctab ---- Master Component Lookup Table

tmgtab ---- Graph Table

tmttab ---- Thermal Component Lookup Table


hst_wfc3_0610.imap      Toggle N/A

atodtab ---- Analog To Digital Lookup Table

biacfile ---- CTE Bias Frame

biasfile ---- Bias Frame

bpixtab ---- Data Quality (Bad Pixel) Initialization Table

ccdtab ---- Ccd Parameters Table

crrejtab ---- Cosmic Ray Rejection Parameter Table

d2imfile ---- Column Correction File

darkfile ---- Dark Frame

dfltfile ---- Delta Flat Field Image

drkcfile ---- Cte Corrected Dark

flshfile ---- Post-flash Image

idctab ---- Image Distortion Correction File

imphttab ---- Photometry Keyword Table

mdriztab ---- Multidrizzle Parameter Table

nlinfile ---- Detector Linearity Correction File

npolfile ---- Non-polynomial Offset

oscntab ---- Overscan Region Table

pctetab ---- Pixel CTE Correction Table

pfltfile ---- Pixel To Pixel Flat Field Image

satufile ---- Full-Well Saturation Level Map

snkcfile ---- Sink Pixel Correction Image


hst_wfpc2_0250.imap      Toggle N/A

atodfile ---- Analog To Digital Converter Lookup Table

biasfile ---- Bias Frame

darkfile ---- Dark Frame

dgeofile ---- Geometric Distortion Correction File

flatfile ---- Flat Field

idctab ---- Image Distortion Correction File

maskfile ---- Static Mask File

offtab ---- Inter-chip Offsets Table

shadfile ---- Shutter Shading Correction Image

wf4tfile ---- WF4 Correction Table

Context History (more history, all contextsbuild contexts)

Start Date Context Status Description
2025-02-17 hst_1212.pmap latest The ACS WFC bias, dark, CTE dark, and sink files were generated following the ACS WFC anneal on February 11, 2025, and should be used to calibrate ACS WFC observations taken between January 18, 2024 and February 11, 2025.
2025-02-05 hst_1211.pmap archived This new bad pixel table with USEAFTER of January 4, 2025 was generated using data taken from January 5, 2025, through January 27, 2025. Currently, the Calibration Reference Data System only has WFC3 UVIS bad pixel reference tables up to a USEAFTER date of December 3, 2024. The automated pipeline should now use this reference file as the bad pixel table on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, or beyond because it represents the most accurate measure of pixel stability at the time of the science observation. These WFC3 UVIS bad pixel files were generated using 900 second dark exposures from the HST cycle 32 daily monitoring programs 17665 and 17667. More information about the UVIS bad pixel tables is outlined in the WFC3 ISR 2018.15 and WFC3 ISR 2021.14. These WFC3 UVIS superdarks will affect all UVIS data taken from January 4, 2025 to January 25, 2025. Currently, the automated calibration pipeline and CRDS have only WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc reference files with USEAFTER dates of up to January 1, 2025. The automated pipeline should now use these reference files to perform dark subtraction on any UVIS datasets obtained between the dates above, as they represent the most accurate picture of dark current and hot pixels for this time period. These WFC3 UVIS drk and dkc files were generated using dark exposures from HST Cycle 32 CAL programs 17665 and 17667. More information regarding the method used to create the UVIS dark calibration reference files can be found in WFC3 ISR 2016-08. Additionally, the header of each reference file contains a detailed history section outlining the process, and provides a list of data used to create each file.
2025-02-03 hst_1209.pmap archived Since 2019, IR bad pixel tables and superdarks incorporate a new time dependence characteristic to the pixel quality for better calibration and flagging and tracking bad pixel behavior. These behaviors include hot and unstable pixels and whether any bad pixel has regained its stability since launch. One new bad pixel table is present for data obtained through Cycle 31 with a USEAFTER date of December 22, 2023. Since launch, a litany of circular aberrant regions called blobs have appeared in IR images. These blobs are regions of lower sensitivity that appear due to bits of epoxy from the CSM motor shafts depositing onto the mirror. Tracking and flagging these blobs in the IR bad pixel table is therefore imperative so that they may be masked in any science images where they may appear. Information regarding blobs can be found in WFC3 ISR 2018 06. The two most recent blobs appeared on MJD 59378 and 59860, which are corrected in the previous IR bad pixel table. This table presents no new IR blobs that were not already corrected for in previous IR bad pixel tables.
2025-01-27 hst_1208.pmap archived Delivery of new STIS CCD bias and dark reference files for CCD data taken between December 26, 2024 and January 22, 2025. The files were generated from data taken in the same time frame under STIS calibration programs 17632 and 17629.