Library Use =========== This section describes the formal top level interfaces for CRDS intended as the main entry points for the calibration software or basic use. Functions at this level should be assumed to require network connectivity with the CRDS server. To function correctly, these API calls may require the user to set the environment variables CRDS_SERVER_URL and CRDS_PATH. See the section on *Installation* for more details. crds.getreferences() -------------------- Given dataset header containing parameters required to determine best references, and optionally a specific .pmap to use as the best references context, and optionally a list of the reference types for which reference files are to be determined, getreferences() will determine best references, cache them on the local file system, and return a mapping from reference types to reference file paths:: def getreferences(parameters, reftypes=None, context=None, ignore_cache=False, observatory="jwst"): """Return the mapping from the requested `reftypes` to their corresponding best reference file paths appropriate for a dataset described by `parameters` with CRDS rules defined by `context`:: parameters : A mapping of parameter names to parameter value strings for parameters which define best reference file matches. { str : str, int, float, bool } e.g. { 'INSTRUME' : 'ACS', 'CCDAMP' : 'ABCD', 'CCDGAIN' : '2.0', ... } reftypes : A list of reference type names. For HST these are the keywords used to record reference files in dataset headers. For JWST, these are the identifiers which will appear in instrument contexts and reference mappings. e.g. [ 'darkfile', 'biasfile'] If reftypes is None, return all reference types defined by the instrument mapping for the instrument specified in `parameters`. context : The name of the pipeline context mapping which should be used to define best reference lookup rules, or None. If `context` is None, use the latest operational pipeline mapping. str e.g. 'hst_0037.pmap' ignore_cache : If True, download all required mappings and references from the CRDS server. If False, download only those files not already in the local caches. observatory : The name of the observatory this query applies to, needed to support both 'hst' and 'jwst' from a single server. Returns ------- a mapping from reftypes to cached best reference file paths. { str : str } e.g. { 'biasfile' : '/path/to/file/hst_acs_biasfile_0042.fits', 'darkfile' : '/path/to/file/hst_acs_darkfile_0056.fits', } """ crds.get_default_context() --------------------------------- get_default_context() returns the name of the pipeline mapping which is currently in operational use. When no The default context defines the matching rules used to determine best reference files for a given set of parameters:: def get_default_context(): """Return the name of the latest pipeline mapping in use for processing files. Returns ------- pipeline context name e.g. 'hst_0007.pmap' """